Hey there...
Came to work this morning to find that one particular Win 98 machine could
not connect to my 4100 running 4.0G. On the 98 machine, user tries to ftp
from command prompt, gets a 'connected to alphaserver' message, and then
times out.
On the 4100, in the user.log file, is the following error :
Feb 28 10:27:05 alphaserver syslog: getpeername (ftpd): Invalid argument.
I am running tcp wrappers, but that isn't the problem as far as I can tell -
I've allowed all the nodes in the Win 98's subnet to access the system - and
they can all access the system just fine. The Win 98 machine cannot telnet
to alpha server either, but can ping the alphaserver. Also, Win 98 machine
can telnet and ftp to other hosts on network. Anyone know what the deal is
here? I have rebooted the Win98 machine, also tried rcinet restart on the
Thanks in advance -
Damon Goforth, Systems/Network Engineer damon_at_compsus.com
Received on Thu Feb 28 2002 - 18:36:51 NZDT