HP Fortran for OpenVMS
Language Reference Manual

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D character
    as debugging statement indicator
D edit descriptor
DABS function
DACOS function
DACOSD function
DASIN function
DASIND function
DASM function
    conversion using FORMAT statements
    formatted and unformatted
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
Data abstraction
    example of
Data edit descriptors
    default field widths for
    forms for
    rules for numeric
Data editing
    specifying format for
Data files
    See HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
Data objects
    assigning initial values to
    associating with group name
    in common block
        defining storage of
    providing initial values for
    retaining properties of
    See also Data in HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    specifying as pointers
    storage association of
    unpredictable values of
Data objects, directive specifying properties of
Data representation
    model for real
    models for bit
    models for integer
DATA statement
    effect in block data program unit
    examples of
    implied-do list in
    list of constants in
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    unsubscripted array name in
    using to define arrays
Data transfer
    from direct-access files
    from internal files
    from keyed-access files
    from sequential files
    function for binary
Data transfer statements
    ADVANCE specifier in
    branch specifiers in
    components of
    control list in
    control specifiers in
    FMT specifier in
    I/O list in
    implied-do lists in
    IOSTAT specifier in
    KEY[con] specifier in
    KEYID specifier in
    list items in
    NML specifier in
        PRINT and TYPE
    REC specifier in
    SIZE specifier in
    UNIT specifier in
Data translation
    direct-access statements
    internal statements
    sequential statements
        PRINT and TYPE
Data type declaration statements
    See Type declaration statements
Data types
        conversion rules with DATA statement
        kind type parameters for
    conventions for determining
        in numeric expressions
    conversion in numeric assignment statements
    conversion of character to numeric in internal reads
    determining for expressions
    determining in numeric expressions
    examples of assigning
        kind parameters for
        kind parameters for
        kind type parameters for
        restrictions with DATA statement
        conversion rules with DATA statement
    of named constants
    overriding default for names
    ranking in numeric expressions
        kind parameters for
    resulting from logical operations
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    specifying explicit
    specifying for variables
    storage requirements for
DATAN function
DATAN2 function
DATAN2D function
DATAND function
    subroutines to return current #1
    subroutines to return current #2
    subroutines to return current #3
Date and time
    subroutine returning
DATE subroutine #1
DATE subroutine #2
DATE_AND_TIME subroutine #1
DATE_AND_TIME subroutine #2
DBLE function #1
DBLE function #2
DBLEQ function
DCMPLX function #1
DCMPLX function #2
DCONJG function
DCOS function
DCOSD function
DCOSH function
DCOTAN function
DCOTAND function
DDIM function
DEALLOCATE statement
    of allocatable arrays #1
    of allocatable arrays #2
    of pointer targets #1
    of pointer targets #2
Debug statements
    directive specifying string for
DEC Multinational
    character set
Decimal exponent
    function returning range of
Decimal point
    moving in real and complex values
Decimal precision
    function returning
Declaration statements
    See also Type declaration statements
    character type
    numeric and logical type
    record structure
    record substructure #1
    record substructure #2
DECLARE directive
DECODE statement
    example of
DECORATE keyword
    for ATTRIBUTES directive
        for ATTRIBUTES directive
Default initialization
    of derived-type components
    in INQUIRE statements
    in OPEN statements
    interaction with OPEN (FILE)
    for accessibility of modules
    for character constants
    for complex constants
    for integer constants
    for interpretation of blanks
    for list-directed output
    for logical constants
    for names
    for OPEN statement specifiers
    for real constants
    for %VAL, %REF, and %DESCR
    implicit typing
    widths for data edit descriptors
Deferred-shape arrays
DEFINE directive
DEFINE FILE statement
    compared to OPEN statement
Defined assignments
    intent of dummy arguments in
    scope of
Defined operations #1
Defined operations #2
Defined operators
    intent of dummy arguments in
    scope of
Defined variables
DELETE statements
    alternative form for relative files
DELETE value
    for CLOSE statements
    for OPEN (DISPOSE)
DELIM specifier
    in INQUIRE statements
    in OPEN statements
Denormalized numbers
    definition of
Dependence analysis
    directive assisting
Derived data types
    arrays as components of
    assignment statements
    default initialization of #1
    default initialization of #2
    in formatted and unformatted I/O statements
    in I/O lists
    pointers as components of
    scope of component
    scope of type
    volatile objects of
Derived-type assignment statements
Derived-type components #1
Derived-type components #2
    arrays as
Derived-type declaration statements
Derived-type definitions #1
Derived-type definitions #2
    default initialization in #1
    default initialization in #2
    examples of
Derived-type items
    directive specifying starting address of
Derived types
    See Derived data types
Descending keys
    values for
%DESCR function
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    for ATTRIBUTES directive
DESCRIPTOR32 keyword
    for ATTRIBUTES directive
DESCRIPTOR64 keyword
    for ATTRIBUTES directive
DEXP function
DFLOAT function #1
DFLOAT function #2
DFLOTI function
DFLOTJ function
DFLOTK function
DICTIONARY statement
DIGITS function #1
DIGITS function #2
DIM function #1
DIM function #2
DIM keyword
    in intrinsics
DIMAG function
    bounds in
    definition of
DIMENSION attribute and statement
    attributes compatible with
DIMENSION statement
    using record structure names in
DINT function
Direct access
    definition of
    READ statements
        forms of
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    WRITE statements
        forms of
DIRECT specifier
    in INQUIRE statements
DIRECT value
    for OPEN (ACCESS)
    of pointers
Disconnecting files
DISPOSE specifier
    in OPEN statements
Division operator (/)
    order of precedence of
    See also Slash character
DLOG function
DLOG10 function
DMAX1 function
DMIN1 function
DMOD function
DNINT function
DO constructs
    block form of
    execution of
    extended range for
    forms of
    immediate termination of
    iteration control in
        control transfers in
    nonblock form of
    range of
    terminal statement for labeled
DO loops
    directive specifying number of unrolls for
    transferring control
DO WHILE statement #1
DO WHILE statement #2
DO WHILE statement #3
DO WHILE statement #4
    example of
    sending comments to HP
Dollar sign character ($)
    as edit descriptor
    in names
Dollar sign editing
Dot-product multiplication
    function performing
DOT_PRODUCT function #1
DOT_PRODUCT function #2
Double colon separator (::)
    in type declaration statements #1
    in type declaration statements #2
    See also COMPLEX(8)
    See also COMPLEX(8)
Double complex type
    function converting to
    constants #1
    constants #2
    data type #1
    data type #2
        See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    in type declaration statements #1
    in type declaration statements #2
    See also REAL(8) #1
    See also REAL(8) #2
Double-precision product
    function producing
Double-precision type
    function converting to #1
    function converting to #2
DPROD function #1
DPROD function #2
DREAL function #1
DREAL function #2
DSIGN function
DSIN function
DSIND function
DSINH function
DSQRT function
DTAN function
DTAND function
DTANH function
Dummy argument arrays
Dummy arguments #1
Dummy arguments #2
    definition of
    optional #1
    optional #2
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    specifying intended use of
    using aggregate field references as
Dummy procedures
    definition of
    interfaces for
    using as actual arguments
Dynamic allocation
    of allocatable arrays #1
    of allocatable arrays #2
    of pointer targets #1
    of pointer targets #2
Dynamic deallocation
    of allocatable arrays #1
    of allocatable arrays #2
    of pointer targets #1
    of pointer targets #2
Dynamic disassociation of pointers
Dynamic memory management
Dynamic objects
    automatic array as
    in character declarations
    pointers and allocatable arrays as

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