HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS Guide to System Security

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    reinstalling with privileges
Mail files, recommended protection for
MAIL objects, recommended access
Mail utility (MAIL)
    controlling notification messages
    transferring text files
    default protection
    default security elements
    for audit event messages
    modifying security profiles
    privilege requirements
Maintenance tasks for secure systems
Manage access
MAXSYSGROUP system parameter #1
MAXSYSGROUP system parameter #2
Media initialization
    access requirements
    restricting with ACLs
Member numbers in UICs
Member UIC names
Memory consumption by ACLs
        security disadvantages
    auditing security-relevant events
    disabling last login
    last successful interactive login
    login failures
    suppressing #1
    suppressing #2
    suppressing last login
MFD (master file directory)
MIRROR objects
MME (Media Management Extension), not in C2 evaluation
    C2 system requirements
MODIFY/SYSTEM_PASSWORD command in Authorize utility
MODIFY user/FLAG=AUDIT command in Authorize utility #1
MODIFY user/FLAG=AUDIT command in Authorize utility #2
MOM (maintenance operations module) objects
MOUNT command, alarms
MOUNT privilege
Mounting volumes
    access requirements
    security audits and
    with protected subsystems
Name Hidden attribute
Naming rules
    capability objects
    common event flag clusters
    global sections
    logical name tables
    resource domains
    security class
NCP (Network Control Program)
    auditing database modifications
NETMBX privilege
    normal protection
Network access control strings #1
Network access control strings #2
Network access control strings #3
Network access control strings #4
Network accounts
    DECNET account, removing
    network objects #1
    network objects #2
Network databases
Network identifiers
Network logins #1
Network logins #2
Network security
    C2 systems and
    events audited
    network object configuration #1
    network object configuration #2
    requirements for
    access control
    INBOUND parameter
    proxy login for applications
NISCS_CONV_BOOT system parameter
NML (network management listener) objects
No Access attribute
Nodes, types of
Non-file-oriented devices, access requirements #1
Non-file-oriented devices, access requirements #2
None attribute (ACEs) #1
None attribute (ACEs) #2
Noninteractive logins
Nopropagate attribute #1
Nopropagate attribute #2
Nopropagate attribute #3
Numeric UICs
Object classes
    descriptions of
    security attributes of
Object ownership
    assigning during file creation
    by resource identifiers
    changing #1
    changing #2
    exceptions to the rules
    managing defaults #1
    managing defaults #2
    managing directory defaults
    qualifying for
    restoring file defaults
    security element of an object
    zero UICs in protection checks
Object permanence
    capability object
    common event flag cluster
    global sections
    logical name tables
    resource domains
    security class object
    access arranged by
    access to, comparing security profiles
    ACLs and
    adding ACEs for security auditing
    alarms for creation
    alarms for deaccess
    alarms for deletion
    auditing access #1
    auditing access #2
    auditing access #3
    C2 systems and
    capability class
    changing security profile
    characteristics of protected objects
    class descriptions
    class-specific access overrides
    class specification
    classes of
    classes protected by operating system
    classes protected by operating system
    controlling access with Identifier ACEs #1
    controlling access with Identifier ACEs #2
    displaying default protection and ownership
    displaying security profiles
    global sections
    granting access through protection codes
    in security models
    kinds of events audited
    logical name tables
    managing default protection and ownership
    modifying class templates
    protection codes #1
    protection codes #2
    reassigning ownership
    resource domains
    role in security models
    rules for determining access
    security class
    security elements source
    security management overview
    security profiles #1
    security profiles #2
OPCOM (operator communication manager), security auditing and
Open accounts
    C2 systems and
    captive accounts and
    captive recommendation
Open files and ACL consumption of memory
OpenVMS Management Station, not in C2 evaluation
OPER privilege
    overriding access controls
    queue access
    queue management
    category of user access

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