hp Reliable Transaction Router
Getting Started

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Architectural Concepts
Chapter 3 Reliability Features
Chapter 4 RTR Interfaces
Chapter 5 The RTR Environment


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Introduction
          Reliable Transaction Router
          RTR Continuous Computing Concepts
          RTR Terminology
          RTR Server Types
          RTR Networking Capabilities
Chapter 2
2 Architectural Concepts
          The Three-Tier Architecture
          RTR Facilities Bridge the Gap
          Flexibility and Growth
          Transaction Integrity
          The Partitioned Data Model
          Object-Oriented Programming
                  Class Relationships
                  Object Implementation Benefits
          XA Support
Chapter 3
3 Reliability Features
          RTR Server Types
          Failover and Recovery
                  Router Failover
                  Backend Restart Recovery
                  Transaction Message Replay
                  Link Failure Recovery
          Recovery Scenarios
                  Backend Recovery
                  Router Recovery
                  Frontend Recovery
Chapter 4
4 RTR Interfaces
          RTR Management Station
                  RTR Manager
                  RTR Command Line Interface
          Application Programming Interfaces
                  RTR C++ Object-Oriented Programming Interface
                  RTR C Programming Interface
Chapter 5
5 The RTR Environment
          The RTR System Management Environment
                  Monitoring RTR
                  Transaction Management
                  Partition Management
          RTR Runtime Environment
          What's Next?
Glossary Glossary
2-1 Objects-Defined Sample
4-1 The user issues the following commands on the server application where RTR is running on the backend.
4-2 When the next command is issued, RTR waits for the message from the client, which does not appear until after the client sends it (Example 4-3).
4-3 Commands and system response at client.
4-4 The following lines arrive at the client from RTR after the user enters commands at the server.
4-5 Creating a Facility with the C++ API
4-6 Starting RTR with the C++ API
4-7 Creating a Facility with the C++ API
4-8 Creating a Partition with the C++ API
1 RTR Reading Path
1-1 Client Symbol
1-2 Server Symbol
1-3 Roles Symbols
1-4 Facility Symbol
1-5 Components in the RTR Environment
1-6 Two-Tier Client/Server Environment
1-7 Three-Tier Client/Server Environment
1-8 Browser Applet Configuration
1-9 RTR with Browser, Single Node, and Database
1-10 RTR Deployed on Two Nodes
1-11 RTR Deployed on Three Nodes
1-12 Standby Server Configuration
1-13 Transactional Shadowing Configuration
1-14 Standby Servers
1-15 Shadow Servers
1-16 Concurrent Servers
1-17 A Callout Server
1-18 Bank Partitioning Example
1-19 Standby with Partitioning
2-1 The Multitier Model
2-2 Partitioned Data Model
4-1 RTR Manager Interface
4-2 RTR Command Line Interface
5-1 RTR System Management Environment
5-2 RTR Runtime Environment
1 RTR Documents
2-1 Functional and Object-Oriented Programming Compared
4-1 RTR Interfaces and their Use

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