日本HPホーム 製品 & サービス OpenVMS製品情報
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日本語 HP OpenVMS

日本語 HP OpenVMS
V8.4 インストレーション・ガイド

目次 索引

付録 A
日本語 OpenVMS オペレーティング・システムのインストレーション例

ここでは,日本語 OpenVMS Integrity オペレーティング・システムのインストレーションの例を示します。

例 A-1 日本語 OpenVMS Integrity の場合
$ product install jvms 
Performing product kit validation of signed kits ... 
%PCSI-I-VALPASSED, validation of I64VMS$DQA0:[JVMSV84.KIT] HP-I64VMS-JVMS-V0804--1.PCSI$COMPRESSED ;1 succeeded 
The following product has been selected: 
    HP I64VMS JVMS  V8.4                     Layered Product 
Do you want to continue? [YES] 
Configuration phase starting ... 
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for 
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. 
HP I64VMS JVMS  V8.4 : HP OpenVMS/Japanese Industry Standard 64 Operating System 
    (C) Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 
Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] 
Do you want to review the options? [NO] 
Execution phase starting ... 
The following product will be installed to destination: 
    HP I64VMS JVMS  V8.4                     DISK$E82SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] 
Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% 
The following product has been installed: 
    HP I64VMS JVMS  V8.4                     Layered Product 
%PCSI-I-IVPEXECUTE, executing test procedure for HP I64VMS JVMS  V8.4  ... 
%PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully 
HP I64VMS JVMS  V8.4 : HP OpenVMS/Japanese Industry Standard 64 Operating System 
    This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters: 
        TTY_CLASSNAME value TT 
    This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters: 
        GBLPAGES add 18000 
    This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters: 
        GBLSECTIONS add 103 
    Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: 

A.2 日本語 OpenVMS Alpha のインストレーション例

ここでは,日本語 OpenVMS Alpha オペレーティング・システムのインストレーションの例を示します。

例 A-2 日本語 OpenVMS Alpha の場合
$ product instal jvms /source=dka400:[000000] 
Performing product kit validation ... 
The following product has been selected: 
    DEC AXPVMS JVMS  V8.4                    Layered Product 
Do you want to continue? [YES] 
Configuration phase starting ... 
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for 
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. 
DEC AXPVMS JVMS  V8.4 : HP OpenVMS/Japanese Operating System for Alpha 
    (C) Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 
* This product does not have any configuration options. 
Execution phase starting ... 
The following product will be installed to destination: 
    DEC AXPVMS JVMS  V8.4                    DISK$E82SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] 
Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% 
The following product has been installed: 
    DEC AXPVMS JVMS  V8.4                    Layered Product 
%PCSI-I-IVPEXECUTE, executing test procedure for DEC AXPVMS JVMS  V8.4  ... 
%PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully 
DEC AXPVMS JVMS  V8.4 : HP OpenVMS/Japanese Operating System for Alpha 
    This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters: 
        TTY_CLASSNAME value TT 
    This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters: 
        GBLPAGES add 11000 
    This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters: 
        GBLSECTIONS add 64 
    Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: 

目次 索引

© 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.