HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
Upgrade and Installation Manual

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4.7.2 Methods of Using LIBDECOMP.COM

You can use the LIBDECOMP.COM procedure to decompress libraries in three ways:

  • Entering a command and responding to prompts from the procedure
  • Entering an interactive command
  • Entering a batch command

The following sections describe each method.


Before you use the LIBDECOMP.COM procedure, be sure you are logged in to the SYSTEM account.

4.7.3 Responding to LIBDECOMP.COM Prompts

If you want to decompress libraries by responding to prompts from the LIBDECOMP.COM procedure, do the following:

  1. Enter the following command and then press the Return key:


    The following information is displayed:

                     OpenVMS Library Decompression Utility
         1  HELPLIB.HLB          14  NCPHELP.HLB          27  PHONEHELP.HLB
         2  STARLET.OLB          15  SDA.HLB              28  LIB.MLB
         3  ACLEDT.HLB           16  SHWCLHELP.HLB        29  STARLET.MLB
         4  ANLRMSHLP.HLB        17  SYSGEN.HLB           30  STARLETSD.TLB
         6  DBG$UIHELP.HLB       19  SYSMANHELP.HLB       32  ERFLIB.TLB
         7  DISKQUOTA.HLB        20  TFF$TFUHELP.HLB      33  SYS$LIB_C.TLB
         8  EDFHLP.HLB           21  EXCHNGHLP.HLB        34  VAXCCURSE.OLB
         9  INSTALHLP.HLB        22  TPUHELP.HLB          35  VAXCRTL.OLB
        10  LATCP$HELP.HLB       23  EVE$HELP.HLB         36  VAXCRTLD.OLB
        11  MAILHELP.HLB         24  EVE$KEYHELP.HLB      37  VAXCRTLT.OLB
        12  MNRHELP.HLB          25  UAFHELP.HLB          38  IMAGELIB.OLB
        13  EDTHELP.HLB          26  TECO.HLB
              A  ALL libraries to be decompressed
              E  EXIT this procedure
    * Enter letter or number(s) of libraries to be decompressed
      (Separate multiple entries with a comma):
  2. Enter the appropriate letter or the numbers of the libraries you want to decompress. To decompress all libraries, the process takes approximately one-half hour.

4.7.4 Using LIBDECOMP.COM Interactively

You can execute LIBDECOMP.COM interactively to decompress up to eight libraries at a time by listing the names of the libraries you want to decompress as parameters on the command line.

Be sure to separate the library names with commas and do not include the file extensions. For example, to decompress VAXCRTL.OLB, DISKQUOTA.HLB, and LIB.MLB interactively, enter the following command:


4.7.5 Using LIBDECOMP.COM in Batch

You can also execute LIBDECOMP.COM in batch mode to decompress up to eight libraries at a time by listing the names of the libraries you want to decompress as parameters on a command line that includes the SUBMIT command.

Be sure to separate the library names with commas and do not include the file extensions. For example, to decompress VAXCRTL.OLB, DISKQUOTA.HLB, and LIB.MLB as a batch job, enter the following command:



When you enter the command for a batch job, be sure you enclose the list of library names within parentheses.

4.8 Adding and Removing Operating System Files

If you decide after the installation to change which Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system files you want installed on your system, you can use the menu system contained on the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM to add or remove files.


You can obtain information about individual system files by entering HELP SYSTEM_FILES at the dollar sign prompt ($).

To add or remove operating system files:

  1. Mount and boot the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM.
  2. Choose option 1 from the menu.
  3. Choose the PRESERVE option.
  4. Enter the name of the device that contains the system disk and answer the questions.
  5. After you answer the question "Do you want detailed descriptions?," information regarding reconfiguring or reinstalling is displayed. Read the instructions, then choose the desired entry from the menu of options.

The following is a sample display:

    Please choose one of the following:

        1)  Upgrade, install or reconfigure OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
        2)  Display products and patches that this procedure can install
        3)  Install or upgrade layered products and patches
        4)  Show installed products
        5)  Reconfigure installed products
        6)  Remove installed products
        7)  Execute DCL commands and procedures
        8)  Shut down this system

Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/?) 1



        Version 7.3 of the OpenVMS operating system is already installed
        on the target disk.  You may choose one of the following actions:

          o Reconfigure the OpenVMS platform.

            This action will allow you to change your selections of which
            of the windowing and network products you included with your
            OpenVMS operating system installation.

          o Reconfigure the OpenVMS operating system.

            This action will allow you to change your choices about which
            options you included for the OpenVMS operating system.

          o Reinstall the OpenVMS operating system.

            This action will cause ALL operating system  files to be replaced.
            You can also change your choices about which options you included
            for the OpenVMS operating system.

            Reinstall will take longer than Reconfigure.  Reinstall may be
            appropriate if you suspect that files in the operating system,
            or in the windowing and network products have become corrupted.

        If you want to reinstall any of the windowing and network products,
        choose "Install or upgrade layered products and patches" (option 3)
        from the main menu.

        If you want to change your choices about which options you included
        for any of the windowing and network products, choose "Reconfigure
        installed products" (option 5) from the main menu.

        Please choose one of the following:

            1)  Reconfigure the OpenVMS platform.
            2)  Reconfigure the OpenVMS operating system.
            3)  Reinstall the OpenVMS operating system.
            4)  Return to the Main Menu (abort the upgrade/installation).

    Enter choice or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/?) 2
    The following product has been selected:
        DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3                Operating System

    Configuration phase starting ...

    You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product
    and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency

    DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3: OpenVMS Operating System

        COPYRIGHT (c) 12-SEP-2001 -- All rights reserved

        Compaq Computer Corporation

    Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]

Answer No to this question, and select the options you want as described in Section 3.5.2. A list of components is provided in Section 3.5.3. After you respond to the prompts, the display continues and the installation procedure completes as described in Section 3.5.4. The following is a continuation of the sample display:

    Do you want to review the options? [NO]

Execution phase starting ...
The following product will be reconfigured:
Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...80%...90%...100%
The following product has been reconfigured:

For detailed instructions on how to remove the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system from your disk, see Appendix E.

4.9 Preparing to Use OpenVMS Management Station

If you installed the OpenVMS Management Station software on your system (either by accepting all default values or by selecting the component manually during the installation procedure), you must perform several tasks on your Compaq OpenVMS Alpha system and your PC before you can use OpenVMS Management Station. These tasks include the following:

  • Editing system files
  • Starting OpenVMS Management Station on other nodes
  • Verifying that you have the proper memory, disk space, media, and the required software to install and run OpenVMS Management Station on your PC
  • Installing the client software on your PC
  • Defining DECnet nodes

For complete information about preparing your OpenVMS system and your PC to run the OpenVMS Management Station server and client software, see Appendix D.


After you complete the tasks described in Appendix D, you can then remove those files from your system to save disk space. Do not use the DELETE command to remove the files. Instead, reconfigure the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system as described in Section 4.8.

4.10 Installing Layered Products

You can use the menu system included on the operating system CD-ROM to install certain layered products with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. If you did not install those layered products previously during the installation procedure, you can do so using the following procedure. To install layered products that require VMSINSTAL, see Section 4.10.1.


To use this procedure, the target system must have the exact same version of the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system as the CD-ROM. If you need to install layered products on a target system that has a different version of the operating system, use the alternate procedure described in the next section.
  1. Shut down the system (described in Appendix A).
  2. Boot the operating system CD-ROM (locally or from the InfoServer).
  3. Choose option 2 from the menu to view which layered products can be installed using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility.
  4. Choose option 3 from the menu to install the layered products.
  5. Shut down the system by selecting option 8 from the menu.
  6. Boot from the system disk.

If the layered product that you want to install is not listed in the display, see the documentation you received with that layered product for installation information.

For additional information about installing layered products, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

Be sure you back up the system disk after you install all your layered products.

4.10.1 Alternate Procedure

Following is another method for installing layered products from the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM:

  1. From your running OpenVMS system (the target system disk), mount the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM.
  2. Locate the directories and files containing the available layered products by entering the following command (where, in the example, DKA400: is the device name of the CD-ROM):


    You can use the PRODUCT FIND command to locate kits that are installed using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. For example:

  3. To install layered products that require VMSINSTAL (indicated in the directories by save-set file names with file types of .A, .B, and so on), enter the @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL command and then specify the CD-ROM device and directory. For example:

    * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: DKB400:[UCX032.KIT]
  4. To install layered products that require the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility (indicated in the directories by file names with file types of .PCSI or .PCSI$DESCRIPTION), use the PRODUCT INSTALL command to specify the CD-ROM device name and directory. Following is an example of the PRODUCT INSTALL command:


4.10.2 Compaq System Tools

When you install Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3, the DIAGNOSE command is disabled. To enable the DIAGNOSE command, you must install the DECevent kit that is provided on the Compaq System Tools CD-ROM. This CD-ROM includes supported service tools for all AlphaServer DS, ES, and GS systems running OpenVMS (except for the GS60 and GS140 platforms, which continue to use DECevent).

The Compaq System Tools are part of new web-based service tool functionality called Web-Based Enterprise Services, or WEBES. WEBES includes the Compaq Analyze, Compaq Crash Analysis Tool (CCAT), and the Revision and Configuration Management (RCM) tools. You should use the following URL to access the latest service tool information:


4.11 Installing OpenVMS Debugger Clients on a PC

OpenVMS Debugger includes a client/server interface. The debug server runs on OpenVMS; debug clients run on OpenVMS and on Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT. There is no special installation procedure for the components that run on OpenVMS. This section describes the procedure for installing the debug client on a PC.

The following table shows which client kit to use for each PC configuration:

CPU Operating System Client Kit
Intel Windows 95 [DEBUG_CLIENTS011.KIT]DEBUGX86011.EXE

These client kits are self-extracting .EXE files. To make these clients available to PC users, copy these files from the distribution media to a suitable PATHWORKS share, FTP server, or other device available to the PC.

Once the appropriate executable file has been transferred to the PC, the user can run the file to install the debug client on the PC. The InstallShield installation procedure guides the user through the installation.

By default, the debug client is installed in the \Programs\OpenVMS Debugger directory. Click Browse to select an alternate directory.

Choose one of the following options:

Install Option Details
Typical Debug client and OpenVMS Debugger Manual in HTML format
Compact Debug client only
Custom Choice of Debug Client and/or OpenVMS Debugger Manual in HTML format

The installation procedure creates an OpenVMS Debugger program folder that contains the following items:

  • Debug client
  • Debug client help file
  • OpenVMS Debugger Manual in HTML format
  • Readme file
  • Uninstall procedure

4.12 Backing Up the Customized System Disk

After you have customized the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system to your satisfaction and installed your layered products, protect your work by making a standalone backup copy of the system disk.

For complete information about backup operations, including a description of an alternate method that does not require booting from the operating system CD-ROM, see Appendix B.

To back up the system disk:

  1. Shut down the system (described in Appendix A).
  2. Boot the operating system CD-ROM (locally or from the InfoServer).
  3. Use the menu system to enter the DCL environment (option 7).
  4. Mount the system disk and the target device on which you will make the backup copy.
  5. Enter backup commands to back up the system disk to the target device.
  6. Log out from the DCL environment.
  7. Shut down the system by selecting option 8 from the menu.
  8. Boot from the system disk.

4.13 Configuring a Multihead System

A multihead configuration consists of a single workstation (such as a DEC 3000 Alpha Model 500 system) that supports multiple graphics options. A graphics option consists of a graphics controller and a graphics display interface (monitor).

Your system can be automatically configured for multihead use if you rename the private server setup file from a template file type to a command procedure file type. The DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha server loads this command procedure on startup or restart. This file always configures the console as the primary head, or screen 0. The firmware always selects the lowest device found in the system (that is, the device with the lowest TURBOchannel slot address) as the console device.

To set up your system for multihead support:

  1. After installing the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha software on your system, log in to your system.
  2. Rename the private server setup file by entering the following command:

  3. Restart the DECwindows server by entering the following command:


See the most recent version of the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Installation Guide and Managing DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems for more information about customizing your DECwindows environment using the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file.

4.14 Running AUTOGEN

When you installed the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system, the system executed the AUTOGEN.COM procedure to set the values of system parameters and the sizes of the page, swap, and dump files according to the system configuration. As a postinstallation procedure, you should run the AUTOGEN.COM procedure again to properly tune the system.

Run AUTOGEN as follows:

  1. After 24 hours of operation, run AUTOGEN in feedback mode and reboot the system.
  2. Run AUTOGEN again in feedback mode two workdays later, and then reboot the system.
  3. Compaq recommends that you run AUTOGEN from SAVPARAMS through TESTFILES on a weekly basis thereafter, and examine AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT to determine the need for additional changes.

4.15 Modifying Parameters

Based on your examination of AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT, you might need to modify parameter values in MODPARAMS.DAT. If so, note the following:

  • Hardcoded values in MODPARAMS.DAT should not hinder AUTOGEN's ability to calculate feedback parameters. AUTOGEN generally does not reduce the value of parameters that allocate resources; it considers current parameter values to be minimum values, which means that you do not have to add MIN_* symbols to MODPARAMS.DAT.
  • AUTOGEN does increase parameter values according to its calculations unless you have specified explicit or maximum values (by adding MAX_* symbols) in MODPARAMS.DAT.

For more information about the MODPARAMS.DAT file and about using AUTOGEN in general, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

4.16 Postinstallation Checklist

Use the following checklist to make sure you perform all the necessary postinstallation tasks:

  • Register your licenses if you did not do so during the installation procedure.
  • Create accounts.
  • Back up the system disk as a safeguard before customizing the system.
  • Customize the system.
  • Configure and start the DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS Alpha software.
  • Run the User Environment Test Package (UETP) to test the system.
  • Decompress the system libraries using LIBDECOMP.COM.
  • Add and remove files.
  • Prepare your Compaq OpenVMS Alpha system and your PC to run OpenVMS Management Station by following the procedures described in Appendix D.
  • Install layered products.
  • Back up the system disk after you have customized it and installed layered products.
  • Configure your multihead system (if applicable).
  • After the system has been running for at least 24 hours, run AUTOGEN to collect feedback information and modify the MODPARAMS.DAT file (if necessary).

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