A year ago we set up joind to server out ip addresses in the range of
10.1.2.xxx to 10.1.11.xxx. Because of problems which I have discussed in
previous postings and will not go over again here we are thinking of
handing out public instead of private addresses this year. However, I
remember that when we set up joind last year we installed a second hetwork
car to handle the 198.206.243.xxx side of our network and another to handle
the 10.1.xxx.xxx side of the net. If I hand out addresses of the type
206.72.8.xxx and 209.152.112.xxx I would assume I need to reconfigure the
10 class interface to one of the other class C addresses but what about the
other one I want to give out? I know I can use ifconfig to set a second ip
address on an interface. Is this what I want to do fo the other class C
address? Thanks for your help.
Paul Crittenden
Computer System Manager
Simpson College
e-mail: crittend_at_simpson.edu
Y2K? Why not 3?
Received on Wed Aug 18 1999 - 18:25:45 NZST