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Digital TEMPEST VAXstation 3100 - zxnet



DEC Systems

DEC hardware

Digital Equipment Corporation logo

Quick Specs
Architecture: VAX
CPU: CVAX (90ns), ~2.8 VUP
Max Ram: 32MB ?
Chassis: BA42-A (desktop)

Digital VAXstation 4000/60

The TEMPEST VAXstation 3100, part RF-VS42A-BN, is a VAXstation 3100 model 30 with special RF shielding for security. Visually its a big heavy metal box with a door on the front and none of the usual ventilation holes. The system was designed to be used with specially RF shielded periperals and so the back contains a mix of connectors that range from shielded versions of the normal VAXstation ports to completely non-standard things like optical networking:
RF VAXstation 3100 Front RF VAStation 3100 Rear

This machine can be found on the December '91 US Systems Services Price List under TEMPEST systems for US$16k including display, keyboard, mouse and VMS license. TEMPEST shielded terminals, printers and other equipment were also available.

Removable Media

A door at the front of the unit provides access to removable media - a floppy drive in the case of this machine. It can be unlocked by pushing down on the top part of the latch, lifting up the lever that pops up, then twisting it. The door then folds down to reveal... a completely normal VAXstation 3100 hiding in a big metal box.
To open the door: Push Lift and twist then fold down

Inside the RF Box

Inside the RF enclosure is a regular VAXstation 3100 model 30. And for over thirty years the steel RF enclsoure has taken all the dirt, scratches and sun damange leaving the VAXstation 3100 inside as pristine as you'll find outside of a new-old-stock unit. Not a single scratch, not a single spot of yellowing.
inside, front

And being a standard off-the-shelf VAXstation 3100 on the inside, all those weird ports on the back just connect up to the normal ports internally:
inside, rear Optical Network MAU Shielded and filtered serial and power

Quick Notes


I have none! I assume there would have been some special manuals to cover proper installation and operation (like don't leave the door on the front open all the time), but if these did exist I've not been able to find them. If you've got any information or manuals for these systems I'd love to hear from you! My email address is david at this websites domain (without the www. of course)