HP OpenVMS Systems

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Technical Overview and Comparison on DIGITAL Platforms

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Appendix D
Appendix D A Comparison of Rational's Apex and DEC Ada for DIGITAL UNIX Systems
     D.1     Language-Related Features
         D.1.1         Integer Types
         D.1.2         Floating-Point Numbers and Representations
         D.1.3         Record Representation Clause Maximum Alignment
         D.1.4         Record and Array Component Alignment
         D.1.5         Type DURATION
         D.1.6         Other Apex-Specific Type Information
     D.2     Representation Clauses
         D.2.1         ADDRESS Attribute---Apex Implementations
         D.2.2         Restrictions on Unchecked Type Conversions
         D.2.3         Additional Representation Clause Information---Apex Implementations
         D.2.4         Restrictions on Representation Clauses---DEC Ada Implementations
     D.3     Dope Vectors
     D.4     Parameter Passing
     D.5     Package STANDARD
     D.6     Package SYSTEM
     D.7     Tasking and Task-Related Features
         D.7.1         Implementation of Tasks in DEC Ada for DIGITAL UNIX Systems
         D.7.2         Task-Related Pragmas
         D.7.3         Scheduling and Task Priority
         D.7.4         External Interrupts
     D.8     Pragmas and Pragma-Related Features
         D.8.1         Pragma-Related Restrictions
     D.9     Library of Predefined Units
         D.9.1         Implementation-Defined Packages
     D.10     Bindings
         D.10.1         Interfaces to C
         D.10.2         Other Features and Restrictions
     D.11     Implementation-Defined Attributes
     D.12     Compiler and Run-Time Interfacing
     D.13     User Interface
     D.14     Apex Optional Products
     D.15     Input-Output
     D.16     Implementation Limits
Appendix E
Appendix E A Comparison of DEC Ada for OpenVMS and GNAT for OpenVMS Alpha Systems
     E.1     Language-Related Features
         E.1.1         Integer Types
         E.1.2         Floating-Point Numbers and Representations
         E.1.3         Operations on Fixed-Point Types
         E.1.4         Record and Array Component Alignment
         E.1.5         Address Clauses and Access Types
         E.1.6         Address Representation Clauses
         E.1.7         Other Representation Clauses
     E.2     Package STANDARD
     E.3     Package SYSTEM
     E.4     Tasking and Task-Related Features
         E.4.1         Implementation of Tasks in DEC Ada and GNAT
         E.4.2         Assigning Task IDs
         E.4.3         Task-Related Pragmas
         E.4.4         Scheduling and Task Priority
         E.4.5         The Task Stack
         E.4.6         External Interrupts
     E.5     Pragmas and Pragma-Related Features
         E.5.1         Pragma-Related Restrictions
     E.6     Library of Predefined Units
     E.7     Bindings
         E.7.1         Shared Libraries and OPT files
         E.7.2         Interfaces to C
         E.7.3         Main Program Definition
     E.8     Implementation-Defined Attributes
     E.9     Compiler and Run-Time Interfacing
     E.10     Optimization
     E.11     Program Compilation and Management
     E.12     Input-Output
     E.13     Implementation Limits
     E.14     Important Tools and Utilities
Appendix F
Appendix F Sample Listings
F-1 Generated Code for Factorial Program
F-2 Sample Errors
1-1 Development Tools and Utilities
2-1 Predefined Integer Types
2-2 Predefined Floating-Point Types---Package STANDARD
2-3 Predefined Floating-Point Types---Package SYSTEM
2-4 Pragma FLOAT_REPRESENTATION Values and Defaults
2-5 Representation Attributes for Floating-Point Types
2-6 Model Numbers Defined for Each Floating-Point Type
2-7 Safe Numbers Defined for Each Floating-Point Type
3-1 Language-Defined Pragmas
3-2 DEC Ada Implementation-Defined Pragmas
4-1 Properties of the Type DURATION
4-2 Accuracy of the Real-Time Clock and Delay Statements
5-1 Predefined Instantiations of TEXT_IO Packages
6-1 Predefined Instantiations of Commonly Used Generic Packages
7-1 Commands for Multiple Program Library Work
7-2 DEC Ada Commands for Program Library Management
9-1 DEC Ada Run-Time Library Routines
10-1 Allowable Values for Package SYSTEM Constants
10-2 Values of SYSTEM.TICK
11-1 Features or Constructs That May Appear in a Portability Summary
11-2 DEC Ada on OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha: Pointers and Notes
11-3 DEC Ada on OpenVMS VAX and DIGITAL UNIX: Pointers and Notes
11-4 DEC Ada on ULTRIX and DIGITAL UNIX: Pointers and Notes
A-1 Sources of Additional Information
C-1 Range of Values for VADS Predefined Integer Types
C-2 Range of Values for DEC Ada Predefined Integer Types
C-3 Floating-Point Types and Default Representations
C-4 Properties of the Type DURATION
C-5 Comparison of Type Sizes in the Package STANDARD
C-6 Constants in Package SYSTEM
C-7 Summary of VADS and DEC Ada Pragmas
C-8 Restrictions on the Pragma INTERFACE
C-9 Interfaces to C
C-10 VADS Implementation-Defined Attributes
C-11 DEC Ada Implementation-Defined Attributes
C-12 Comparison of VADS and DEC Ada Commands
C-13 Program Library Features
C-14 Predefined Instantiations of TEXT_IO Packages
D-1 Range of Values for Predefined Integer Types
D-2 Floating-Point Types and Default Representations
D-3 Properties of the Type DURATION
D-4 Comparison of Type Sizes in the Package STANDARD
D-5 Constants in Package SYSTEM
D-6 Summary of Apex and DEC Ada Pragmas
D-7 Restrictions on the Pragma INTERFACE
D-8 Interfaces to C
D-9 Apex Implementation-Defined Attributes
D-10 DEC Ada Implementation-Defined Attributes
D-11 Comparison of Apex and DEC Ada Commands
D-12 Apex Optional Products
D-13 User Interface Features
D-14 Predefined Instantiations of TEXT_IO Packages
D-15 Implementation Limits
E-1 Range of Values for Ada Predefined Integer Types
E-2 DEC Ada Floating-Point Types and Default Representations
E-3 GNAT Floating-Point Types and Default Representations
E-4 Interfaces to C
E-5 Comparison of DEC Ada Commands and GNAT Equivalents
E-6 Predefined Instantiations of TEXT_IO Packages
E-7 Development Tools and Utilities

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