The problem was indeed that the vdump script and "rm of core files" script
were starting at the same time, so as explain Alan, when vdump listed the
files to save, the core file was present, but wasn't anymore at the second
pass. Here's his response :
Vdump makes two passes of the file system, one to find out what is there
and build a directory for the first part of the tape, and the 2nd to backup
what it found. This is probably a case where the file was present at the
beginning of the backup, but not there at the 2nd pass.
Thanks to :
Alan Rollow - Dr. File System's Home for Wayward Inodes.
Jim Belonis []
Université Charles de Gaulle Lille 3
Centre de Ressources Informatiques - Gestion
Rue du Barreau
BP 149
59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
Tel. : (33) 03 20 41 64 19
Fax : (33) 03 20 41 66 58 ou (33) 03 20 41 61 00
Mail :
-----Message d'origine-----
De: Jacques Demeulemeester []
Date: vendredi 28 mai 1999 12:19
À: Liste tru64-unix-managers (Adresse de messagerie)
Cc: ''
Objet: vdump error : unable to get info for file ... [2]
Here's a new vdump error I've got and I couldn't find any summary in the
archives of the list , though the same error has been already reported by
by Bill Sadvary of Dickinson College The
output of this nightly vdump gives (DU V4.0 564) :
path : /
dev/fset : /dev/rz8a
type : ufs
vdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch
vdump: Dumping directories
vdump: Dumping 173963908 bytes, 241 directories, 2342 files
vdump: Dumping regular files
vdump: unable to get info for file <./core>; [2] No such file or directory
vdump: Status at Thu May 27 23:47:03 1999
vdump: Dumped 172379213 of 173963908 bytes; 99.1% completed
vdump: Dumped 241 of 241 directories; 100.0% completed
vdump: Dumped 2341 of 2342 files; 100.0% completed
vdump: Dump completed at Thu May 27 23:47:03 1999
The vdump seems indeed to work until the end of the fileset, though one
file is missing and the file which produces the error doesn't seem to be
there anymore (or has been removed by cron jobs). What means this error ?
Université Charles de Gaulle Lille 3
Centre de Ressources Informatiques - Gestion
Rue du Barreau
BP 149
59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
Tel. : (33) 03 20 41 64 19
Fax : (33) 03 20 41 66 58 ou (33) 03 20 41 61 00
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