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OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

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P1 space
    IMGREG_PAGES system parameter determines size
    shared address data assigns
Page file process limit
Page files
    as system dump file #1
    as system dump file #2
    as system dump file #3
    as system dump file #4
    as system dump file #5
        releasing dump from
    changing size
        recommended method
    controlling location and size
        with AUTOGEN
        with SYSGEN
    deleting after creating a new version
    freeing dump information from #1
    freeing dump information from #2
        in system startup #1
        in system startup #2
        in system startup #3
        in system startup #4
        with SYPAGSWPFILES.COM procedure
        with SYSGEN
    limiting usage of
        indicating insufficient size
        indicating lack of installed
    monitoring use of
    mounting disk during system startup #1
    mounting disk during system startup #2
    moving to improve performance
    on a satellite
    OpenVMS Cluster satellite node
    rebooting after creation
    releasing #1
    releasing #2
    releasing dump from
        location #1
        location #2
        location #3
        size for saving dumps
    saving dump contents on reboot
    secondary #1
    secondary #2
    secondary #3
        creating to improve system performance
        calculating #1
        calculating #2
        calculating #3
        calculating #4
        changing #1
        changing #2
        changing #3
        displaying AUTOGEN calculations
        required #1
        required #2
        required for saving system dumps
        specifying #1
        specifying #2
        specifying #3
        when to increase size
    tasks for managing
    writing crash dumps to
Page overflow
Page setup modules
    See also Device control modules
    specifying forms
Page width and length
    specifying in forms
    as system dump file #1
    as system dump file #2
    required location
    See also Page files
PAGEFILEn_NAME symbol #1
PAGEFILEn_NAME symbol #2
    size of
    increased with vector processing
PAKs (Product Authorization Keys)
    installing before using VMSINSTAL.COM command procedure
    loading in system startup
    preventing nodes from sharing
PAN command
PAN keypad function
    See Printer paper; Stock
Paper jam
    pausing printer to fix
Parameter files
        initializing parameters at boot time
        role in the boot process
    booting with alternate
        effects of
        with SYSGEN
        with SYSMAN
    common in an OpenVMS Cluster environment
    creating new
        with SYSGEN
    default #1
    default #2
    including in MODPARAMS.DAT file
    limitation on error checking in
    multiple, with AUTOGEN
        initializing active parameters at boot time
        role in the boot process
    passing to a startup command procedure
    in SYSMAN
Parse styles
    related error messages
Password generators
    using to obtain initial password
    conditions required for SYSMAN
    entering when logging in
    for cluster access
    forced change
    forgotten by user #1
    forgotten by user #2
    history list
    how to preexpire
    InfoServer system
    modifying system
    modifying user
    setting the expiration for
    with SYSMAN
    startup restrictions
Paused queue status
Pausing an output queue
    to align position of print for preprinted form #1
    to align position of print for preprinted form #2
    to change position of print
Pausing queues
PCFs (product configuration files)
    command to create
    command to input
    command to output
    creating before installation
    creating during installation
    use existing
PDB (product database)
    how to use
    noncompliant products
    removing products from
    retrieving product information from
    tracking software dependencies
    volume label change
PDFs (product description files)
Pending bad block log file
    reserved file
Pending job status
    deleting a job in
    determining whether a job is in
    inducing with STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command
    requeuing a job in
Percent sign (%)
    as wildcard character
        using with tape volumes
    effect of file extension on
    file system data caches
    importance of correct page file size
    importance of correct swap file size
    importance of sufficient hardware capacity
        decompressing system libraries
        designing efficient applications
        disabling high-water marking
        encouraging batch processing
        for vector processing with batch queues
        installing frequently used images #1
        installing frequently used images #2
        moving page and swap files off system disk
        reducing system disk I/O
        restricting the number of interactive users
        restricting user login hours
        setting RMS file extend parameters
        shared address data
        tuning the system
        with AUTOGEN feedback
    load balancing on public volumes
        distributing the work load
        evaluating tuning success
        hardware capacity
        installing images
        knowing your work load
        system tuning
        using MONITOR
        with vector processing
        work load management strategy
        tools used for
    reducing CPU and I/O time
    testing for disks
    vector processing
PGFLQUO process limit
PGFLQUOTA process limit
    limiting page file usage with
    minimum recommended value
    value for efficient backups
Phase controller for UETP
    See UETPHAS00.EXE file
Physical memory
    using shared address data to save
Physical system dump
    compared to selective dump
POLYCENTER Software Installation utility
    creating a PCF
    DCL interface
    installing layered products
    installing software
    managing installed software
    preliminary steps
    privileges required
    PRODUCT command
    PRODUCT command
        to run
    product configuration files
    registering products
    registering volume labels
    removing installed products
    starting the utility
    using a product database
    using to add or delete optional system files
Pooled resource
Port allocation classes
    setting up LAT
Position of print
    aligning for preprinted forms #1
    aligning for preprinted forms #2
    changing #1
    changing #2
PostScript printing
PRCLM process limit
Preventing autostart queues from starting
Primary bootstrap image
    role in boot process
    defining for accounts
Primary page file
    location requirement
    See also PAGEFILE.SYS file; Page files
Primary processors
Primary swap file
    See also SWAPFILE.SYS file; Swap files
Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD)
    using to mount ISO 9660 volumes
PRINT command
    bypassing symbiont formatting
    overriding default form-feed options with
    preventing users from executing
    processing of
    specifying a form
    specifying banner pages
    specifying job retention
    specifying scheduling priority
    specifying setup and page setup modules #1
    specifying setup and page setup modules #2
Print forms
    See Forms
Print symbionts
    See Symbionts
Printer paper
    controlling with forms #1
    controlling with forms #2
    pausing to align
    sheet feed
    specifying stock
    specifying width
    controlling functions of
        See LAT software, printers
    setting characteristics #1
    setting characteristics #2
        in system startup #1
        in system startup #2
    setting up before creating queues
        recommended use
        sample configuration
        testing spooling of
    from applications using spooled printers
    job status
    resuming at a specified position #1
    resuming at a specified position #2
    resuming at a specified position #3
Printing files, requirements
Priority #1
Priority #2
    base #1
    base #2
        choosing for a batch queue
        effect of changing
        specifying for a batch queue #1
        specifying for a batch queue #2
    job scheduling #1
    job scheduling #2
    job scheduling #3
    job scheduling #4
        changing for a job #1
        changing for a job #2
        changing for a job #3
        changing for a job #4
        See also Job scheduling
        specifying for a job #1
        specifying for a job #2
Private volumes
Privileged images #1
Privileged images #2
    allowing nonprivileged users to run programs that require
    changing in SYSMAN
    enhancement for installed files
    for SYSTEM account
    required for UETP
    required to mount volumes
        to mount volume with protected subsystems
        giving rights of system user
        to mount volume as foreign
        fixing by booting with default parameter values
        fixing by booting with minimum startup
        invalid boot block
    devices not recognized by the system
    forgotten password
        fixing by booting without the UAF
    logging in #1
    logging in #2
    queue manager
    See also Troubleshooting
Process dumps
    disk quota
    privileged users
    security #1
    security #2
Process limits
    account jobs
    adjusting for vector processing
    AST queue
    CPU default
        specifying a value for batch queues #1
        specifying a value for batch queues #2
        specifying a value for batch queues #3
    CPU maximum
        specifying a value for batch queues #1
        specifying a value for batch queues #2
        specifying a value for batch queues #3
    CPU time
    detached process
    direct I/O count
    enqueue quota
    jobwide logical name table
    open file
    page file
    process jobs
    subprocess creation
    system resources
    timer queue entry
    working set
Process quotas
    recommended values for backups
    setting before a backup
    maintaining when disconnecting a terminal
        See also Priority, job scheduling; Priority, base
Processing job status
    adding to a multiprocessing active set
    removing from a multiprocessing active set
PRODUCT command
    DCL interface syntax
Product dependencies
Product list
    VMSINSTAL.COM parameter
    in Mail
    in SYSMAN
        changing default directory
        changing privileges
Protected images #1
Protected images #2
Protected images #3
Protected subsystems
    mounting volumes with
    ACL-based #1
    ACL-based #2
    ACL-based #3
    applied to system dump file
    applying to public disk volumes
    applying to queues
    assigning code when mounting a volume
    changing with PROTECTION qualifier
        changing with SET SECURITY/PROTECTION command
        specifying with CREATE/DIRECTORY command
        specifying with /PROTECTION qualifier
    disk file
    disk volumes
        default #1
        default #2
        directory #1
        directory #2
        for public disk volumes
        ISO 9660-formatted media
        magnetic tape
    for interchange environments
    format for object
    mounting a volume with protected subsystems
    of devices
    qualifier for SET VOLUME command
    UIC-based codes
    volume set
        ISO 9660-formatted media
        disk #1
        disk #2
        ISO 9660-formatted media
        tape #1
        tape #2
        tape #3
        VOLPRO privilege
Protection checks
    MOUNT command
Protection codes
    access types
    null access specification #1
    null access specification #2
Proxy accounts
Proxy authorization files
Proxy database
    logical name defining location
    managed by security server
Proxy logins
    controlling system use
PRTSMB symbiont
    on LAT printers
PTFs (product text files)
Public volumes
    access to
    conditions for using
    creating with SYSTEM qualifier
    load balancing
    mounting #1
    mounting #2
        in system startup
    mounting volume sets
    on large configurations
    on small configurations
    setting protection
    testing disk performance
PURGE command
    saving disk space

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