Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Version 4.4 Installation
3.2.2 Product-Specific Questions (Second Phase)
This section discusses the questions and messages that apply
specifically to the installation of ACMS Version 4.4.
Depending on the kit and options that you choose, some of the steps
listed here might not apply to your installation. This discussion
assumes that you are installing the OpenVMS Alpha development kit
(ACMSDEVA_044). See Appendix A for a sample installation
of the ACMS OpenVMS Alpha development kit and of the ACMS OpenVMS VAX
development kit.
Each question in the installation is marked with an asterisk (*) at the
beginning of the line. Some questions show the default response in
brackets, for example, [YES]. To choose the default response, press
- Selecting installation options
product-specific installation procedure begins execution. The following
message is displayed:
The results of this installation are being logged in
Installing ACMS V4.4-0, development kit
The procedure then asks what portions of the installation you want
to perform. It lists the optional parts of the installation, and asks
if you want to do the full installation. If you answer YES, the full
installation is done; if you answer NO, you are asked individually
whether you want to perform each optional part of the installation.
In this example, the full installation is selected:
There are five optional parts to the ACMS development kit installation:
o ACMS component software
o ACMS LSE update
o ACMS samples
o ACMS Request Interface samples
o ACMS WBEM related files
The full installation includes all these parts.
If ACMS component software is selected, the ACMS WBEM related files will
also be copied.
To install the ACMS samples or the ACMS Request Interface samples, you must
install, or have previously installed, the ACMS component software.
* Do you want the full ACMS installation [NO]?: Y
- Checking installation prerequisites
installation now checks that all ACMS installation prerequisites are
met. These prerequisites are discussed in Chapter 2. The following
message is displayed:
A message is also displayed for any prerequisites that are not met.
For example, the following message indicates that the optional DECtrace
software is not installed:
The following software products are not available, or are below the minimum
required version:
Product Required Minimum version Current version
-------------------- -------- --------------- ---------------
LSE No V4.3 V4.2-17
If products marked as nonrequired are to be used with ACMS, they should be
upgraded to at least the minimum version displayed before use.
(required and optional software checked)
(product licenses checked)
(installed images checked)
(privileges checked)
(disk space checked)
(disk quotas checked)
(system parameters checked)
(process account quotas checked)
These messages are also logged in the following file:
If any of the prerequisites are not met (with the exception of
those related to optional software), the installation is aborted and a
message similar to the following is displayed:
Installation of ACMS is aborting because prerequisites are not met
at 12:00 on 22-JUN-2001
At this point, address all the prerequisites that were not met, and
then restart the installation of ACMS.
- Checking for previous ACMS installations
installation procedure checks to see if you have previously installed
ACMS. If you have, some cleanup from the previous installation might be
necessary; this is the case, for example, if you previously installed a
development kit, and you are now installing a run-time kit. The
following message shows that no cleanup is necessary:
(previous installation of ACMS is compatible with current installation)
If cleanup is necessary, you are given the option to see a list of
files that will be removed from the system disk during the installation.
- Reviewing the LSE informational message
you chose the LSE update option at the beginning of the installation,
or if you chose the full installation, the installation advises you
whether or not it can perform the LSE update. LSE cannot be updated if
the optional LSE software is not present or if it is below the minimum
version. The following message advises you that the LSE update will
take place as requested:
(LSE available -- LSE will be updated for ACMS)
Later on you are asked if you want to continue the installation. If
you were informed that LSE would not be updated, you can continue the
installation, then install LSE and reinstall ACMS at your convenience,
using the LSE update option; or you can stop the installation, install
LSE, and then restart the complete ACMS installation.
- Reviewing the WBEM Files
The installation
advises you whether or not the files necessary for the Compaq Web-Based
Enterprise Management (WBEM) environment are already present. The
Remote Manager web agent software cannot be used if the appropriate
WBEM software is not present or if it is below the minimum version.
The following message advises you that the verification of the WBEM
files will take place:
- Reviewing the Oracle Trace informational message
The installation advises you whether or not it can perform the
Oracle Trace update. Oracle Trace cannot be updated if the optional
Oracle Trace software is not present or if it is below the minimum
version. The following message advises you that the Oracle Trace
update will take place:
ACMS Oracle Trace CHECK
(Oracle Trace available and will be updated for ACMS)
Later on you are asked if you want to continue the installation. If
you were informed that Oracle Trace would not be updated, you can
continue the installation. If Oracle Trace is not available, the ACMS
facility definition is stored in a text library specific to Oracle
Trace, which is used to update the Oracle Trace facility database when
Oracle Trace is installed. You do not have to reinstall ACMS after
installing Oracle Trace.
- Reviewing the CDD informational message
you are installing a run-time kit, the installation advises you whether
CDD is available. The availability of CDD affects the features provided
by the run-time kit. See Section 1.4.2 for an explanation of these
features. The following message advises you that CDD is available:
(CDD available -- CDD-related files will be installed)
Later on you are asked if you want to continue the installation. If
you were informed that ACMS files related to CDD would not be
installed, you can continue the installation, then install CDD and
reinstall ACMS at your convenience, using the CDD related files option;
or you can stop the installation, install CDD, and then restart the
complete ACMS installation.
- Reviewing the old sample files informational
If you chose the ACMS samples option at the
beginning of the installation, or if you chose the full installation,
the installation checks for old samples from a previous installation.
These samples are stored in SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.ACMS], and they
are superseded by examples supplied with this kit. They are deleted
automatically during the installation. The following message
advises you that no old samples were found:
(no old sample files found)
Later on you are asked if you want to continue the installation. If
you want to preserve these old samples, stop the installation, rename
the sample files to a different directory, and then reinstall ACMS.
- Reviewing the ACMS shutdown informational message
If you chose the ACMS component software option at the beginning of
the installation, or if you chose the full installation, the
installation checks for the
ACMS shutdown procedure:
If this procedure is found, the ACMS installation procedure
executes it to
ensure that previously installed ACMS software is not running during
the installation. This shutdown occurs after you choose to continue the
installation in a subsequent step. The following message advises
you that ACMSTOP.COM was found:
(ACMSTOP.COM found -- ACMS will be shut down during installation)
If you have previously installed ACMS on this system, and if
ACMSTOP.COM is not found, ensure that the ACMS system is shut down
before continuing with the installation.
- Reviewing the postinstallation procedure informational
If you chose the ACMS component software at the
beginning of the installation, or if you chose the full installation,
the installation procedure advises you whether or not it can execute
the postinstallation procedure automatically. The postinstallation
procedure cannot be executed if you do not have the required privileges
enabled. The following message advises you that the ACMS
postinstallation procedure will be executed automatically:
(postinstallation procedure will be run automatically after installation)
Refer to Chapter 4 for important information on other steps to take
before using ACMS on your system.
- Reviewing the system roots check informational
The installation checks for ACMS files in
system-specific roots. If you previously installed ACMS, certain files
might exist in system-specific roots. With a few exceptions (for
example, ACMSPAR.ACM) ACMS files should reside in cluster-common
directories such as SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]. Some ACMS files might have
migrated to system-specific roots as a result of maintenance or other
activities performed on the previous version of ACMS. If ACMS files
have migrated in this manner, and you then upgrade to a higher version
of ACMS, you might subsequently encounter problems running ACMS across
a cluster, such as problems related to a version mismatch or the
inability to access new functionality on some nodes. The
installation checks for ACMS files that might have migrated
inadvertently to system-specific roots, and lists any files it finds.
Compaq recommends that you check any files listed to ensure that they
do not interfere with the proper operation of ACMS in the cluster.
Table 3-1 lists the files that are checked.
This example shows that no ACMS files were found in system-specific
(no ACMS-related files found in system-specific roots)
- Choosing to execute the IVP
You are now asked
whether you want to execute the ACMS Installation Verification
Procedure (IVP). This question is asked if you are installing ACMS
software (as opposed to installing samples or updating the LSE
environment, for example). Compaq recommends that you run the IVP
automatically after the installation, to ensure that the installation
was successful. Chapter 5 contains more information on the IVP,
including how to execute it manually at a later time. The following
question is asked to determine whether you want to run the IVP
automatically; press [Return] to accept the default answer,
* Do you want to execute the Installation Verification Procedure [YES]?
If you choose to execute the IVP, the installation now checks for
the IVP user account ACMS$IVP. If the account ACMS$IVP does not exist,
you are asked to supply a user identification code (UIC) and password
for this account. The information you supply is used to create the
account in the third phase of the installation. This example shows
how to supply a UIC and password for the ACMS$IVP account:
The ACMS$IVP account used to execute the IVP is not available.
You must supply a UIC and password for this account so that it can be
created; this must be done before the IVP can be executed.
Please enter the UIC for the ACMS$IVP account, in the form [ggggg,nnnnnn]
* UIC: [400,200]
Please enter a password of at least 8 characters, using only
the following characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789$_
* Password:
* Verification:
The password and verification are not echoed when you type them.
Refer to Section 2.9 for more information on selecting a valid
UIC for the ACMS$IVP account.
- Choosing to continue the installation
At this
time, the installation procedure lists the steps to complete the
installation, and an approximate time for the rest of the installation.
It then asks if you want to continue. If issues remain that you must
address before the installation continues, answer NO to stop the
installation. The following example shows the work list for a
typical development installation; the lists for run-time and
remote-access installations are different.
The following steps will be taken to complete this installation:
o The ACMS system will be shut down (via SYS$STARTUP:ACMSTOP.COM)
o ACMS component software will be installed
o WBEM environment will be updated for ACMS
o LSE environment will be updated for ACMS
o Oracle Trace facility database will be updated for ACMS
o CDD-related ACMS files will be installed
o ACMS samples will be installed
o ACMS Request Interface samples will be installed
o The ACMS postinstallation procedure will be executed
o The ACMS IVP will be executed
The rest of this installation will take approximately 7 minutes.
Execution of the IVP will take approximately 2 minutes.
Note that this time is heavily dependent your system load, hardware
and kit media. The time mentioned was measured on a stand-alone DEC 3000
(Alpha) system with a disk-resident kit. Your time may vary.
* Do you want to continue the installation [YES]?
Press [Return] to continue the installation.
3.2.3 Informational Messages (Third Phase)
In the third installation phase, the actual work of the installation
takes place; restoring savesets, moving files, updating databases, and
so on. This phase has no user interaction. At the beginning of the
phase, a message similar to the following is displayed:
Installation of ACMS started
at 11:02 on 22-JUN-2001
Following this message, the installation procedure displays a number of
informational messages that report on the progress of the installation.
If any errors are encountered in this phase, the installation aborts
and a message similar to the following is displayed:
Installation of ACMS is aborting because errors were encountered
at 13:25 on 22-JUN-2001
If you receive this message, use information in previous error messages
and the installation log to fix the problem, and then reinstall ACMS.
When the third phase is successfully completed, a message similar to
the following is displayed:
Installation of ACMS completed successfully
at 11:07 on 22-JUN-2001
%VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories...
During the ACMS installation, VMSINSTAL operates in safety mode, which
means that it defers file operations until the third phase has
successfully completed. The VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES message indicates
that these deferred file operations are now being performed.
3.2.4 Running the Postinstallation Procedure (Fourth Phase)
If you were informed during the second phase of the installation that
the ACMS postinstallation procedure would be executed, it is done at
this time. A message similar to the following is displayed:
ACMS postinstallation procedure started
at 11:09 on 22-JUN-2001
The postinstallation procedure performs the following steps:
- Checking the ACMS$DIRECTORY logical name
procedure checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$DIRECTORY.
If this logical name is defined, it must be in /SYSTEM /SUPERVISOR
mode, and it must point to an existing directory. If ACMS$DIRECTORY is
not defined or is improperly defined, the procedure asks you for
information so that it can define the logical name. The following
message shows that ACMS$DIRECTORY is properly defined:
ACMS$DIRECTORY logical is acceptable
- Converting ACMSGEN parameter files
procedure asks if you want to convert existing ACMSGEN parameter files.
If you answer YES, or press [Return] to accept the default
answer, the procedure searches for all ACMSGEN parameter files located
them to be compatible with ACMS Version 4.4. The
following message shows the ACMSGEN convert question, and typical
output from the conversion process:
Do you want to convert existing ACMSGEN parameter files [Y]?
The ACMSGEN parameter files listed above have been converted; if
other parameter files exist on your system, they must be updated as
ACMSGEN> USE file-specification
ACMSGEN> WRITE file-specification
- Converting ACMS UDF and DDF files
procedure asks if you want to convert existing ACMS UDF and DDF
parameter files. If you answer YES, or press [Return] to
accept the default answer, the procedure searches for the files pointed
to by the logical names ACMSUDF and ACMSDDF, if these logicals are
defined, and then for ACMSUDF.DAT and ACMSDDF.DAT in
SYS$SYSROOT:[SYS*], and converts them to be compatible with ACMS
Version 4.4. The following message shows the ACMS UDF and
DDF convert question, and typical output from the conversion process:
Do you want to convert existing ACMS UDF and DDF files [Y]?
- Checking for ACMS UDF and DDF files
procedure checks for the presence of ACMS DDF and UDF files. It first
tries to locate these files through the /SYSTEM /EXECUTIVE logical
names ACMSUDF and ACMSDDF, if they exist. The procedure then checks for
not found in either manner, the procedure creates them. The
following message shows that the logical names do not exist, but that
the files were found in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]:
- Checking for ACMS_SETUP.COM
The procedure
checks for the presence of ACMS_SETUP.COM
in SYS$STARTUP. If the file does not exist,
it is created. This is a template for site-specific commands related to
the startup of ACMS. ACMS_SETUP.COM is executed by ACMSTART.COM,
which is normally executed during system startup to start the ACMS
software. Chapter 4 explains how to modify this template to address
your specific needs regarding ACMS startup. If ACMS_SETUP.COM
already exists,
the ACMS_SETUP_NEW.COM template file is created. After the
installation, review this template file to see if you
need to add any new commands to your existing ACMS_SETUP.COM. The
following message shows that the ACMS_SETUP.COM already exists, and
that the template file ACMS_SETUP_NEW.COM is being created:
Please review the contents of ACMS_SETUP_NEW.COM to determine whether there
are any commands you should add to your existing ACMS_SETUP.COM.
- Checking for ACMS menu files
The procedure
checks in ACMS$DIRECTORY for the ACMS command menu ACMSCMD.MDB, and the
default user menu ACMS.MDB, and copies them into that directory if they
do not exist. The following message shows that the menu files already
ACMS$DIRECTORY:ACMSCMD.MDB already exists -- not copied
ACMS$DIRECTORY:ACMS.MDB already exists -- not copied
- Checking for ACMS$MGMT_SETUP files
procedure checks for ACMS$MGMT_SETUP and Remote Manager configuration
files and asks if you want to set up and configure the Remote Manager.
Do you want to SETUP and CONFIGURE the ACMS Remote System Manager [Y]?
If you respond yes, the procedure asks you a series of questions
concerning Remote Manager configuration. Refer to the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Remote Systems Management Guide for
more information about Remote Manager setup.
When the postinstallation procedure is completed, a message similar
to the following is displayed:
ACMS postinstallation procedure completed successfully
at 11:10 on 22-JUN-2001
See Chapter 4 for information on tasks that you perform manually
after ACMS is installed on your system.