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QBus Cards: Webster WQDHV - zxnet



DEC Systems

DEC hardware


Webster WQDHV

The Webster WQDHV appears to be a 16-line serial multiplexer. I dont currently have a user manual, the two boards I have in one of my MicroVAXen arent configured and I dont have the pinout for the connector on the edge of the card. So I dont know anything about them and I cant use them until I can find a copy of the user manual.


No information available until I can find a copy of the user manual.


The user manual for this board doesnt seem to be available online at all. All I have been able to find in the past year is this page. There doesnt even appear to be any information in google's usenet archives.


Two WQDHV boards:
[Front of board 2] [Back of board 2] [Tracks on board 2] [Front of board 1] [Front of board 1]

In Collection

Qty: Systems: Model:
2 akvax WQDHV