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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Network Management

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12.7 Collecting Event Reports from Phase IV Systems

To record events from a Phase IV system on a DECnet-Plus system, you need to define the relay entity and its logging subentities. The relay entity receives the events from a Phase IV node, encapsulates them, and posts them in the DECnet-Plus system event dispatcher.

To see the relayed events, you must also have created and enabled the event dispatcher entity, an outbound stream, and a sink on the DECnet-Plus system.

12.7.1 Creating and Enabling the Relay Entity

The following example creates and enables the relay entity. (See Figure 12-4 for the relationship of the relay subentity in the event dispatcher entity hierarchy.)

ncl> create event dispatcher relay
ncl> enable event dispatcher relay


The relay entity is created and enabled by default when DECnet-Plus is started.

12.7.2 Disabling and Deleting the Relay Entity

To set the relay entity's state status to OFF, use the disable command:

ncl> disable event dispatcher relay

To delete the relay entity, use the delete command:

ncl> delete event dispatcher relay

12.7.3 Enabling and Disabling Logging Entities

logging entity types can be console, file, or monitor logging. They are created and enabled by the relay. You can also explicitly enable them by using the enable command, as the following example shows:

ncl> enable event dispatcher relay logging console

logging entities are disabled and deleted by the parent relay entity. You can also explicitly disable them by using the disable command. See the following example:

ncl> disable event dispatcher relay logging console

12.7.4 Using NCP Event Logging Commands on the Phase IV Systems

Use Phase IV NCP commands (from the Phase IV local system, or from a DECnet Phase V system) to direct the event messages from a Phase IV source node to a DECnet Phase V sink node. For example:

ncp> set logging console known events sink node decnet-osi-system

For information about using NCP event logging, refer to your Phase IV documentation.

12.7.5 Sample Relayed Phase IV Event

The following example shows a typical event relayed from a Phase IV system.

Event: Event Relayed from: Node ADMIN:.NetMgr Event Dispatcher RELAY
LOGGING Console, (1)
        at: 1995-02-28-15:33:11.909-05:00I0.405 (2)

        Formatted NICE Data=
DECnet event 0.9, counters zeroed (3)
From node 1.234 (PHASE4), 28-FEB-1992 16:31:18.08
Circuit QNA-0,
     65535  seconds since last zeroed
    977346  arriving packets received
   1087487  departing packets sent
         0  arriving congestion loss
         0  transit packets received
         0  transit packets sent
         0  transit congestion loss
         2  line down
         0  initialization failure
       309  Unknown counter type 822
         1  Unknown counter type 900
   2432065  data blocks sent
 536847580  bytes sent
   2552820  data blocks received
 221074963  bytes received
         0  Multicast received for disabled protocol
       541  user buffer unavailable

        eventUid   96486342-D6F5-CA11-8043-AA000400804D (4)
        entityUid  B677CFE1-D5F5-CA11-8042-AA000400804D
        streamUid  0691473F-D3F5-CA11-8042-AA000400804D
  1. Specifies the event and entity instance.
  2. Specifies when the event occurred.
  3. Specifies the event generated by the Phase IV system.
  4. Specifies unique identification (UID) values for the various components involved.

Appendix A
DECnet Phase IV Components and Corresponding Phase V Entities

Table A-1 lists the Phase IV components and parameters with their corresponding DECnet Phase V entities and attributes.

Table A-1 NCP-NCL Equivalents
Phase IV Component Phase IV Parameter DECnet Phase V Entity DECnet Phase V Attribute
Executor Incoming Timer Session Incoming Timer
Executor Outgoing Timer Session Outgoing Timer
Executor Incoming Proxy Session Incoming Proxy
Executor Outgoing Proxy Session Outgoing Proxy
Executor Maximum Links NSP Max Transport Connections
Executor Delay Factor NSP Delay Factor
Executor Delay Weight NSP Delay Weight
Executor Inactivity Timer NSP KeepAlive Time
Executor Retransmit Timer NSP Retransmit Threshold
Executor Type Routing Type
Executor Broadcast Routing Timer Routing PhaseIV Broadcast Routing Timer
Executor Maximum Address Routing PhaseIV Maximum Address
Executor Maximum Circuits Routing Maximum Circuits
Executor Maximum Cost Routing PhaseIV Maximum Cost
Executor Maximum Hops Routing PhaseIV Maximum Hops
Executor Maximum Visits Routing PhaseIV Maximum Visits
Executor Maximum Area Routing PhaseIV Maximum Area
Executor Area Maximum Cost Routing PhaseIV Area Maximum Cost
Executor Area Maximum Hops Routing PhaseIV Area Maximum Hops
Executor Maximum Buffers Routing Maximum Buffers
Executor Buffer Size Routing PhaseIV Buffer Size
Executor Segment Buffer Size Routing PhaseIV Segment Buffer Size
Executor Maximum Path Splits Routing Maximum Path Splits
Executor Pipeline Quota 1    
Node Service Circuit MOP Client Circuit
Node Service Password MOP Client Verification 2
Node Hardware Address MOP Client Addresses
Node Load File MOP Client System Image
Node Secondary Loader MOP Client Secondary Loader
Node Tertiary Loader MOP Client Tertiary Loader
Node Diagnostic File MOP Client Diagnostic Image
Node Management File MOP Client Management Image
Node Load Assist Agent MOP Client System Image 3
Node Load Assist Parameter MOP Client System Image 3
Node Dump File MOP Client Dump File
Node Dump Address MOP Client Dump Address
Node Dump Count 1    
Node Host MOP Client PhaseIV Host Name and Address
Node Receive Password Routing Permitted Neighbor Verifier
Node Loop Assistant MOP Circuit Assistant System
Node Loop Help MOP Circuit Assistance Type
Line Receive Buffers CSMA-CD Station Receive Buffers
Line Receive Buffers DDCMP Link Receive Buffers
Line Service Timer MOP Circuit Retransmit Timer
Line Duplex Modem Connect Line Duplex
Line Clock Modem Connect Line Clock
Line Retransmit Timer DDCMP Link Retransmit Timer
Line Line Speed Modem Connect Line Speed
Line Protocol DDCMP Link Protocol
Object File ID Session Application Image Name
Object User ID Session Application User Name
Object Alias Outgoing Session Application Outgoing Alias
Object Alias Incoming Session Application Incoming Alias
Object Proxy Session Application Incoming Proxy
Object Proxy Session Application Outgoing Proxy
Circuit Service MOP Circuit Function
Circuit Cost Routing Circuit L1/L2 Cost
Circuit Router Priority Routing Circuit L1/L2 Router Priority
Circuit Hello Timer Routing Circuit Hello Timer
Circuit Maximum Recalls Routing Circuit Maximum Call Attempts
Circuit Recall Timer Routing Circuit Recall Timer
Circuit Number Routing Circuit Neighbor DTE Address
Circuit Transmit Timer Routing Circuit Transmit Timer
Circuit Transmit Timer DDCMP Logical Station Transmit Timer
Circuit Verification Routing Circuit Transmit Verifier

1No equivalent; not applicable.
2See Section
3Special form of SYSTEM IMAGE set by CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM for OpenVMS.

Appendix B
Circuit Devices

B.1 CSMA-CD Devices

DECnet-Plus supports the circuit devices listed in Table B-1, providing multi-access connections among many nodes on the same CSMA-CD circuit.

Table B-1 CSMA-CD Devices on OpenVMS Systems
Device Bus Name Device Bus Name
DELQA Q--bus KFE32  

B.2 FDDI Devices

DECnet-Plus supports the devices listed in Table B-2, providing multi-access connections among many nodes on the same FDDI circuit.

Table B-2 FDDI Devices on OpenVMS Systems
Device Bus Name
DEFAA Futurebus
DEFQA Q--bus

B.3 Synchronous Devices

DECnet-Plus supports the synchronous devices listed in Table B-3. All of the synchronous line devices are either point-to-point or multipoint tributary circuit devices.

Table B-3 Synchronous Devices on OpenVMS Systems
Device Bus Name
DNSES EISA (OpenVMS Alpha only)
DPV11 Q-bus
DSF32 MI--bus
DSH32 None
DST32 None
DSV11 Q-bus
DSW21 None
DSW41 None
DSW42 None
DSYT1 TURBOchannel (OpenVMS Alpha only)

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