I am having a problem installing Pro/Engineer on an XP 1000. Pro/E has
apparently not kept up with Tru64's evolution and says that 4.0d is the
latest version which is supported. The XP1000 came with 4.0f and I seem
to remember that version (or later) is required for the XP1000 hardware.
Does anyone know if 4.0D will run properly on an XP1000?
In case we have any Pro/E people out there, the problem I am having is
unresolved symbols in the setup program. I fixed one by installing
cxxredist622 and another one was solved by copying from a
4.0d system and putting it in /usr/local/etc and flagging it by putting
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/etc in .profile.
The remaining unresolved symbols are:
malloc_mutex_list and malloc_mutex_count, both in
Thanks for the help.
Received on Mon May 21 2001 - 15:16:56 NZST