HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

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    in DECnet-Plus full name
Naming conventions
    for queue and journal files for additional queue managers
    of devices
        in an OpenVMS Cluster environment
        virtual terminals
NCL (Network Control Language)
NCP (Network Control Program)
    controlling proxy access
    for managing Phase IV nodes
    configuring DECnet-Plus
NET$PROXY.DAT files #1
NET$PROXY.DAT files #2
    moving to reduce system disk I/O
    use of
NET$PROXY logical name
    defining to reduce system disk I/O
NETDRIVER (network driver)
    connecting #1
    connecting #2
NETNODE_REMOTE logical name
    defining during system startup
    moving to reduce system disk I/O
NETPROXY logical name
    defining during system startup
    defining to reduce system disk I/O
Network communications device
    connecting #1
    connecting #2
Network identifiers
Network management
    concepts #1
    concepts #2
    distributed #1
    distributed #2
Network proxy accounts
    communications device
    Compaq networking options
    LAN enhancements
    networking software options
    possible software combinations
    proxy database
        logical name defining location
    remote node database
        logical name defining location
    save sets
    starting in system startup
Node names
    DECnet Phase IV
    DECnet-Plus full names
    naming conventions
    required for OpenVMS InfoServer Client startup
    deleting node information
    in LAT database
    setting node information
    transferring files between
Nondeductible resource
Nonstop boot
NPAGEDYN system parameter #1
NPAGEDYN system parameter #2
NPAGEVIR system parameter
NUM_NODES symbol
    protecting volume
    comparing with ODS-2 and ODS-5
    migrating to ODS-2
    comparing with ODS-1
    converting from ODS-1
    converting from ODS-5
    converting to ODS-5
    displaying type of volume
    backing up
    case of file name
    comparing with ODS-1 and ODS-2
    controlling access to
    converting an existing volume to #1
    converting an existing volume to #2
    converting to ODS-2
    copying contents of disk to ODS-2 disk
    copying files to ODS-2 disk
    displaying type of volume
    extended file names
        on Alpha systems
        on VAX systems
    initializing a new volume
    mounting a new volume
    preventing untested applications from accessing
    preventing VAX users from accessing
    restoring save set to ODS-2 disk
    saving disk to ODS-2 save set
    saving files in ODS-2 save set
ODS-5 volumes
    controlling access to
ODS (On-Disk Structure)
    CD on OpenVMS
ODS (On-Disk Structure)
    comparing levels
ODS (On-Disk Structure)
    definition #1
    definition #2
    disk and CD-ROM file structures
ODS (On-Disk Structure)
    Levels 1, 2, and 5
ODS (On-Disk Structure)
    on dual format CDs
    reserved files
ODS volumes
    converting from ODS-1 to ODS-2
OPA0: device
OPC$LOGFILE_NAME logical name
    for operator log file
OPC$OPA0_ENABL logical name
OPCOM.DMP process dump file
OPCOM messages
    continuation volume request #1
    continuation volume request #2
    displayed during LANACP start
    generated by LANACP
    mount request message
    mount verification
        aborted message
        timeout message
    operator reply
    security alarm
    user request
OPCOM (Operator Communication Manager)
    automatic restart
        enabling and disabling for log file
    communicating with operators
    communicating with users
    components of
    default behavior
    disabling operator terminals
    enabling operator classes
    enabling operator terminals
    log file
    mount verification
    operator log file
        creating new version
        setting up
        specifying default state
    operator terminals
        creation during system startup
    process dump file
    replying to operator requests
    sending requests to an operator
    startup of
    uses of
    using to request assistance
Open file limit
Open images #1
Open images #2
OpenVMS Cluster environments
        installing images
    preparing for UETP
    security audit log files in
    test failure during UETP
OpenVMS Cluster systems
    adjusting quorum after shutting down a node
    autostart queues in
    common parameter files in
    cross-architecture booting
    DECnet node configuration
    defining in SYSMAN
    defining location of queue database files
    device names
    disks in
    dismounting a volume
        installing images
    executing commands in
    generic batch queues in
    generic output queues in
    generic queues in
    LAN management enhancements
    LAN MOP coexisting with DECnet MOP
    limiting nodes that can run the queue manager
    local and nonlocal
    managing with SYSMAN
    migrating from DECnet MOP to LAN MOP
    monitoring with SHOW CLUSTER
    mounting volumes in
    moving the queue manager to another node
    node restriction for a startup command procedure
    print and batch queues in
OpenVMS Cluster Systems
    problems and restrictions
        tuning BAP system parameters
OpenVMS Cluster systems
    remote monitoring limitation
    setting up for LAN MOP
    shared resources
    shutting down an entire OpenVMS Cluster
    specifying location of queue database
    specifying preferred order of queue manager nodes #1
    specifying preferred order of queue manager nodes #2
    support for TCP/IP
    SYSMAN management environment
    system management
    using CLUSTER_CONFIG to set up LAN MOP
OpenVMS Management Station
    features #1
    features #2
OpenVMS Registry
    connecting to a Windows NT system
    failover in a cluster
    running in an OpenVMS Alpha mixed-version cluster
    shutting down
    Unicode support
    Utilities for configuring
OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility
OpenVMS Registry server commands
Operating systems
    building on another disk
    copying to another system disk
Operator assistance
    operator classes
    replying to operator requests
    with MOUNT command
Operator consoles
    enabling in system startup
Operator log file
    access to
    closing current and opening new
    creating new
    device status message #1
    device status message #2
    enabling and disabling classes
    enabling in system startup
    initialization message
    logging user requests in
    printing #1
    printing #2
        during system startup
    recording changes to system parameters
    request identification number
    response recorded in
    security alarm messages in
    setting up #1
    setting up #2
    specifying default state
    terminal enable and disable message
    troubleshooting the queue manager
    user request and operator reply messages
    volume mount and dismount messages
Operator terminals
        in batch or SYSTARTUP
    enabling and disabling #1
    enabling and disabling #2
    enabling and disabling #3
        security alarms
    security terminal
    setting up
    user request
Operators (computer)
    assistance with MOUNT command in system startup
    classes of
    replying to requests
    requesting assistance from
    sending requests to
Option list
    parameter for VMSINSTAL.COM command procedure
    for software product installations
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
Output a newly created PCF
Output execution queues
    See also Execution queues; Output queues
Output jobs
    aligning forms
    allowing to complete before stopping a queue
    changing scheduling priority
    controlling print position and alignment #1
    controlling print position and alignment #2
    controlling print position and alignment #3
    holding and releasing
    resuming printing #1
    resuming printing #2
    resuming printing #3
    retaining in a queue
    scheduling #1
    scheduling #2
    See also Output queues
        See Job status
Output queues
    assigning a default form
    canceling characteristics
    changing DEFAULT form
    commands for managing
    creating a form
    mounting a form on
        banner pages
        controlling page and line overflow
        device control libraries
        qualifiers for specifying
        restricting access
        retaining jobs
        suppressing form feed
    order of device control module output
    pausing #1
    pausing #2
    pausing #3
        to align position of print for preprinted forms #1
        to align position of print for preprinted forms #2
        to change position of print
    rerouting jobs in
    See also Output jobs; Output queuing environment
    specifying page and margin size in forms
    standalone workstations
    stopping #1
    stopping #2
    stopping #3
Output queuing environment
    for LAT printers
    for mixed printers
    for multiple printers of the same kind
    in OpenVMS Cluster environments
    sample configurations
    single printer
    spooled printers
    standalone workstation
    steps for setting up
Overdraft limit
    user exceeding quota
    See Lines, overflow; Page overflow
    DECnet parameters
    category of user access

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