Summary: DHCP Question & OLDER Reverse DNS issue

From: George Gallen <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 13:56:57 -0400

Our problem seems to have vanished over the last week, yet
no one seems to have done anything?...Hmmmmmm I think the
network was routing incorrectly, but I'll never find out.

original problem:
If we used the DNS server for domain name resolution for email,
then no one could telnet unless their IP was physically defined
in the /etc/hosts (we are using tcpwrappers, and would get
hung up on the reverse DNS check on login).

Initial solution:
Was to disable name resolution for sendmail, and use one of
the NT exchange for relaying (half worked since the exchange
server was setup to not allow relaying except for internal

Upon some investigating, it looked like when dhcp assigned the
IP#, then the R DNS worked, however, if the IP was hard coded
(on a W95/W98) machine then the R DNS wouldn't supply the host name.

next solution:
Install a dhcp client on our unix system, to poll the dhcp server
and get it's IP, then maybe the R DNS would work. did that, still
won't work on the R DNS, however, we seem to be back to where we
were before this who issue even happened.

URL for dhcp client:

final solution:
was no changes. I reset everything back to the way it was, and now
everything seems to work OK. I think the issue was network related
and just seemed like a DNS issue since that was the one factor that
if eliminated, then telnet worked again....Don't know.

George Gallen

> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Gallen []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 10:57 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: DHCP Question
> This is in regards to a AS2100 with 3.2c O/S
> Our IIT dept's Reverse DNS server (NT machine),
> recently has stopped working for our alpha, yet
> it functions appropriatly for W95/98 PC's that
> use it.
> The only way we could get the R DNS to not work
> for the PCs was to manually assign the PC an IP#.
> Normally all the PC's use DHCP to get it's IP,
> so that would never happen, however, our unix
> system IP is hardcoded and we don't use DHCP.
> The IIT dept is going to hardcode the IP# assigned
> by the DHCP server for our MAC address. How do
> I get our system to poll the DHCP server? We are
> running 3.2c currently. I would prefer to not have
> to reboot for this, but if that's the case, oh well.
> We don't want to be a DHCP server, just need a URL
> for a dhcp client software.
> Thanks
> George Gallen
Received on Wed Jun 30 1999 - 17:59:09 NZST

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