HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECamds User's Guide

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Manual fix
Master Node field
    default data collection
    distribution on a node
    example fix for low
    fix for low
    investigating low memory
    Memory field
    process identifier (PID)
    rate display
    sorting data
    total for a node
    wait state
Memory field
Memory Summary window
    sending to OPCOM
Mount field
Multicast messages
    customizing interval
Mutexes held
Network address
    security triplet
Network Interconnect System Communication Architecture
    See NISCA
NISCA Summary window
Node Name field
Node Summary window
    assigning to a group
    availability messages
        setting broadcast intervals
    crash fix
    default data collection
    error messages
    field #1
    field #2
    hardware model of
    shutdown procedure
NOPGFL error message
NOPROC error message
NOSWFL error message
Occurrence value
Online release notes
OPCOM (Operator Communication Manager)
    filtered event messages sent to
    sending events to
    sending messages
    using on DECamds
Open files
    for process I/O
        limit remaining
    Limit Remaining (Files) field
OpenVMS Clusters
    including in groups
Operating system
    version displayed
    version requirements for installing the Data Analyzer
Operations count rate
OpRate field
Owner ID field
Page faults
    adjust working set
    I/O Rate field
    purging working sets
    Rate field
Page files
    default data collection
Page/Swap file
    error messages
Page/Swap File Summary window
    number used
    percentage number used
    reserving for use
    total available in page file
    number used
    percentage number used
    reserving for use
    total available in page file
Paging I/O
Parameter (system) settings required for installation
Parent Resource field #1
Parent Resource field #2
Partitioning groups
Path field #1
Path field #2
PC (program counter) field
        with hardware
    optimizing by customizing data collection
PGFLQUO (page file quota) job quotas in use
PID (process identifier)
    field #1
    field #2
    field #3
    single process
PIO (paging I/O)
PRBIOR error message #1
PRBIOR error message #2
PRBIOW error message
PRCCOM error message #1
PRCCOM error message #2
PRCCUR error message
PRCCVR error message
PRCLM process limit
    job quotas in use
PRCMUT error message
PRCMWT error message
PRCPUL error message
PRCPWT error message #1
PRCPWT error message #2
PRCQUO error message
PRCRWA error message
PRCRWC error message
PRCRWM error message
PRCRWP error message
PRCRWS error message
PRCUNK error message
PRDIOR error message #1
PRDIOR error message #2
PRDIOW error message
    process fix
Private LAN transport security
    installation requirements
    to run Data Analyzer node
    to run Data Provider node
    to start DECamds
PRLCKW error message
Problems, reporting
Process I/O Summary window
Process Name field #1
Process Name field #2
Process Name field #3
Process Name field #4
Process Name field #5
    account quotas required for installation
    displaying number of in CPU queues
    looping fix
    name in CPU
        queues on CPUs
PRPGFL error message #1
PRPGFL error message #2
PRPIOR error message #1
PRPIOR error message #2
PRPIOR error message #3
PSLs (processor status longwords)
Purge Working Set fix
Queue field
Quorum fix
    in use for jobs
    limit fix
    process account quota requirements
    process mode
    recommended for processes
    to run Data Analyzer node
    wait state
Read-only access
    event messages
    lock contention information
Release Notes #1
Release Notes #2
Reporting problems
RESDNS error message
Reservable field
Resource Name field
Response time
    external factors
    optimizing by customizing data collection
    system hardware
RESPRS error message
Restarting the Data Provider
Restrictions on the Data Provider
Resume Process fix
RQ Mode field
Runaway process fix
Rwait field

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