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OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual

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Chapter 5
Terminal Driver

This chapter describes the use of the terminal driver (TTDRIVER) andthe LAT port driver (LTDRIVER). The terminal driver supports theasynchronous, serial line multiplexers listed in Table 5-1. Theterminal driver also supports the console terminal. The LAT port driveraccommodates I/O requests from application programs; for example tomake connections to remote devices, such as a printer, on a server (seeSection 5.4.4).

5.1 Supported Terminal Devices

In addition to the multiplexers listed in Table 5-1, the terminaldriver supports serial line interfaces. At least one such interface isalways provided and is used to attach the system console terminal. Thisinterface does not allow the setting of multiple terminal speeds,parity, or any maintenance functions, with the exception of theinterface included with the VAX 8200 processor. The terminal devicessupported by the operating system for this interface are listed inTable 5-1.

The remote command terminal, used by the DCL command SET HOST, alsomakes use of the features listed in Section 5.2.

Table 5-1 Supported Terminal Devices
Terminal No.of Outout Split   International
Interface Lines Silo DMA Speed Bus Modem Control
CXY08 8 Yes 1 Yes Yes Q-bus Full
CXA16 16 Yes 1 Yes Yes Q-bus No
CXB16 16 Yes 1 Yes Yes Q-bus No
DZQ11 4 No No Yes Q-bus No
DZQ11-CR 4 No No Yes Q-bus No
MicroVAX 2000 4 No No Yes None No
MicroVAX 3100 4 No No Yes None No
DZV11 4 No No No Q-bus No
DHQ11 8 Yes 1 Yes Yes Q-bus Full
DHU11 16 Yes Yes Yes UNIBUS Full
DHV11 8 No Yes Yes Q-bus Full
DMB32 8 No Yes Yes VAXBI bus Full
DHB32 16 No Yes Yes VAXBI bus Full
DSH32 8 Yes No Yes MicroVAX 2000, MicroVAX 3100 No
DMF32 8 Yes Yes 2 Yes 2 UNIBUS Yes
DMZ32 24 Yes Yes Yes UNIBUS Full
DZ11 8/16 No No No UNIBUS No
DZ32 8 No No Limited UNIBUS No
LAT 3 No Yes 3 N/A 3
VAX 8200
serial lines
4 No No No 4 None No
VAXstation 3100 4 No No Yes None No
VAXstation 4000 2 No No Yes None No
DEC 2000
Model 300
2 No No No None Full
DEC 2000
Model 300 7
4, 8 Yes No No EISA Full
AlphaServer 2100 2 No No No None Full
AlphaServer 7 4, 8 Yes No No EISA Full
DEC 3000
Model 300
3 No Yes 5 No None Full
DEC 3000
Model 400
4 No Yes 6 No None Full
DEC 3000
Model 500
4 No Yes 6 No None Full
DEC 4000
Model 600
2 No No No None Full

1Depends on whether the DHV or DHU mode is selected when theboard is installed.
2Lines 0 and 1.
3Server dependent.
4The operating system always supports the first serial lineas a console interface. The first serial line and the remaining threeserial lines are also supported as user terminal interfaces at amaximum speed of 1200 baud in configurations that can include a LATterminal interface, but do not include other terminal interfaces.
5Communications only if not booted as alternate console.
6Communications only.
7Optional multifunctional serial/parallel PC4XD-AA adaptercard. You can daisy-chain up to four boards in one system, resulting in16, 32, or 64 ports.

5.2 Terminal Driver Features

The terminal driver provides the following features:

  • Input processing
    • Command-line editing and command recall
    • Control characters and special keys
    • Input character validation (read verify)
    • American National Standard Institute (ANSI) escape sequence detection
    • Type-ahead feature
    • Specifiable or default input terminators
    • Special operating modes, such as NOECHO and PASTHRU
  • Output processing
    • Efficiency
    • Limited full-duplex operation
    • Formatted or unformatted output
  • Dialup support
    • Modem control
    • Hangup on logout
    • Preservation of process across hangups
  • Miscellaneous
    • Terminal/mailbox interaction
    • Autobaud detection
    • Out-of-band control character handling

5.2.1 Input Processing

The terminal driver defines many terminal characteristics and readfunction modifiers, which provide a wide range of options to anapplication program. These options allow multiple levels of controlover the terminal driver's input process, ranging from the default ofcommand line editing that provides a highly flexible user interface, tothe PASTHRU mode, which inhibits input process interpretation of data. Command-Line Editing and Command Recall

The terminal driver input process defines a bounded set of line editingfunctions. You can access these functions with control keys on allkeyboards, and with some special keys on certain keyboards as well. Youcan move the cursor in single-character increments (left arrow orCtrl/D, right arrow or Ctrl/F) or in multicharacter increments, to thebeginning of the line (Ctrl/H) or end of the line (Ctrl/E). Theterminal driver supports both insert character and overstrike charactermodes. The insert or overstrike mode is the terminal's defaultcharacteristic1 at the beginning of a read operation, butyou can change it with the toggle insert/overstrike key (Ctrl/A). Youcan delete characters in word increments (Ctrl/J or line feed) andbeginning-of-the-line increments (Ctrl/U).

When you use the terminal driver's editing functions, the followingrestrictions result:

  • You cannot move the cursor to a previous line after a line wrap.
  • You cannot insert a character if the insertion would force a line wrap or if a tab follows the current cursor position.
  • You cannot delete a word at the beginning of a line after a line wrap.
  • You cannot assign the line editing function to other keys.

Command recall, initiated by Ctrl/B or the up arrow, returns the lastline enteredto the command-line buffer. At this point, you edit or reenter the lineby pressing the Return key. DCL extends command recall to the last 20commands by using the TRM$M_TM_NORECALL modifier to disable theterminal driver's recall mechanism.

Any control key that is not defined by line editing is ignored. Forapplication programs that require control key input but do not performQIO functions with special read modifiers, the SET TERMINAL/NOLINE_EDITDCL command restores most of the terminal driver behavior describedunder OpenVMS Versions 3.0 through 3.7. Control Characters and Special Keys

A control character is a character that controls action at the terminalrather than passing data to a process. An ASCII control character has acode between 0 and 31, and 127 (hexadecimal 0 through 1F, and 7F); thatis, all normal control characters plus DELETE. (Table C-1 lists thenumeric values for all control characters.)

You enter some control characters at the terminal by simultaneouslypressing the Ctrl key and a character key, such as Ctrl/x.Table 5-2 lists the terminal control characters. You can changecontrol character echo strings (Ctrl/C, Ctrl/Y, Ctrl/O, and Ctrl/Z) ona systemwide basis (refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual). You enter specialkeys, such as Return, Line Feed, and Escape, by pressing a single key.

Several of the control characters do not function as described if theDCL command SET TERMINAL/LINE_EDIT is not specified. Refer to theOpenVMS DCL Dictionary for information on line editing function keys and the SETTERMINAL command.

Table 5-2 Terminal Control Characters
Control Character Meaning
(Ctrl/C---F6 1)
Gains the attention of the enabling process if the user program has enabled a Ctrl/C AST. If a Ctrl/C AST is not enabled, Ctrl/C is converted to Ctrl/Y (see Section

The terminal performs a carriage-return/line-feed combination (carriage return followed by a line feed), echoes CANCEL, and performs another carriage-return/line-feed combination. If the terminal has the ReGIS characteristic or if Ctrl/Y is pressed, the cancel ReGIS escape sequence is sent.

Additional consequences of Ctrl/C are as follows:

  • The type-ahead buffer is emptied.
  • Ctrl/S and Ctrl/O are reset.
  • All queued and in-progress write operations and all in-progress read operations are successfully completed. The status return is SS$_CONTROLC, or SS$_CONTROLY if Ctrl/C is converted to Ctrl/Y.
Delete character
Removes the last character entered from the input stream.

DELETE (decimal 127 or hexadecimal 7F) is ignored if there are currently no input characters. Hardcopy terminals echo the deleted character enclosed in backslashes. For example, if the character z is deleted, \z\ is echoed (the second backslash is echoed after the next non-DELETE character is entered). Terminals that have the TT$M_SCOPE characteristic echo DELETE by removing the character.

Delete line
Purges current input data. When Ctrl/U is entered before the end of a read operation, the current input line is deleted. (In the case of a line wrap, Ctrl/U deletes only a line at a time.) If line editing is enabled (SET TERMINAL/LINE_EDIT is specified), the data from the beginning of the line to the current cursor position is deleted.
Delete word
(Ctrl/J or F13)
(Line feed)
Deletes the word before the cursor. Word terminators are all control characters, space, comma, dash, period, and ! " # $ & ' ( ) + @ [ \ ] ^ { | ~ / : ; <> = ? (see Appendix C).
Discard output
Discards output. Action is immediate. All output is discarded until the next read operation, the next write operation with a IO$M_CANCTRLO modifier, or the receipt of the next Ctrl/O. The terminal echoes OUTPUT OFF. The current write operation (if any) and write operations performed while Ctrl/O is in effect are completed with a status return of SS$_CONTROLO.

A second Ctrl/O, which reenables output, echoes OUTPUT ON. Ctrl/C, Ctrl/Y, and Ctrl/T cancel Ctrl/O.

End of line
Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
(Ctrl/Z or F10)
Echoes EXIT when Ctrl/Z is entered as a read terminator. By convention, Ctrl/Z constitutes end-of-file.
Ctrl/Y is a special interrupt or attention character that is used to invoke the command interpreter for a logged-in process. Ctrl/Y can be enabled with an IO$M_CTRLYAST function modifier to a IO$_SETCHAR or IO$_SETMODE function code. The command interpreter's Ctrl/Y AST handler always takes precedence over a user program's Ctrl/Y AST handler.

Entering Ctrl/Y results in an AST to an enabled process to signify that the user entered Ctrl/Y from the terminal. The terminal performs a carriage-return/line-feed combination, echoes INTERRUPT, and performs another carriage-return/line-feed combination if the AST and echo are enabled. Ctrl/Y is ignored (and not echoed) if the process is not enabled for the AST.

Additional consequences of Ctrl/Y are as follows:

  • The type-ahead buffer is flushed.
  • Ctrl/S and Ctrl/O are reset.
  • All queued and in-progress write operations and all in-progress read operations are successfully completed with a 0 transfer count. The status return is SS$_CONTROLY.
  • The cancel ReGIS escape sequence is sent.
Move cursor left
(Ctrl/D <-)
Moves the cursor one position to the left.
Move cursor right
(Ctrl/F ->)
Moves the cursor one position to the right.
Move cursor to
beginning of line
(Ctrl/H or F12)
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Purge type-ahead
Purges the type-ahead buffer and performs a Ctrl/U operation. Action is immediate. If a read operation is in progress, the operation is equivalent to Ctrl/U.
(Ctrl/B or
up arrow)
Recalls the last command entered. DCL extends recall to several commands.
Redisplay input
Redisplays current input. When Ctrl/R is entered during a read operation, a carriage-return/line-feed combination is echoed on the terminal, and the current contents of the input buffer are displayed. If the current operation is a read with prompt (IO$_READPROMPT) operation, the current prompt string is also displayed. Ctrl/R has no effect if the characteristic TT$M_NOECHO is set.
Restart output
Controls data flow; used by terminals and the driver. Restarts data flow to and from a terminal if previously stopped by Ctrl/S. The action occurs immediately with no echo. Ctrl/Q is also used to solicit read operations.

Ctrl/Q is meaningless if the line does not have the characteristic TT$M_TTSYNC, the characteristic TT$M_READSYNC, or is not currently stopped by Ctrl/S.

If used during a read (input) operation, RET echoes a carriage-return/line-feed combination. All carriage returns are filled on terminals with TT$M_CRFILL specified.
Stop output
Controls data flow; used by both terminals and the terminal driver. Ctrl/S stops all data flow; the action occurs immediately with no echo. Ctrl/S is also used to stop read operations. Ctrl/S is meaningful only if the terminal has either the TT$M_TTSYNC characteristic or the TT$M_READSYNC characteristic.
Tabs horizontally. Advances to the next tab stop on terminals with the characteristic TT$M_MECHTAB, but the terminal driver assumes tab stops on MODULO 8 (multiples of 8) cursor positions. On terminals without this characteristic, enough spaces are output to move the cursor to the next MODULO 8 position.
Displays the current time. Ctrl/T also displays the current node and user name, the name of the image that is running, and information about system resources that have been used during the current terminal session.
(Ctrl/A or F14)
Changes current edit mode from insert to overstrike, or from overstrike to insert. The default mode (as set with SET TERMINAL/LINE_EDIT) is reset at the beginning of each line.

1F6 on the LK201 is Interrupt/Cancel. Read Verify

The read verify instructions provided by the terminal driver allowvalidation of data as each character is entered. Invalid characters arenot echoed and terminate the operation. The terminal driver does notsupport full function field processing. Large data entry applicationsshould use one of the DECforms, FMS, or TDMS layered products, whichsupport the entire data entry environment. Section describes thesupported primitives.


1 Compaq suggests that new users specify overstrike mode.

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