Good Morning,
I've searched the archives to no avail, so here goes:
I need a way to prevent several user-id's from being able to telnet onto
our Digital Unix 4.0D SP3 system. I tried removing their shell (which
is quite effective), however then the accounts become completely
useless. The goal is to force several users who need access to a couple
of DBA accounts to telnet login to the system as themselves and then "su
- xxx" to the new user. This allows us to track which accounts became
the DBA accounts and when using logfiles. The accounts need a shell in
order to run scripts and several "cron" jobs that execute automatically
at night. We had been using the output from "last" to track the login's
from specific workstations, but, of course, have ended up having problem
with people using other users workstations which means we can't tell
specifically who logged in, only that it came from what machine.
Thanks for your help!
Pete Simpson
Received on Wed Apr 28 1999 - 14:30:53 NZST