Summary: DLT tape drive on 2 systems

From: Mohamed K. Ahmed <>
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 10:10:38 -0400

Hi all,

Thanx for all who responded including George Gallen, Alan Davis, Alan
(, Izzet Ergas, Udo de Boer and Joerg Bruehe.

My original question is far below..

All agreed that it cannot be done through NFS.
It can be done by connecting physically one of the drives to the other
system, but there will be a problem of who controls the robot? (one
system will control it and the other cannot control it),
What will happen if one system had to reset the bus? (tape will rewind
and start from the begining), etc..

The answer would be using "rsh" command to control the tape drive
remotly, a couply of commands to use are:

#tar cv machine1:/dev/rmt0h /filesystem_to_be_backed_up

and I quote from Udo's response:

" The easy way to do this is use the network. For example

vdump -0f - /usr | rsh es40 dd of=/dev/nrmt1h bs=64k

will dump the user file system to a tape drive attached to the es40. The
"-" sign in the dump statement means standard output. A restore would go
like this

rsh es40 dd if=/dev/nrmt1h bs=64k | vdump -if -

I think I will try the last couple of commands

Thanx to all


----- Original Message -----
Date: Tuesday, August 7, 2001 2:24 pm
Subject: DLT tape drive on 2 systems

> Hi Guru's
> I need some technical/software help over here.
> We have 2 systems, one is ES40 that have a tape library TL892 with
> 2 TZ89's installed, and the other is 2100 system.
> I want to use one of the TZ89's ,installed in the first system,
> with the second system. Both systems are running T64 Unix V 4.0G.
> I have a plan in my mind, that is connecting the first TZ89 with
> the first system then running cables from the second system to the
> second TZ89 and hook it up with a SCSI card on the second system.
> I am just curious about if I can do it through NFS, like mounting
> the tape drive NFS through the first system then sharing it with the
> other system.
> Is this applicable, or is there any other way..
> All suggestions will be appreciated.
> Thanx
Received on Wed Aug 08 2001 - 14:10:01 NZST

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