HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Version 4.4 Installation Guide

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Planning the ACMS Installation
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install ACMS
Chapter 3 Installing ACMS
Chapter 4 After Installing ACMS
Chapter 5 Running the ACMS IVP
Chapter 6 Deinstalling ACMS
Appendix A Sample Installations
Appendix B Registering and Loading Your ACMS License
Appendix C Modifying ACMS Help and Message Text
Appendix D Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Planning the ACMS Installation
     1.1     Types of ACMS Kits
     1.2     ACMS Licenses
     1.3     Required Operating System Components
     1.4     Layered Product Requirements
         1.4.1         Determining Software Version Numbers
         1.4.2         Requirements for Oracle CDD
         1.4.3         Requirements for LSE
         1.4.4         Requirements for TP Desktop Connector
         1.4.5         Recommended Order for Installing Software
     1.5     Upgrading Software in a Distributed System
         1.5.1         Configuration Issues
     1.6     Product Dependencies
Chapter 2
2 Preparing to Install ACMS
     2.1     Backing Up Your System Disk
     2.2     Software Versions
         2.2.1         Installed Images
     2.3     Privileges
     2.4     Disk Space
         2.4.1         Disk Space for a Normal Installation
         2.4.2         Installing on a Disk with Limited Space
     2.5     Disk Quotas
     2.6     System Parameters
         2.6.1         Checking System Parameter Values
         2.6.2         Calculating the Values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS
         2.6.3         Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN
         2.6.4         Setting the CLISYMTBL Dynamic System Parameter
     2.7     Process Account Quotas
     2.8     Time Required for Installation
     2.9     ACMS$IVP User Authorization
Chapter 3
3 Installing ACMS
     3.1     Installation Log
     3.2     Installation Procedure
         3.2.1         Invoking VMSINSTAL (First Phase)
         3.2.2         Product-Specific Questions (Second Phase)
         3.2.3         Informational Messages (Third Phase)
         3.2.4         Running the Postinstallation Procedure (Fourth Phase)
         3.2.5         Running the Installation Verification Procedure (Fifth Phase)
         3.2.6         Completing the Installation
     3.3     Recovering from System and Installation Failures
         3.3.1         System Failures
         3.3.2         ACMS Installation Failures
         3.3.3         Recovering from Errors
     3.4     Accessing the Online Release Notes
     3.5     Files Installed on Your System
Chapter 4
4 After Installing ACMS
     4.1     Executing the ACMS Postinstallation Procedure
     4.2     Editing System Startup and Shutdown Procedures
         4.2.1         Editing the System Startup Procedure
         4.2.2         Installing ACMS Images as Resident on OpenVMS Alpha
         4.2.3         ACMSTART.COM Installs DECC$SHR and ACMS$TRACE_SHR.EXE
         4.2.4         Editing the System Shutdown Procedure
     4.3     Editing ACMS_SETUP.COM
         4.3.1         Optional ACMS Logical Names
         4.3.2         Installing Application Development Shareable Images
         4.3.3         ACMS System Management Commands
     4.4     Modifying ACMS Parameters
     4.5     Authorizing Applications, Devices, Users, and Processes
         4.5.1         Authorizing New Applications
         4.5.2         Authorizing New Terminals
         4.5.3         Authorizing New Users
         4.5.4         Authorizing ACMS Processes
     4.6     Creating and Modifying ACMS User Accounts
         4.6.1         Privileges
         4.6.2         Quotas
     4.7     Setting up ACMS on an OpenVMS Cluster System
     4.8     Enabling Distributed ACMS Processing
     4.9     Rebuilding the LSE Environment
     4.10     Installing ACMS Menu Form Files
     4.11     Preparing Language-Specific ACMS Development Environments
         4.11.1         BLISS Agents
         4.11.2         Pascal Agents
     4.12     Determining and Reporting Problems
Chapter 5
5 Running the ACMS IVP
     5.1     Functions of the IVP
     5.2     Running the IVP
     5.3     Errors Running the IVP
     5.4     Sample IVP Execution
Chapter 6
6 Deinstalling ACMS
     6.1     Starting the Deinstallation Procedure
     6.2     Completing the Deinstallation
Appendix A
Appendix A Sample Installations
     A.1     OpenVMS Alpha Development Kit Sample Installation
     A.2     OpenVMS VAX Development Kit Sample Installation
Appendix B
Appendix B Registering and Loading Your ACMS License
     B.1     Sample ACMS License PAK
     B.2     Using VMSLICENSE.COM
     B.3     Using LICENSE DCL Commands
Appendix C
Appendix C Modifying ACMS Help and Message Text
Appendix D
Appendix D Creating Transaction Logs for DECdtm Services
     D.1     Prerequisites for Creating a Transaction Log
     D.2     Planning the Size and Location of Transaction Logs
         D.2.1         Determining the Size of Transaction Logs
         D.2.2         Determining the Location for Transaction Logs
     D.3     Setting Up and Creating Transaction Logs
         D.3.1         Setting Up the Transaction Logs
         D.3.2         Creating the Transaction Logs
     D.4     Example of Setting Up and Creating Transaction Logs

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