SUMMARY: Sleep mode of a hard disk

From: Rost, Werner <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 15:41:51 +0100

Hello admins,

thanks for quick answers from
Dr. []
Lavelle, Bryan []
Selden E Ball Jr [SEB_at_LNS62.LNS.CORNELL.EDU]

all told me to use the utility dxpower. I will try that later.

Below the answer from Dr.Blinn:

> apropos pwrmgr
sys_attrs_pwrmgr (5) - pwrmgr subsystem attributes

      A value that enables (1) or disables (0) disk spindown after
     disks become idle.

You can tune it with the "dxpower" GUI, or you can tune it through the
"dxkerneltuner" utility, or you can consider disabling power management
altogether in your kernel. As I recall, it's the "pwrmgr" subsystem
or something like that, and of course, you can set the parameters for
it in your /etc/sysconfigtab file by hand after determining them from
the sysconfig utility.


> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Werner Rost
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ZF Boge GmbH
> Werner Rost
> IT
> Friesdorfer Str. 175
> D-53175 Bonn
> phone: +49/228/3825 420
> fax: +49/228/3825 398
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