dia date problems

From: T. S. Horsnell <tsh_at_mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 13:25:04 +0000 (GMT)

ES40 4 cpus, TU64/4.0F/PK1, DIA 3.0

The output from dia gives me timestamps which are all 01-JAN-1970 00:59:59.

I was using dia 2.9 which had the same problem, and a trawl through the
archives pointed me to DEC's website www1.service.digital.com/svctools/
and dia 3.0, but the problem still persists.
uerf picks up the date correctly, and will happily print out the
whole file, but uerf -D just gives me "Error reading syserr file."
Do I need to start a new binary.error file?

Also, how do I tell dia to select output for specific disks?

dia man pages say thus:


       The following is a list of valid keywords that may be used with
       the -i or -x flags. Each keyword may be followed by a value.
       For example: -i OS=OSF.

  bugchecks cache configurations
  control_entries cpus dates
  device_errors device_number disks
  environmental_entries hosts informationals
  ios io_subsystems mchks
  machine_checks memory nodes
  os osf_entry operating_systems
  pwr power sequence_numbers
  swi software_informationals sync_communications

but dont indicate what values to supply for the 'disks' keyword,
(or any of the other keywords for that matter, except that ?really
useful? one OS=OSF)

  dia -i disks=rz78
  dia -i disks=rz

and such dont seem to work.

Received on Fri Nov 05 1999 - 13:27:28 NZDT

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