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DECwindows Motif Guide to Application Programming

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Chapter 10
10 Interoperability Coding Recommendations
     10.1     Why Interoperability Is Important
     10.2     Font Fallback
         10.2.1         Font Naming Convention
         10.2.2         Font Fallback Implementation
         10.2.3         Using Common Fonts
         10.2.4         Implementing Font Fallback Through UIL
         10.2.5         Implementing Font Fallback Through Toolkit Routines
     10.3     Screen Independence
         10.3.1         Screen DPI Assumptions
         10.3.2         MultiHead Server Support
                Using XtAppInitialize to Specify a Screen
                Using XtOpenDisplay to Specify a Screen
         10.3.3         Window Size for Small Screens
         10.3.4         Using Scrolled Windows for Small Screens
         10.3.5         Using the DXmNfitToScreenPolicy Resource
         10.3.6         Window Placement for Small Screens
     10.4     Color Support
         10.4.1         Matching Color Requirements to Display Types
                Writable Color Cells
                Display Depth
                Handling Insufficient Color Resources
     10.5     Image Format
         10.5.1         Image Format Implementation
         10.5.2         Determining Image Format
Appendix A
Appendix A Using the OpenVMS DECwTermPort Routine
1-1 Passing an Argument List
1-2 Form Versus Function
1-3 Form Versus Function---Generic Pull-down Menu
3-1 XmForm Dialog with Children---UIL Module
3-2 Aligning Children of Different Sizes
3-3 Centering Child Widgets at Positions in XmForm---UIL Module
3-4 Centering Child Widgets at Positions in XmForm---C Module
3-5 Calling the DXmFormSpaceButtonsEqually Routine
3-6 Saving Application Defaults---UIL Module
3-7 Saving Application Defaults---C Module
3-8 Using Multiple Independent Displays---UIL Module
3-9 Using Multiple Independent Displays---C Module
3-10 Using Multiple Interconnected Displays
3-11 The DXmCreateCursor Routine
3-12 Using the XtAppAddInput Routine---UIL Module
3-13 Using the XtAppAddInput Routine---C Module
4-1 Sample Help File
4-2 The On Context Push Button in UIL
4-3 Calling the DXmHelpOnContext Routine
4-4 Specifying a Help Callback---UIL Module
4-5 Specifying a Help Callback---C Module
4-6 UIL Help Widget Implementation
4-7 Help Widget Implementation---C Language Module
4-8 Help Widget Implementation---Callbacks
4-9 Creating Help Widget with Toolkit Routine
5-2 The On Context Push Button in UIL
5-3 Calling the DXmHelpOnContext Routine
5-4 Specifying a Help Callback---UIL Module
5-5 Specifying a Help Callback---C Module
5-6 UIL Help System Implementation
5-7 Help System Implementation---C Language Module
6-1 The DXmColorMixCallbackStruct Data Structure
6-2 Creating a Color Mixing Widget---UIL Example
6-3 C Source Code for Creating a Color Mixing Widget with UIL
6-4 Color Mixing Widget---OK Callback
6-5 Color Mixing Widget---Apply Callback
6-6 Color Mixing Widget---Cancel Callback
6-7 Creating a Color Mixing Widget---Toolkit Example
7-1 Setting Print Widget Resources Through UIL
7-2 Adding Print Formats
7-3 Adding Print Options
7-4 Creating the Print Widget Through UIL
7-5 Creating the Print Widget Through UIL---C Support
7-6 Calling the DXmCreatePrintDialog Routine
7-7 Calling the DXmPrintWgtPrintJob Routine
8-1 Using the DXmCSTextGetString Support Routine
8-2 Creating a Scrolled CSText Widget
8-3 CSText Widget with Multiline Editing
8-4 Creating a CSText Widget with UIL
8-5 C Source for Creating a CSText Widget with UIL
8-6 Toolkit CSText Creation Routine
9-1 Portion of the SVN Demo Application Data Hierarchy
9-2 The DXmSvnCallbackStruct Data Structure
9-3 The SVN Help Callback
9-4 svn.uil (UNIX) or SVN.UIL (OpenVMS) Module
9-5 svn.c (UNIX) or SVN.C (OpenVMS) Module
9-6 SVN Callbacks
9-7 SVN Hierarchy Data
9-8 Creating the SVN Pixmaps (Icons)
10-1 Font Fallback Through Toolkit Routines
10-2 Testing XVisual.class Member
10-3 Testing Color Resources
A-1 Creating a DECterm Window on a Remote Node
A-2 Command Procedure to Compile, Link, and Run a DECterm on a Remote Node
1-1 The OSF/Motif Periodic Demonstration Program
1-2 The OpenVMS DECburger Widget Hierarchy
2-1 OpenVMS DECburger User Interface
2-2 OpenVMS DECburger XmMainWindow Widget
2-3 OpenVMS DECburger XmMenuBar Widget
2-4 OpenVMS DECburger XmPulldownMenu Widget
2-5 OpenVMS DECburger XmFormDialog Widget
2-6 OpenVMS DECburger XmRadioBox Widget
2-7 OpenVMS DECburger XmRowColumn Widget
2-8 OpenVMS DECburger XmScale Widget
2-9 OpenVMS DECburger XmOptionMenu Widget
2-10 OpenVMS DECburger XmText Widget
2-11 OpenVMS DECburger XmScrolledList Widget
2-12 OpenVMS DECburger XmForm Widget
2-13 OpenVMS DECburger XmFormDialog Widget
4-1 Sample Help Widget
4-2 Help Widget Components
5-1 Comparison of Help Widget and the Help System Windows
6-1 Components of the Color Mixing Widget (Color Picker Model)
6-2 Components of the Color Mixing Widget (HLS Color Model)
6-3 Components of the Color Mixing Widget (RGB Color Model)
6-4 Components of the Color Mixing Widget (Browser Color Model)
6-5 Components of the Color Mixing Widget (Greyscale Mixer)
6-6 Components of the Scratch Pad
7-1 Print Widget Main Dialog Box
7-2 Print Widget Secondary Dialog Box
9-1 The SVN Widget
9-2 Tree Format
9-3 Column Format
9-4 SVN Tree-Mode Navigation Window
1-1 Widget Size and Position Attributes
1-2 Callback Attributes Supported by the Push-Button Widget
3-1 Freeing Resources Allocated Through UIL
4-1 Help Widget Terminology
4-2 OpenVMS Librarian Utility Extensions
4-3 Help Widget Callbacks
4-4 Help Widget Topic Resources
4-5 Help Widget Creation Routines
6-1 Color Model Constants
6-2 Support Routines for the Color Mixing Widget
6-3 Customizing the Color Picker Color Model
6-4 Color Mixing Widget Callbacks
6-5 Mechanisms for Creating the Color Mixing Widget
7-1 Print Widget Callbacks
8-1 CSText Widget Support Routines
8-2 Text Widget Callbacks
8-3 Conversion Routines
8-4 Mechanisms for Creating CSText Widgets
9-1 The_Node Data Structure
9-2 User-Generated Callbacks
9-3 SVN Widget Creation Routines
10-1 Font Fallbacks
10-2 Terminal Font Fallbacks
10-3 DECwindows Visual Types

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