Original question:
I have a 4100 box running Tru64 4.0D JPK4, and AdvFS. I want to install
Tru64 4.0E but due to some problems, I think update install wouldn't be
the best practice.
The question is: It is possible to perform a fresh install over the
existing root and usr partitions
and then advscan to restore other advfs partitions? Is any drawback for
this operation?
It is possible to fresh install the OS without any problem. Then you
have to restore /etc/fdmns and fstab or advscan and mount the filesets.
I just did it and everything is going smoothly, the next step is to
restore users/passwords and it's ready!
Thank you all for your quick and answers...
Rigoberto Trevino Mendoza rtrevino_at_uanl.mx
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
Tel: +528 3294081 Fax: +528 3294083
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