I had two problems...
One that every time the Makefile for /var/yp ran we were getting
the message
ypslaves.higgs.phy.albany.edu is empty
This was fixed by changing the yppush line in the Makefile
yppush -M.
The second problem...that the slave server was not
seeing the prpasswd map properly.
Two points: One--the master does have to be informed about
the slave server. There is a sample script on how to do this at
Two--even once this is done, the slave server will still not be able
to get hold of the C2 security prpasswd map...everything has to be done
by the master.
Thanks to Sean O'Connell, Peter Stern.
Steve Timm
Received on Wed May 12 1999 - 14:51:55 NZST