HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features and Documentation Overview

Order Number: BA322-90003

January 2005

This manual describes the new features associated with the OpenVMS Alpha and I64 Version 8.2 operating systems and provides an overview of the documentation that supports this software.

Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual.

Software Version: OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2

Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California

© Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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The HP OpenVMS documentation set is available on CD.

Contents Index


Intended Audience

This manual is intended for general users, system managers, and programmers who use the HP OpenVMS operating system.

This document describes the new features related to Version 8.2 of the OpenVMS operating system. For information about how some of the new features might affect your system, read the release notes before you install, upgrade, or use Version 8.2.

Document Structure

This manual contains the following parts and chapters:

  • Part I, OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features
    • Chapter 1 summarizes the new OpenVMS software features.
    • Chapter 2 describes new features of interest to general users of the OpenVMS operating system.
    • Chapter 3 describes new features that are applicable to the tasks performed by system managers.
    • Chapter 4 describes new features that support programming tasks.
    • Chapter 5 describes significant layered product new features.
    • Chapter 6 provides information on Host-Based Minimerge in Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS.
    • Chapter 7 provides an overview of new linker functionality in OpenVMS Version 8.2 as well as differences and considerations you should review before linking programs on OpenVMS I64 systems.
  • Part II, OpenVMS Documentation
    • Chapter 8 describes the OpenVMS documentation changes from the previous version.
    • Chapter 9 describes how the documentation is delivered.
    • Chapter 10 describes each manual in the OpenVMS documentation set.

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- A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line.
numbers All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes---binary, octal, or hexadecimal---are explicitly indicated.

Part 1
OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features

Chapter 1
Summary of HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features

OpenVMS Version 8.2 introduces a major new platform release for the OpenVMS operating system, HP Integrity servers. OpenVMS continues to deliver the highest levels of availability, scalability, flexibility, performance, and security that are required for operating in a 24x365 environment. With more than 20 years of proven reliability, OpenVMS continues to enhance its availability and performance by including new technology in the base operating system and in the OpenVMS Cluster software environment.

1.1 Summary Table

OpenVMS Version 8.2 includes all the capabilities of OpenVMS Version 7.3--2 plus the new features added to the OpenVMS operating system. Table 1-1 summarizes each feature provided by OpenVMS Version 8.2 and presents these features according to their functional component (general user, system management, programming, and associated products).

Table 1-1 Summary of OpenVMS Version 8.2 Software Features
General User Features
Documentation Documentation updates are now available on the Internet.

One new manual is provided with this release, Porting Applications from HP OpenVMS Alpha to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity Servers.

Documentation for OpenVMS Volume Shadowing support for Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM) is provided in Chapter 6. Documentation for the Linker utility new features is provided in Chapter 7.

DCL commands and lexical functions Version 8.2 provides new and changed DCL commands, qualifiers, and lexical functions.
EV7 chip speedup Support for new EV7 chip speedup for AlphaServer ES47, ES80, and GS1280 systems.
LMF enhancements Added support for Integrity server OE packages and per-processor licensing on I64 systems.
Monitor utility enhancements Several enhancements were made to the Monitor utility during the port.
Operating Environments OpenVMS I64 is provided in three different operating environments: Foundation Operating Environment (FOE), Enterprise Operating Environment (EOE), and Mission Critical Operating Environment (MCOE).
System Management Features
Clusters With few exceptions, OpenVMS Cluster software provides the same features on OpenVMS I64 systems as it currently offers on OpenVMS Alpha and VAX systems.
The Performance Data Collector (TDC) Gathers performance data for systems running OpenVMS Version 7.3--2 or later.
OpenVMS I64 Boot Manager utility A menu-based utility that allows you to easily manage EFI boot options on an Integrity server running OpenVMS I64.
EFI for OpenVMS Utilities Utilities that provide device management functions at the EFI console on I64 systems.
Fibre Channel HBA support Two new Fibre Channel host-based adapters (HBAs) are supported in OpenVMS Version 8.2, one for OpenVMS I64 systems and one for OpenVMS Alpha systems.
Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM) HBMM improves merge operations by decreasing the number of comparisons that are needed to complete a merge operation.
System Dump Analyzer New commands and qualifiers have been added and changes have been made to the System Dump Analyzer. Some changes are to accommodate I64 systems.
Prioritizing the merge and copy operations of volume shadowing You can now prioritize shadow sets for merge and copy operations on a per-system basis, using two new SET SHADOW command qualifiers and a new system parameter. In addition, you can manipulate where a merge or copy operation will occur.
New system parameters --- ERLBUFFERPAG_S2 specifies the amount of S2 space memory to allocate for each S2 space error log buffer. --- ERRORLOGBUFF_S2 specifies the number of S2 space error log buffers reserved for system error log entries. --- SCSI_ERROR_POLL causes OpenVMS to send a SCSI Test Unit Ready command every hour to each SCSI disk. --- SHADOW_ENABLE is a special parameter reserved for HP use. --- SHADOW_HBMM_RTC controls the interval the system waits between the checking of reset thresholds for shadow sets that have Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM) bitmaps. --- SHADOW_PSM_DLY allows system managers to adjust the delay that shadowing adds. --- SHADOW_REC_DLY helps determine the length of time a system waits before it attempts to manage recovery operations on shadow sets. --- SHADOW_SITE_ID allows a system manager to define a site value, which Volume Shadowing uses to determine the best device to perform reads. --- SYSSER_LOGGING enables logging of system service requests for a process. --- VHPT_SIZE controls the number of kilobytes to allocate for the Virtual Hash Page Table (VHPT) on each CPU in the system.
Time zones Additional time zones are now supported by adding them to the database.
Ultra SCSI adapter support on OpenVMS I64 OpenVMS I64 supports two Ultra-SCSI host based adapters (HBAs): the Ultra-160 dual channel and the Ultra-320 dual channel.
Programming Features
ANALYZE utility enhancement (I64 only) Analyzes Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) object and image files.
HP C Run-Time Library (CRTL) enhancements --- File-locking functions --- Standard-compliant stat structure --- File-system statistics support --- fnctl file status flags --- UNIX style pipe support --- New logical name, DECC$POPEN_NO_CRLF_REC_ATTR --- glob and globfree 64-bit support --- Socketpair --- stat function enhancements
Calling Standard Supports the Intel Itanium calling standard on OpenVMS I64 systems, with some exceptions.
Checksum utility CHECKSUM/OBJECT command enhanced for I64 objects.
DCE RPC Supports both G_FLOAT and IEEE floating-point type on both OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 systems.
Extended Lock Value Block Adds support for 64-byte lock value blocks in the OpenVMS Lock Manager. Existing applications will continue to use a 16-byte value block. Usage of the extended value block requires source changes.
HP OpenVMS Migration Software Converts Alpha executable images or shareable images into a translated image that runs on an OpenVMS I64 system.
New RTL LIB$ routines See Section 4.12 for routines and their descriptions.
New RTL OTS$ routines See Section 4.13 for routines and their descriptions.
Patch utility Patch utility is now available on OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 systems.
POSIX threads features -- Process-shared mutexes and condition variables -- Enhancements to SET and sHOW commands (I64 only) -- New routine, tis_mutex_init_type, added to thread independent services
Traceback Application Programming Interface for OpenVMS I64 Allows a user application access to Traceback information.
Associated Products Features
Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) Version 2.1 Supports new encryption type.
Kerberos for OpenVMS Kerberos Version 2.1 for OpenVMS is based on MIT Kerberos V5 Release 1.2.6 with CERT patches up to Release 1.2.8. Support for both Kerberos clients and servers is provided on OpenVMS I64, OpenVMS Alpha, and OpenVMS VAX. New features in Kerberos for OpenVMS Version 2.1 include the ktutil command, which invokes a menu from which an administrator can read, write, or edit entries in a Kerberos V5 keytab or V4 srvtab file.
HP OpenVMS Management Station Version 3.2-D OpenVMS Management Station Version 3.2-D is included with OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2.
HP SSL for OpenVMS HP SSL Version 1.2 is based on OpenSSL 0.9.7d with fixes to security vulnerabilities reported by openssl.org. Support for HP SSL is provided on OpenVMS I64, OpenVMS Alpha, and OpenVMS VAX. New features in HP SSL Version 1.2 include OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol), AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), and Elliptic Curve cryptography.
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.5 of this product is supported on OpenVMS Version 8.2.
UNIX Portability Features UNIX portability features are introduced for easier porting of UNIX applications to OpenVMS.
Open Source Tools for OpenVMS The Open Source Tools CD, included with OpenVMS Version 8.2, has a number of utilities and sources to expedite porting from UNIX to OpenVMS.

1.2 Major Differences Between OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 Systems

The following list describes some of the very pronounced differences between Alpha and I64 platforms:

  • Consoles and console line connections
    The Integrity server allows console line connections by two different serial lines on current Integrity platforms. One serial line connects to the BMC console and the other to an optional Management Processor (MP). In addition, the Management Processor allows for a network connection and TELNET access for even more management flexibility.
    Both consoles allow for management of hardware and can perform functions such as resetting the system or powering on or off the system. The Management Processor is the preferred method, because it provides more management features than the BMC console.
  • Connecting to the system console
    The BMC and MP consoles allow for connection to the system console. For Integrity servers, this is the EFI shell. The mechanism for setting up boot devices and boot options are very different from the Alpha SRM console. In addition, once the system is booted, the EFI shell is no longer available. On Alpha, you can still get back to the SRM console while the system is booted.

  • Bootable devices for Integrity servers
    Bootable devices for Integrity servers have a FAT partition with the initial bootstrap programs.The EFI shell can find and read this partition. The system is booted by running an initial bootstrap program called vms_loader.efi, contained in the FAT partition.
    There is no environment variable that specifies the boot device. Instead, the EFI shell allows for the creation of menu items that execute vms_loader.efi on a specific disk.
  • Console environment variables on Integrity servers
    The boot flags can be specified by vms_flags. On Alpha, the name BOOT_OSFLAGS is used. There are no environment variable to configure SCSI or LAN devices. Any LAN configuration settings would need to be done within the LANCP program.
  • Licensing
    While the basic LMF management functions remain the same, new licensing practices for OpenVMS I64 differ from what is available for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX. The primary differences involve:
    • The way license units are assigned and counted
    • The types of licenses offered
    • Update licenses:
      • For I64 systems, update licenses are not offered. A customer must be an active Software Updates Service customer to be eligible to receive new revisions of software or the customer must purchase the product again. Information regarding Software Updates service and other HP Service offerings are available at:
      • For Alpha systems, update licenses continue to be available for non-Service customers or Service customers whose contract has lapsed.

    Refer to the HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for information about the licensing for OpenVMS I64 systems.
  • Privileged architecture library code (PALcode) functions moved into OpenVMS
    OpenVMS Alpha calls PALcode to execute atomic functions such as memory barrier (MB), Halt and Bugcheck. These functions are now part of OpenVMS I64 instead of in the console firmware.
  • OpenVMS Calling Standard
    The implementation of the OpenVMS Calling Standard on the Intel® Itanium® processor family is based on the Intel Calling Standard. OpenVMS extensions were added for compatibility with VAX and Alpha code.
    If your current application has detailed knowledge of the internals of the calling standard format, refer to the HP OpenVMS Calling Standard for information about the OpenVMS Calling Standard implementation for OpenVMS Version 8.2.

  • IEEE floating-point format
    AlphaServers support VAX floating-point data types and IEEE floating-point data types in hardware. Integrity servers support IEEE floating-point in hardware but VAX floating-point data types are supported in software. The OpenVMS I64 compilers provide the /FLOAT_D_FLOAT and /FLOAT_G_FLOAT qualifiers to enable you to produce VAX floating-point data types. If you do not specify one of these qualifiers, IEEE floating-point data types are used.
    Refer to Porting Applications from HP OpenVMS Alpha to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity Servers manual for more information about IEEE floating-point data types as they apply to OpenVMS Version 8.2.

Prior to getting started with an Integrity server system, read the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Release Notes, HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual, and this manual.

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