HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS Guide to System Security

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Hardcopy output
    disposal of
Hardcopy terminals, logout considerations
Hidden attribute
High-water marking #1
High-water marking #2
High-water marking #3
    C2 systems and
    performance and
Holder Hidden attribute
Holders of a rights identifier
    associating with identifier
    displaying records
    granting access to
    removing from rights database
HSC console terminals
    C2 system requirements
    C2 system restrictions
HSM (Hierarchical Shelving Manager), not in C2 evaluation
I/O channels, access requirements #1
I/O channels, access requirements #2
I/O operations, access requirements for devices
Identifier ACEs
    ACE order
    adding to an ACL
    conditionalizing access
    Default attribute
    denying access
    protected subsystems and
    using general identifiers
Identifier attributes
    description of
    Holder Hidden
    Name Hidden
    No Access
    adding to rights database
    as directory owners
    as file owners #1
    as file owners #2
    assigning to users
    auditing use of
    displaying process
    environmental #1
    environmental #2
    environmental #3
    environmental #4
    general #1
    general #2
    general #3
    in ACEs
    of a process
    protected subsystems and
    security audit reports and
    UIC #1
    UIC #2
    uniqueness requirement
        security ramifications
Images, installing
    security ramifications #1
    security ramifications #2
    subsystem images #1
    subsystem images #2
IMPORT privilege
INBOUND parameter for node type specification
Incoming proxy access, enabling or disabling
INITIALIZE command, /ERASE qualifier #1
INITIALIZE command, /ERASE qualifier #2
Install utility (INSTALL)
    auditing changes made through
    security ramifications #1
    security ramifications #2
Interactive accounts
Interactive identifiers
Interactive logins
    dialup #1
    dialup #2
    system message
Interactive mode
Intrusion databases
        counteraction through dual passwords
        evasive procedures
        reporting events
        setting exclusion period
        system parameters for
Job controllers
    affected by shift restrictions
    enforcing work time restrictions
Job terminations imposed by shift restrictions
Journal flush
Last login messages
LASTport and LASTport/DISK protocols
    not in C2 evaluation
LAT protocol, not in C2 evaluation
LGI system parameters
    controlling login attempts
/LGICMD qualifier and captive accounts
Lifetime of accounts
Lifetime of passwords #1
Lifetime of passwords #2
Limited-access accounts
LINK command, /NOTRACEBACK qualifier
    terminating dynamic asynchronous
Listener devices, example of programs for
LOAD_PWD_POLICY system parameter
Local identifiers
Lock access
    access to protected objects
    security audit events #1
    security audit events #2
    terminal sessions
Logging out
    breaking dialup connection
    deciding when it is necessary
    from disconnected processes
    reasons for
    security considerations #1
    security considerations #2
Logical I/O access
Logical name tables
    as protected objects
    events audited
    privilege requirements
    reestablishing security profile
    security elements of
    template profiles
    types of access
Logical names
    defining for external authentication
Login alarms
Login classes
    restrictions on
Login command procedures
    for restricted accounts #1
    for restricted accounts #2
    proper protection for
Login failures
    break-in evasion and
    causes of
    dialup logins
    expired accounts
    login class restrictions and
    messages #1
    messages #2
    password grabber programs #1
    password grabber programs #2
    retries and
    security audit report and
    shift restrictions
    system passwords and
Login messages
    controlling #1
    controlling #2
    disconnected job
    expired password #1
    expired password #2
    last successful interactive login
    last successful noninteractive login
    new mail
    number of login failures
    suppressing #1
    suppressing #2
Login programs, authentication by secure terminal server
    changing password
    changing password during
    default process protection and
        supplying password
        by break-in evasion
        by shift restriction
    expired accounts
        classes of
        most recent
    monitoring last
        classes of
        most recent
    permitted time periods
    restricting with system passwords
    secure terminal server #1
    secure terminal server #2
    security implications
    simplifying for user with ALF (automatic login facility)
    system parameters controlling
    time out
    with external authentication
Logout alarms
Logout auditing
LOGOUT command
    /HANGUP qualifier
LOG_IO privilege #1
LOG_IO privilege #2

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