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OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

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Qlogic 1020ISP adapter
    system tuning
    See Master file of queue database
QMAN$MASTER logical name #1
QMAN$MASTER logical name #2
    defining during system startup
    defining to reduce system disk I/O
QUANTUM system parameter
Queue characteristics
    obtaining information about #1
    obtaining information about #2
    obtaining information about #3
        on a queue #1
        on a queue #2
    storage of in queue database
Queue commands
    affected by multiple queue managers
    creating queue database files
    creating queues
    deleting queues
    displaying information about queue managers
    displaying jobs
    displaying queues
    enabling autostart #1
    enabling autostart #2
    enabling autostart #3
    managing banner pages
    managing characteristics
    managing device control libraries
    managing forms and stock
    managing queues
    modifying jobs #1
    modifying jobs #2
    modifying queues
    pausing queues
    relationship between starting and enabling autostart
    setting UIC-based protection
    showing UIC-based protection
    specifying options #1
    specifying options #2
    starting queues
        autostart #1
        autostart #2
        nonautostart #1
        nonautostart #2
    starting the queue manager
        creating an additional queue manager
        specifying failover list
        specifying name of queue manager
        specifying nodes to run the queue manager
        all queues on a node
        queues #1
        queues #2
        the queue manager
Queue configurations
    sample batch queuing system
    sample output queuing environment
Queue databases
    creating files
    default location
    detection of queue corruption
    determining location
        of master file
        of queue and journal file
    files comprising
    for multiple queue managers #1
    for multiple queue managers #2
        naming convention
    logical name defining location
    mounting the disk holding
    moving to reduce system disk I/O
    requirement in an OpenVMS Cluster environment #1
    requirement in an OpenVMS Cluster environment #2
    restoring damaged
    See also Journal file of queue database; Master file of queue database; Queue file of queue database
    specifying location
Queue failover
Queue file of queue database
    location #1
    location #2
    See also Queue databases
Queue files
    detection of corruption
Queue forms
    See Forms
Queue managers
    automatic restart #1
    automatic restart #2
    automatic restart #3
    automatic restart #4
    automatic restart #5
    availability of #1
    availability of #2
    communication with job controller
    creating additional
    default name
    displaying information about
    failover #1
    failover #2
    failover #3
        list of nodes for #1
        list of nodes for #2
    improving performance
    limiting nodes that can run
    moving to another node in an OpenVMS Cluster system
    multiple #1
    multiple #2
        commands affected by
        managing queues with
        moving a queue to another queue manager
        specifying queue manager name #1
        specifying queue manager name #2
    relationship to queues
    restarting #1
    restarting #2
    role in queuing process #1
    role in queuing process #2
        print jobs
    role in starting active autostart queues
    specifying name of
    specifying preferred order in which nodes run #1
    specifying preferred order in which nodes run #2
    troubleshooting #1
    troubleshooting #2
Queue master file
    logical name defining location
Queue names
    default for batch queue
    default for print queue
Queue options
    banner pages
    controlling job performance and resources
    controlling page and line overflow
    device control libraries
    qualifiers for specifying
    restricting access
    retaining jobs
    suppressing form feed
    activating autostart #1
    activating autostart #2
    allowing jobs to complete before shutdown
    assigning a default form
    assigning device control libraries
        on LAT queues #1
        on LAT queues #2
        See also Autostart feature; Autostart queues
    availability of #1
    availability of #2
        setting up for vector processing
    batch execution
        See Batch queues
    canceling characteristics
    changing DEFAULT form
    changing options on
        See Queue commands
    creating #1
    creating #2
        autostart execution #1
        autostart execution #2
        nonautostart execution
    creating a form
    defining a characteristic
    deleting a job in
    displaying information about
    failover of
    gathering information with F$GETQUI
    generic batch
        See also Generic queues
    generic output
        See also Generic queues
    holding and releasing jobs
    in an OpenVMS Cluster environment
    managing with multiple queue managers
    mounting a form on #1
    mounting a form on #2
    moving jobs from one queue to another
    moving to another queue manager
    on standalone workstations
    output execution
        See Execution queues; Output queues
        See Output queues
    problems deleting
    reinitializing existing
        executing job
        pending job
    See also Generic queues
    simplifying startup
    spooling printers #1
    spooling printers #2
        status of #1
        status of #2
    standalone workstations
            in startup command procedure
        in system startup
        nonautostart #1
        nonautostart #2
    startup command procedure
    status #1
    status #2
        status of
        all on a node
        before shutdown
    types of
        output execution
Queuing system
    See Batch and print queuing system
    recalculating using IPC
Quota file
    Analyze/Disk_Structure utility creates version
    requirements for
    reserved file
    UIC [0,0] in
    to run UETP

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