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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Version 4.4 Installation Guide

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4.4 Modifying ACMS Parameters

After installing ACMS, run the ACMSPARAM.COM and ACMEXCPAR.COM command procedures to determine ACMS quotas, parameters, and privileges. There is no need to run ACMEXCPAR.COM after a new installation until applications have been installed.


Compaq strongly recommends that you use ACMSPARAM.COM and ACMEXCPAR.COM. Otherwise, you might not be able to start ACMS.

These command procedures perform the following tasks:

  • Calculate the minimum settings for the OpenVMS SYSGEN parameters that ACMS affects.
  • Assign privileges and quotas required for user names under which the ACMS run-time processes run.
  • Assign privileges and quotas required for user names under which applications run.

ACMSPARAM.COM and ACMEXCPAR.COM do not support logical name search lists for the TDB file specifications.

Refer to Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications for information on how to use the ACMSPARAM and ACMEXCPAR command procedures.

Certain conditions require attention to adjust ACMS parameter values:

  • ACMSPARAM.COM might generate an excessive PGFLQUOTA value for the CP account.
    The current formula for calculating the PGFLQUOTA value of the CP account is liberal. The formula assumes that each exchange step involves the sending or receiving of the largest message. (See the description of the LARGEST_MESSAGE variable in Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications.)
    After executing ACMSPARAM.COM, review the value of CP_PGFLQUOTA. If its value appears to be excessively large, then replace the LARGEST_MESSAGE variable with the average size of workspaces used in exchange steps, or with the size of the workspace most often used in exchange steps.
    The formula for calculating the CP_PGFLQUOTA provides only a rough approximation of the quota. To fine-tune your system, calculate the quota for your particular system.
  • ACMS operator commands may fail with the INVACMPAR error.
    During a new installation of ACMS, the installation procedure resets the ACMSGEN parameters to their default values. If the value of the SYSGEN parameter MAXPROCESSCNT is too large, the default size of MSS_POOLSIZE can be too low to allow ACMS to start. The following error is reported when any ACMS operator command is entered:

    -ACMSMSS-E-INVACMPAR, The system MSS parameters are invalid

    Enter the following commands to reset MSS_POOLSIZE --- you might need to set MSS_POOLSIZE to be larger, depending on the value of MAXPROCESSCNT:


4.5 Authorizing Applications, Devices, Users, and Processes

ACMS provides utilities to specify which applications, terminals, users, and agent programs can access the ACMS system. The following sections describe these utilities.

4.5.1 Authorizing New Applications

Run the ACMS Application Authorization Utility (AAU) to authorize any new ACMS applications that you plan to install. AAU allows you to authorize applications, specify application user name restrictions, and define who can install those applications. You must restart ACMS after installing any new applications.

Users who have been authorized by AAU can use the ACMS/INSTALL operator command to install applications in ACMS$DIRECTORY. By default, no users are authorized to use the ACMS/INSTALL operator command.

Use of AAU is optional; however, it can simplify and ease the application management process during the development and maintenance of applications.

For information on using AAU, see Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications.

4.5.2 Authorizing New Terminals

If you have new terminals to authorize or modify, run the Device Definition Utility (DDU) to authorize either all terminals (with $ALL) or individual terminals (by device name) for access to ACMS:


For information on using DDU, see Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications.


Users on your system cannot sign in to ACMS until you authorize $ALL or specific terminals.

4.5.3 Authorizing New Users

If you have new users to authorize, run the ACMS User Definition Utility (UDU) to authorize ACMS users. You can either authorize all users (with $ALL) or individual users (by name):


For information on using UDU, see Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications.


Users on your system cannot sign in to ACMS until you authorize $ALL or specific user names.

4.5.4 Authorizing ACMS Processes

You must authorize the user name of any task-submitting agent program that submits a task for processing with a user name other than the user name of that agent. Use the /AGENT qualifier with the UDU ADD command to authorize this type of agent. For example, use the following command to authorize an agent with the user name SYSTEM:

User SYSTEM  has been added to the database

Both the ACMS Command Process (CP) and the Queued Task Initiator (QTI) must be authorized as agents. By default, ACMS assigns the user name SYSTEM to the CP and QTI. If you change the user name of the CP or QTI with ACMSGEN, you must run the UDU again, using the RENAME command to change the user name in the UDU authorization file.

For information on UDU, see Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications.


The ACMSPARAM.COM procedure automatically authorizes the user names of the CP and QTI as agents (using the /AGENT qualifier) in the ACMS user authorization file ACMSUDF.DAT. The ACMSPARAM command procedure takes either the user name you supply or supplies a default user name. The default user name supplied for the CP is ACMS$CP. The default user name supplied for the QTI is ACMS$QTI.

4.6 Creating and Modifying ACMS User Accounts

Each person who uses ACMS on your system must be an authorized OpenVMS user, with certain privileges and quotas. The following sections describe these requirements. (See Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications for quotas required for users running the ACMS Task Debugger.)

4.6.1 Privileges

To use ACMS, each user account must have at least TMPMBX and NETMBX privileges. Those persons who are responsible for starting the ACMS system, starting applications, and using other ACMS operator commands must have OpenVMS OPER privilege. Use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility to determine whether users have the privileges they require.

4.6.2 Quotas

Make sure that the appropriate user accounts have sufficient quotas to be able to use ACMS. Table 4-4 summarizes the required user account quotas.

Table 4-4 User Account Quotas
Account Quota Value (=>)
BYTLM 10,240
WSEXT 1,024
PGFLQUO 12,800

User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the Authorize Utility to verify and change user account quotas. First set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE:


At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example:


To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command at the UAF> prompt. The MODIFY command has the following format:

MODIFY account-name/quota-name=nnnn

The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SMITH account and then exits from the utility:


After you exit from the utility, the OpenVMS system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once you have finished making the changes, the users must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect.

For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize Utility in the OpenVMS documentation on system management and operations.

4.7 Setting up ACMS on an OpenVMS Cluster System

Because ACMS treats an OpenVMS Cluster system as if it were a local area network, you must perform the following operations on each node of the cluster:

  • Define proxy accounts for users on other nodes of the cluster.
    ACMS does not recognize the common security domain of a homogeneous OpenVMS Cluster system. As a consequence, you must define proxy accounts on each node for users on other nodes of the cluster. You can use ACMSGEN to assign a default proxy user name (with the USERNAME_DEFAULT parameter of ACMSGEN), or use the ACMSUDU utility to define individual ACMS proxy user names for submitters. Refer to Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications for more information on using ACMSUDU to create submitter proxies.
  • Issue a LICENSE LOAD command on each node that will run ACMS.
    If you are installing ACMS in a cluster, you must load the ACMS license on each node that will use the product. For example:

  • Replace the DCL tables on each node. For example:

  • Execute ACMS startup procedure on each node that will run ACMS. For example:

  • Set up node-specific ACMSPAR.ACM files.
    If you are installing ACMS in a cluster, you must make sure that the ACMSPAR.ACM parameter file is in the directory SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE], rather than SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] before setting the NODE_NAME parameter. Do this on each node of the cluster, because each node has a different DECnet node name and, therefore, each must have its own node-specific ACMSPAR.ACM file. See Section 4.8 for more information on setting the NODE_NAME parameter.

4.8 Enabling Distributed ACMS Processing

By default, ACMS does not enable distributed processing. If submitters on your node need to select tasks in a remote application, or if remote submitters need to select tasks in an application on your node, you must set the NODE_NAME parameter in ACMSGEN to your node name. (This step is usually necessary only for new installations, not system upgrades.) For example:


For more information about using ACMSGEN and ACMS distributed processing, see Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications.

4.9 Rebuilding the LSE Environment

If the DECtp Implementation Toolkit for OpenVMS is installed on your system, you must rebuild the toolkit's LSE environment and section files after installing ACMS Version 4.4. See the toolkit documentation for instructions on how to rebuild the LSE environment.

4.10 Installing ACMS Menu Form Files

If you have customized the ACMS menu form definition file, you must rebuild the form image file. Use the following DCL command file to rebuild and install the new form image file on the system:


4.11 Preparing Language-Specific ACMS Development Environments

The following sections describe how to set up an environment for developing ACMS agents in BLISS or Pascal.

4.11.1 BLISS Agents

ACMS Version 4.4 supplies the ACMSBLI.R32 file. If you plan to use BLISS agents, see the BLISS-32 documentation for directions on building the BLISS library file (ACMSBLI.L32) from the ACMSBLI.R32 file, and for general information on creating library files, and using library files and require files.

ACMSBLI.R32 contains the following:

  • Keyword macros for all the services. The macro name is the service name prefixed with a dollar sign ($). The keyword macro for ACMS$SIGN_IN, for example, is $ACMS$SIGN_IN.
  • Structure definitions for all IDs. The name of the structure is the same as the name given in the structure layouts listed in Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Systems Interface Programming. Use these IDs in declaration definitions.
  • Miscellaneous symbolic constants used in service call arguments.

4.11.2 Pascal Agents

ACMS Version 4.4 supplies the ACMSPAS.PAS file. If you plan to use Pascal agents, you must compile this file into an environment file. See the VAX Pascal documentation for directions on building the environment file (.PEN) from the ACMSPAS.PAS file, and on using environment definitions.

ACMSPAS.PAS contains the following:

  • Routine definitions for all the services.
  • Record definitions for all IDs. The name of the record is the same as the name given in the structure list in the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Systems Interface Programming. Use these IDs in declarations.
  • Miscellaneous symbolic constants used in service call arguments.


If you use the nonpositional syntax form of parameter association, you must use PROCEDURE_ rather than PROCEDURE as the formal parameter name for ACMS$GET_PROCEDURE_INFO, because PROCEDURE is a reserved word in Pascal. See VAX Pascal Reference Manual for more information.

4.12 Determining and Reporting Problems

Installing ACMS changes the state of your system. Record any changes to the system in your system management log. If an error occurs while ACMS is being used and you believe that the error is caused by a problem with ACMS, contact a Compaq Customer Support Center to report the problem.

Chapter 5
Running the ACMS IVP

This chapter describes how to run the ACMS software Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) separately from the installation procedure. The IVP checks that the installation procedure has successfully installed the ACMS software, and that the software can create and run ACMS applications.

The IVP can be run as a part of the normal installation. However, if the automatic IVP fails for any reason, correct the error and then run the IVP again.

You can also execute the IVP to verify that ACMS is functioning properly after your system environment has changed; for example, after you have installed or upgraded another layered product that ACMS uses, such as DECforms or Rdb.

5.1 Functions of the IVP

Table 5-1 lists the tests performed by the ACMS IVP. The full set of tests is performed if you installed the development kit; subsets are performed for the run-time kit with CDD, the run-time kit without CDD, and the remote-access kit.


If disk quotas are enabled, the IVP fails. The installation procedure checks to see if disk quotas are enabled. If disk quotas are enabled, the installation procedure displays an informational message to that effect and continues. See Section 2.5 for more information on disk quotas.

Table 5-1 ACMS IVP Tests
Test Description Development Kit1 Run-Time Kit with CDD1 Run-Time Kit Without CDD Remote-
Access Kit
Check ACMS files + + + +
Define tasks and task groups +      
Define application + +    
Link procedure server image + + +  
Update DDF and UDF files + + + +
Create ACMSPAR file + + + +
Start ACMS system + + + +
Start application + + +  
Select tasks + + +  
Test ACMS debugger +      
Test Queued Task Initiator + + + +
Test queue manager + + + +
Stop ACMS system + + + +

1The IVP may fail if a DECdtm log file is not present on the system. CDD uses DECdtm, and, therefore, that portion of the IVP that builds the IVP task group and application is subject to the requirements of CDD and DECdtm. If you are installing the ACMS Remote-Access kit or the ACMS Run-Time kit without CDD, this error cannot occur. If the IVP fails, refer to Appendix D for directions on how to create a transaction log.

5.2 Running the IVP

To run the IVP independently of the installation procedure, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM:

    Username:  SYSTEM
  2. Shut down ACMS.
    You cannot run the IVP if ACMS is active on your system. To shut down ACMS, enter the following command at the DCL prompt:

  3. Set your default to SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.ACMS]:

  4. Run the ACMS Installation Verification Procedure, ACMSIVP.COM.
    To start the IVP, enter the following command:

    $ @ACMSIVP

The IVP checks for the presence of the user account ACMS$IVP. If the account does not exist, the IVP asks you for a user identification code (UIC) and password so that it can create the account. Refer to Section 2.9 and Section 3.2.2 for more information on creating the ACMS$IVP account.

Section 2.8 contains information on the time necessary to execute the IVP.

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