Problems running programs on V5.1A (eg vendor program called ima gine)

From: MacDonell, Dennis <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:36:50 +1100


I have just loaded 5.1A onto a couple of workstations that were running 4.0F
or a previous version, and now one of the GIS programs does not run namely
ERDAS/imagine v8.4. I have this program running on a workstation with Tru64
v5.1, and did not think that there would be a problem with 5.1A.

imagine is a script that does a lot of environment variable setting before
it gets around to If you know about the program "imagine" then this is what
bascially happens, an instance of the control window is created with all the
buttons for controlling imagine (that part of the overall process seems to
function correctly), and then there appears a small status window saying
that it is starting a viewer, but thats as far as the viewer gets. There are
no meaningful messages in the program log, the only message of note is one
to say that it is starting up a viewer. All buttons and pull down menus
within the control window appear to work. My reading of how a viewer is
started up, is that the parent process forks another process, and that
child process then procedes to start a new X-window. The viewer window is
where the user gets to view their raster images or other graphics.

I was hoping someone might know of some significant differences between 5.1
and 5.1A that might be causing this problem.


Dennis Macdonell
Systems Administrator
National Mapping Division, Geoscience Australia
mail: PO Box 2, Belconnen, ACT 2617
ph: 61 2 6201 4326
fax: 61 2 6201 4377
Received on Tue Jan 22 2002 - 01:37:05 NZDT

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