[SUMMARY] 4.0F + NHD 3 updating from PK#4 to PK#5

From: Arrigo Triulzi <arrigo_at_albourne.com>
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 17:47:32 +0000

Dear all,

one reply from Tom Blinn who tells me that there should be no problem
in installing PK#5 over PK#4 + NHD 3 as quite a bit of the contents of
NHD 3 come from the patch kits in any case and nothing should be
regressed. Also my settings in /etc/sysconfigtab should be preserved.

He did recommend a full backup though and making the patches
reversibile ;-)



Arrigo Triulzi <arrigo_at_albourne.com>
Albourne Partners Ltd. - London, UK
Received on Wed Mar 07 2001 - 17:48:58 NZDT

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