Time dependent Networker problem Tru64 v4.0f

From: <Klas.Erlandsson_at_europolitan.se>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 08:48:28 +0100


I know this is a bit of topic but someone must have had this problem too.

We are running Networker version 6.1.1 on a GS140 Tru64 v4.0f witch patch
kit 6.
This is our backup server. Every night between Friday and Saturday 03:25
(+/- 10 minutes) Networker just stops.

Not producing anything in the log files. When our Legato support looks at
the problem they can't
find anything wrong besides that Networker isn't doing anything.

The only thing that helps is restarting the Networker server.

I have checked crontab and any other time dependent things but can't find
any reason.
Can't find any errors in messages or in binary.errlog.
We have rebooted the machine and gone from patch kit 3 to 6 without any

Does anyone have an idea?

Regards Klas Erlandsson
Received on Mon Feb 18 2002 - 07:49:16 NZDT

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