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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
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Before setting up the outbound stream, decide how you want to identify the associated local or remote event sink. The sink's identifying characteristics can be any of the following parameters to the set command:
The event sink identified in the set command need not exist when you associate the outbound stream with its sink. If the event sink does not exist, the NCL commands used to create and test the outbound streams work; however, no event messages are sent from the outbound stream until the sink exists and a connection is established. |
DECdns Object Name
If .ADMIN.EVENT_SINKS.SINK_A is the DECdns object name for the sink associated with the netmgr1_obs outbound stream, the following example shows the set command used to form the affiliation:
ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream netmgr1_obs - _ncl> sink object .admin.event_sinks.sink_a |
You should identify network components by their DECdns object name. If the location of a sink object defined in the DECdns namespace changes, the namespace administrator can easily update information about the change by modifying the object's single entry in the DECdns namespace. For more information, see the DECnet-Plus DECdns Management guide. Also see Section 12.3.9 for related information about the set object name command used with the corresponding event sink.
DECdns Node Name
If you choose not to define a DECdns object entry for a sink, use the sink node name and end-user specification, or use the sink address. For example:
ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream netmgr1_obs - _ncl> sink node 0, sink end user number = 82 |
In the previous example, leaving sink node 0 (zero) indicates that the event sink resides on the local system. If the event sink resides on a system that is different from the outbound stream's system, specify the full DECdns node name.
The end-user specification for the sink consists of one of the following:
The end-user specification corresponds to the object number or name, and defaults to the standard event sink supplied on the node.
You must specify a matching end-user specification on the event sink to associate the outbound stream and the event sink. For more information about matching end-user specifications for outbound streams and sinks, see Section 12.3.10.
Session Control Towers
If the event sink resides on a system that is different from the outbound stream's system, you can specify the remote sink by specifying the session control towers (sink address) of the remote node.
To find the towers of the destination sink node, enter the following NCL command on that node:
ncl> show node 0 address |
If the event sink resides on the same (local) node as the outbound stream, set the sink node using either the node's full DECdns node name, or enter 0, which indicates the local node. For example:
ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream netmgr1_obs sink node 0 |
If neither the sink node nor sink address attributes
has been set, the events for this outbound stream will be logged to the
local node sink by default.
12.3.4 Creating an Event Sink
The following example creates an event sink named netmgr1_sink_a:
ncl> create event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_a - _ncl> maximum buffer size size (1) |
In most cases, the event filters defined on outbound streams sufficiently manage event reports sent to an event sink. By default, the specific and global filters are defined to pass this sink's pseudo-events and the catch-all filter is set to pass. DIGITAL recommends that you define the filters at each source node where the outbound streams reside because, in cases where the source and sink reside on different nodes, setting up filters at the source avoids unnecessary network traffic between the source node and the sink node. Also, a consistent network management policy about where event filtering will occur can avoid confusion, especially when several network managers work throughout the network.
You have the option of defining event filters for an event sink. The filters apply to event messages received from all outbound streams that use this sink. That is, you cannot designate selected filter entries corresponding to incoming events from a specific outbound stream. The definition of event filters for event sinks is similar to the process used with outbound streams. See Section 12.2 and Section 12.3.14 for related information.
In the following example, assume that 10 outbound streams from 10 different systems let the station running event from all hdlc link logical station entities pass into the event stream sent to a sink called netmgr1_sink_b. If you decide this information is not important for the final report, you can filter it out. For example:
ncl> block event dispatcher sink - _ncl> netmgr1_sink_b global filter = - _ncl> ((hdlc, link, logical station), station running) |
Once you have set up the event filter for an event sink, use the testevent command to check that the filter works according to your plan. The testevent command returns a message specifying the action of the filter used. See the following example:
ncl> testevent event dispatcher sink - _ncl> netmgr1_sink_b event = - _ncl> ((node usa:.admin.artist hdlc link link-id - _ncl> logical station station-id), station running) |
Action = Block Filter = Global filter |
You cannot use a wildcard character with the testevent command's event argument. |
The testevent command might reveal an error in your logic
about event filtering for this event sink. If this occurs, see
Section 12.3.7.
12.3.7 Modifying an Event Sink Filter
The specific and global filter trees can only be modified by the pass, block and ignore directives. You can enter a new definition for the event. The new definition supersedes any previous definitions.
To delete the previous filter values you set and reinitialize them to their default values when the event sink was created, use the following command:
ncl> reset event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_b |
See Section for related information.
Modifications in the sink filters affect subsequently created inbound streams (connections from remote nodes) and not inbound streams already created. |
After a sink receives and filters an event, the event message is queued to the sink client. The sink client delivers the event message as an event report to a specified destination.
The client type characteristic can be set only when the event dispatcher sink entity is disabled (that is, when the sink state is off). Attempts to set the characteristic when the sink state is on result in an error message.
DECnet-Plus provides three types of sink clients or destinations:
ncl> set event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_a - _ncl> client type console |
ncl> set event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_a - _ncl> client type device ncl> set event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_a - _ncl> device name "full-device-name" |
ncl> set event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_a - _ncl> client type file ncl> set event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_a - _ncl> file name file-specification |
The DECdns namespace administrator can use option 10 of the decnet_register utility to register each event sink as an object in the namespace. For more information about the registration process, refer to the DECnet-Plus DECdns Management.
Once the event sink is defined as an object in the namespace, you can use the set command so that the DECnet-Plus Session Control layer on the sink node can deliver incoming event messages sent by outbound streams that used the DECdns object name for the sink. For example, if .admin.event_sinks.primary_sink is the object name in the namespace for an event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_a entity:
ncl> set event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_a - _ncl> object name .admin.event_sinks.primary_sink |
For the event sink, you must set an end-user specification, which can be one of the following:
The default is number = 82.
Make sure that the end-user specification for both the sink and outbound stream match.
On an OpenVMS system, if you issue the following command on system .admin.finance, you need to issue an additional command to associate the sink and the outbound stream when setting up the outbound stream.
ncl> set event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink end user name = accounting |
The following example shows how to issue the additional command. Specify the system where the sink is located and the same end-user name as specified for the sink.
ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream netmgr1_obs - _ncl> sink node .admin.finance, sink end user name = accounting |
You can disable the display of UIDs as part of an event message by setting the displayUIDs attribute to false. For example:
ncl> set event dispatcher sink netmgr displayuids false |
Use the following command to enable the display of UIDs:
ncl> set event dispatcher sink netmgr displayuids true |
Use the enable command to start an event sink that is ready to accept event messages from its outbound stream(s).
ncl> enable event dispatcher sink netmgr1_sink_a |
If you receive an invalid name exception while attempting to enable an event sink, it indicates a problem with the defined object name characteristic. Compare the value of this parameter (using a show command in NCL) with the actual object's name in the DECdns namespace.
Use Option 10 of decnet_register to examine the namespace (for more information, refer to the DECnet-Plus DECdns Management guide).
The event sink generates events when it is enabled. By default, all events generated by some event dispatcher subentities, such as event sinks and outbound streams, are blocked by the sink's global filters (as is the case with outbound stream global filters). On the other hand, the specific filter for subentities such as the sink or outbound stream pass events from only that instance of the sink or outbound stream. That is, netmgr1_sink_a passes events from netmgr1_sink_a, but from no other sink. If you have set up your sink's filters to pass all event dispatcher sink events you might see various events posted when you enable the sink.
A sink always posts events directly to its sink client even if you do not have an outbound stream defined. If you have both sides of an event stream on the same node, you might see sink events posted twice: Once when the sink posts them to the client and again when the outbound stream delivers the event to the sink.
The sink probably will not generate many events. You can, however, eliminate redundant events by blocking the sink events at the outbound stream. For example:
ncl> block event dispatcher outbound stream netmgr1_obs - _ncl> global filter=((node, event dispatcher, sink), all) |
You should block sink events at the outbound stream because:
The following example creates a user-specified outbound stream named netmgr1_obs.
ncl> create event dispatcher outbound stream netmgr1_obs - _ncl> maximum buffer size size (1) |
If you create an outbound stream and accept all the default settings, the filter's specific setting is set to pass events generated by that outbound stream. The global setting is set to block for all events generated by event dispatcher entities. The filter's catch-all setting is set to pass. For more information about using event filters, see Section 12.2.
To identify events to filter for specific entity instances, define entries at the specific level. Define entries at the global level to filter for certain events, or all events, for an entity class. See the following example:
ncl> block event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs specific filter = - _ncl> ((node usa:.admin.art routing circuit ether-1), circuit change) ncl> pass event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs global filter = - _ncl> ((routing, circuit), all) (1) ncl> block event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs specific filter = - _ncl> ((node usa:.admin.art mop circuit una-0), all) ncl> ignore event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs specific filter = - _ncl> ((node usa:.admin.art mop circuit una-0), load request completed) ncl> pass event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs global filter = - _ncl> ((mop, circuit), all) (2) ncl> pass event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs global filter = - _ncl> ((session control, application), all) (3) ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs catch all filter = block (4) |
The following is another example of filtering. It defines an additional outbound stream on the system and reports events from OSI transport entities.
ncl> pass event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs2 specific filter = - _ncl> ((node usa:.admin.artist osi transport local nsap aaaa), all) (1) ncl> pass event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs2 specific filter = - _ncl> ((node usa:.admin.artist osi transport local nsap remote nsap dddd), - _ncl> all) (2) ncl> ignore event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs2 specific filter = - _ncl> ((node usa:.admin.artist osi transport local nsap remote nsap dddd), - _ncl> reject sent) (3) ncl> block event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs2 global filter = - _ncl> ((osi transport, local nsap), all) (4) ncl> block event dispatcher outbound stream - _ncl> netmgr1_obs2 global filter = - _ncl> ((osi transport, local nsap, remote nsap), all) (5) ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream netmgr1_obs2 - _ncl> catch all filter = block (6) |
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