OFFTOPIC: DEC Alpha 1000

From: Christian Wessely <>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 11:05:46 +0100

        Hello Admin Wizards,

offtopic question, but I expect some knowledge of these dinosaurs in
here ....

Since my old mirror system got busted by a currency problem, I need to
reactivate the even older one until we can afford a new solution (and
that will take some months - too much risk to go so long without a
fallback system).

Now the elder server - a standalone DEC Alpha 1000 / 256 (?), this big
grey chest with the built in drive array - works pretty fine and I got
it running. But it has only 64 MBs built in (4x16 MB on bank 0)

The system has 4 Mem banks, 4 slots per bank, for 72-pin mem bars, and 1
slot for the extra ecc chip per bank.

Even worse, the documentation of this precious is gone with the wind,
probably dumped by our secretary while doing a cleanup in the office ...

well, question is:
What kind of memory do I need to upgrade to at least 128 (better 256) MB
RAM? Is the use of ECC-Chips (one per bank, 4 slots per bank, 72-pin mem
bars) necessary? In my spare part inventory, I have found one 64 MB chip
that would fit, but can I use one of them alone?

sorry for the dull question - but it is important for me to get the
mirror running within this week ...

thanx for any answer

Christian Wessely
Received on Tue Mar 04 2003 - 10:04:47 NZDT

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