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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
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To check the values of your system parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke SYSGEN:
At the SYSGEN> prompt, enter the SHOW command to display the value of each system parameter. Make sure that the values displayed equal or exceed the value of each parameter listed in Table 2-6 or Table 2-7. The following command displays the value for the VIRTUALPAGECNT system parameter:
SYSGEN> SHOW VIRTUALPAGECNT Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit Dynamic -------------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ---- ------- VIRTUALPAGECNT 270144 9216 512 1200000 Pages |
This example shows that the current value for VIRTUALPAGECNT is 270144.
After you finish checking the parameters with the SHOW command, enter
the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt to return to DCL level.
2.6.2 Calculating the Values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS
To install and run ACMS, you must set the correct values for the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS system parameters.
The values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS in Table 2-6 and Table 2-7 (excluding the value of n) indicate the number of unused pages or sections you must have available on your system for the installation to process successfully. To calculate whether your system has a sufficient number of unused global pages and global sections, perform the following steps:
Section 2.6.3 describes the procedures for increasing these values as
well as those of other system parameters. Refer to the OpenVMS
documentation on system management and operations for more information.
2.6.3 Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN
Use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, you must edit the following file:
For example, to change the setting for the GBLPAGES system parameter, add this line to the file:
GBLPAGES = 100000 |
Now, run the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt:
For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the instructions on
modifying system parameters in the OpenVMS documentation on system
management and operations.
2.6.4 Setting the CLISYMTBL Dynamic System Parameter
If the CLISYMTBL system parameter value for your system is less than 500, change the setting by entering the following series of commands:
CLISYMTBL is a dynamic parameter, which means that you do not have to reboot the system to make the change take effect. The new value for CLISYMTBL becomes effective when you enter the SYSGEN command WRITE ACTIVE.
If you do nothing further, the new value for CLISYMTBL remains in effect until the next time you reboot the system, at which time the old value for CLISYMTBL is restored.
If you want to make the new CLISYMTBL value permanent, enter the following SYSGEN command:
The WRITE CURRENT command writes the new value for CLISYMTBL into the SYSGEN database on disk, so that it is available when the system is rebooted.
To exit from SYSGEN, enter the following command:
If you changed the value of CLISYMTBL, log out and log back in so that the new value can take effect. |
The account you use to install ACMS must have sufficient quotas to enable you to perform the installation. Table 2-8 summarizes the process quotas required to perform the installation.
Account Quota | Required Value |
ASTLM | 24 |
BIOLM | 18 |
BYTLM | 32,768 |
DIOLM | 18 |
ENQLM | 2,000 |
FILLM | 200 |
PRCLM | 10 |
PGFLQUO | 12,800 |
User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas. First set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE:
At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example:
To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command at the UAF> prompt. MODIFY has the following format:
MODIFY account-name/quota-name=nnnn |
The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SYSTEM account and then exits from the Authorize Utility:
After you exit from the utility, the OpenVMS system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once the changes have been made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect.
For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description
of the Authorize Utility in the OpenVMS documentation on system
management and operations.
2.8 Time Required for Installation
Table 2-9 lists the approximate time required for installing each ACMS kit.
Installation time depends heavily on installation options, system load, hardware, and kit media. The times listed in Table 2-9 were measured for full installations on a standalone DEC 3000 (Alpha) system with disk-resident kits. Your time may vary. |
Kit | Installation Time1 | IVP Time |
Development | 7 minutes | 2 minutes |
Run-time | 4 minutes | 2 minutes |
Remote-access | 2 minutes | 1 minute |
The ACMS installation checks for the presence of the OpenVMS user account ACMS$IVP. If this account does not exist, you are asked for information needed to create it. The ACMS$IVP account is used to run the ACMS Installation Verification Procedure.
Among the information requested for this account is a unique user identification code (UIC) in the form [ggggg,nnnnnn], where ggggg is an octal user group number in the range 1--37776, and nnnnnn is an octal user number in the range 1--177776. Additionally, the group number cannot be a system group number.
Enter the following commands to list the UICs currently in use on your system:
The result of these commands is that all UICs in use on your system are listed in the file SYSUAF.LIS, in your default directory. You can then examine this listing to determine a unique UIC for the ACMS$IVP account.
On your system, a certain range of group numbers has been reserved for system users. To determine this range, execute the following commands:
The value you supply for the octal group number in the ACMS$IVP UIC must be greater than the octal value of the symbol MAXSYS. The following example shows that the maximum system group number is octal 10; therefore, you must specify a group number for the ACMS$IVP UIC that is in the range 11--37776:
$ MAXSYS = F$GETSYI("MAXSYSGROUP") $ SHOW SYMBOL MAXSYS MAXSYS = 8 Hex = 00000008 Octal = 00000000010 |
This chapter describes how to install the ACMS software. Section 3.2
contains a step-by-step description of the installation procedure.
3.1 Installation Log
A log of your installation is kept in the following file:
In particular, if the ACMS installation fails because prerequisites were not met, this log contains a list of those prerequisites. You can use it as a check list of items to address before you reinstall ACMS.
In addition, after the installation is completed, a list of the files created by the installation is stored in the following file:
ACMS provides online release notes. The prompt to display or print the release notes before the installation appears in the installation procedure, if you invoke VMSINSTAL with the OPTIONS N parameter. For information on accessing the release notes after the installation, refer to Section 3.4.
The ACMS installation process is divided into five phases:
To abort the installation procedure at any time, press
[Ctrl/Y]. When you press [Ctrl/Y], the
installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that
point and exits. You can then start the installation again.
3.2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL (First Phase)
To start the installation, log in to the SYSTEM account, and set default to the SYS$UPDATE directory:
Next, invoke VMSINSTAL. Use the following syntax to invoke VMSINSTAL:
@VMSINSTAL product-name device-name [OPTIONS option-1[,...]] |
The installation name for the component. Enter one of the following:
- ACMSDEVA_044 --- if you are installing the Alpha development kit.
- ACMSRTOA_044 --- if you are installing the Alpha run-time kit.
- ACMSREMA_044 --- if you are installing the Alpha remote-access kit.
- ACMSDEVV_044 --- if you are installing the VAX development kit.
- ACMSRTOV_044 --- if you are installing the VAX run-time kit.
- ACMSREMV_044 --- if you are installing the VAX remote-access kit.
The name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. For example, CDROM is the device name for a tape drive.OPTIONS
An optional parameter indicating that one or more VMSINSTAL options are being supplied. This parameter is followed by a space, and then the requested options. If multiple options are requested, separate them with commas (,); do not include spaces in the options list.The following are VMSINSTAL options that you can use for the ACMS installation:
- N---The release notes option causes VMSINSTAL to prompt you to display or print the ACMS release notes during the installation. (Release notes are always copied to SYS$HELP during an installation, whether or not this option is specified.)
- AWD---The alternate working device option allows you specify an alternate disk device on which to create the temporary working directory used by VMSINSTAL during a product installation. This option allows you to perform an installation with fewer free blocks on the system disk than are otherwise required.
Specify the AWD option using the following format:
Use the AWD option only if you have previously installed ACMS and you do not have sufficient space on your system disk to perform a normal installation. If you have not previously installed ACMS, you must have the disk space listed in Table 2-2 or Table 2-3 available to accommodate the ACMS software.
See Section 2.4.2 for more information on using the AWD option.VMSINSTAL has several other options; for information, see the OpenVMS documentation on software installation.
ACMS does not support option R, the alternate root option. |
On Alpha, the following command invokes VMSINSTAL and installs ACMS from the CD-ROM reader. This example uses the N option for printing or displaying release notes, and the AWD option to use disk DISK1 as an alternate working device:
$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ACMSDEVA_044 CDROM OPTIONS N,AWD=DISK1 OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V7.3 It is 22-JUN-2001 at 11:00. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. |
If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later on in the installation procedure.
* Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? |
Please mount the first volume of the set on CDROM. * Are you ready? Y |
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, ACMSDEVA_044 MOUNTED ON _$200$DISK1: The following products will be processed: ACMSDEVA_ V4.4 Beginning installation of ACMSDEVA_ V4.4 at 11:01 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... |
Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: |
* Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: |
* Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: Y %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. |
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