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HP Fortran for OpenVMS
User Manual

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Edit descriptors
    See LRM #1
    See LRM #2
END branch specifier #1
END branch specifier #2
END branch specifier #3
END branch specifier #4
    See also LRM
END statement
    effect on program execution
    when not to use
ENDFILE statement #1
ENDFILE statement #2
    See also LRM
    big and little types
Entry point
    output listing information
ENTRY statement
    See LRM
EOR branch specifier #1
EOR branch specifier #2
    See also LRM
    and data alignment
    and implied-DO loop collapsing
    causing data spanning natural boundaries
    causing unaligned data #1
    causing unaligned data #2
    preventing implied-DO loop collapsing
    preventing optimizations
    See also LRM; Program section
Equivalenced structures
    in data-flow and split lifetime analysis
ERR branch specifier #1
ERR branch specifier #2
ERR branch specifier #3
    See also LRM
Error handling
    arithmetic exception handling #1
    arithmetic exception handling #2
    condition handlers #1
    condition handlers #2
    list of run-time errors (numeric order)
    obtaining secondary status codes
    processing performed by HP Fortran RTL
    run-time error explanations
    See also END; EOR; ERR; IOSTAT; Run-time messages
    user controls in I/O statements #1
    user controls in I/O statements #2
    user controls in I/O statements #3
    user controls in I/O statements #4
        END, EOR, ERR, and IOSTAT specifiers #1
        END, EOR, ERR, and IOSTAT specifiers #2
        See also LRM
Error-related command qualifiers
        effect on linker
        /ERROR_LIMIT qualifier
        See also Messages
        source messages
    linker #1
    linker #2
    operating system #1
    operating system #2
    run-time system #1
    run-time system #2
        requesting precise reporting
        requesting traceback information (FORTRAN)
        requesting traceback information (LINK)
        using debugger to locate
    See also Error handling; Messages; Condition-handler routines
/ERROR_LIMIT qualifier
ERRSNS (compatibility)
    example use #1
    example use #2
    obtaining secondary status codes
Escape sequences
Event handling
    See Condition-handler routines
Exception condition
    common when using indexed files
    See also Condition-handler routines; Error handling
Exception handling
    See Arithmetic exception handling
Exceptional IEEE floating-point values #1
Exceptional IEEE floating-point values #2
EXE file type
/EXECUTABLE option (LINK) #1
/EXECUTABLE option (LINK) #2
Executable programs
    creating #1
    creating #2
    effect of optimization level on size
    See also Program
    interrupting execution of program
        example of handling Ctrl/C #1
        example of handling Ctrl/C #2
EXIT command (DCL)
EXIT system subroutine
Expanded String Area (ESA)
    RMS control structure #1
    RMS control structure #2
Explicit interface
    and array descriptors
    calling non-Fortran subprograms
    passing arrays #1
    passing arrays #2
    passing arrays #3
    passing pointers #1
    passing pointers #2
    passing pointers #3
    procedure interface block
    See also LRM
    types of subprograms
    when calling C subprograms
    parentheses in
        maximum allowed
    See also LRM
Extended Attributes Block (XAB)
    general description of use
    initialized after open
    kinds of XABs
        listing of
EXTENDSIZE specifier
/EXTEND_SOURCE qualifier
    compatibility with Compaq Fortran 77
    See also LRM
External names
    cDEC$ ALIAS directive #1
    cDEC$ ALIAS directive #2
    controlling with cDEC$ directives #1
    controlling with cDEC$ directives #2
    controlling with cDEC$ directives #3
    in C
    passed between C and HP Fortran #1
    passed between C and HP Fortran #2
    passed between C and HP Fortran #3
    specifying alias names
External procedures
    name passing rule
    references and optimization
EXTERNAL statement
    for C language functions
    qualifier controlling compatibility (/NOF77)
    See also LRM
    when to use for FOR$RAB function
F file type
/F77 qualifier
F90 command
    See FORTRAN command
F90 file type
    See File Access Block (FAB)
$FABDEF library module
/FAST qualifier
    effect on /ALIGNMENT=COMMONS=keyword #1
    effect on /ALIGNMENT=COMMONS=keyword #2
    See Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Feedback on documentation
    sending comments to HP
Field descriptors
    See LRM
    in common blocks
        causes of misalignment
        controlling alignment #1
        controlling alignment #2
    in derived-type data and record structures
        causes of misalignment
        controlling alignment #1
        controlling alignment #2
        controlling alignment #3
File Access Block (FAB)
    fields for use by USEROPEN
    general description
    symbol naming conventions
File access, remote
File format
    See also Record type; File organization; Formatted data; Unformatted files
File handling #1
File handling #2
    examples of
File header characteristics
    control block for
        XABFHC (RMS)
File name
    application of defaults
    compiler defaults
    I/O statements default use
    in I/O statements
    OPEN statement specifiers #1
    OPEN statement specifiers #2
    See also File specifications
    using logical names to specify
File organization
    available record types
    available storage media
    I/O statement limitations
    I/O statements for
        INQUIRE statement
    See also Sequential files; Relative files
    stored in file header
File sharing
    accessing remote files
    OPEN statement, SHARED specifier
    RMS file-sharing capability
    shareable image libraries
File specifications
    defining logical names for
    general DCL rules (FORTRAN command)
    OPEN statement specifiers
    use in INQUIRE statement
    use in OPEN statements #1
    use in OPEN statements #2
    use in OPEN statements #3
FILE specifier #1
FILE specifier #2
    See also LRM
File type
    executable program
    for listing files
    for module files
    for object files
    OBJ #1
    OBJ #2
    recognized by compiler
    assigning to logical units
        default names #1
        default names #2
        preconnected #1
        preconnected #2
        summary of methods
        using logical name #1
        using logical name #2
        using logical name #3
        using OPEN statement #1
        using OPEN statement #2
        using RMS
    compiler source checking only (no object file) (FORTRAN)
    compiler source listing (FORTRAN)
    compiling multiple input files (FORTRAN)
    controlling include file searching
    created by FORTRAN command
    created by LINK command #1
    created by LINK command #2
    external, definition
    input to FORTRAN command
    input to LINK command
    naming object file (FORTRAN)
    opening #1
    opening #2
        using RMS
    organization and characteristics
        Compaq Fortran 77 differences
    relative organization
    RMS journaling
    RMS services
        list of
    sequential organization
    specifying file specification
        example program
    example use
FIND statement
    See also LRM
Fixed-length records
    data transferred by I/O statements
    use for optimal performance
FLOAT function
    example use
FLOAT intrinsic function
    qualifier controlling size returned
    See also LRM
/FLOAT qualifier
    D_FLOAT keyword
    G_FLOAT keyword
    IEEE_FLOAT keyword
Floating-point data types
    accuracy-sensitive optimization
    Alpha IEEE X_float
    arithmetic exception handling #1
    arithmetic exception handling #2
    array out-of-bounds checking
    comparison of VAX and Alpha types
        request double precision
    controlling size of
        COMPLEX declarations
        DOUBLE PRECISION declarations
        REAL declarations
    controlling type in unformatted files
    converting H_float data
    CRAY big endian formats
    declarations and qualifiers
        See also LRM
    denormal values
    differences between Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems and HP Fortran
    digits of precision
        differences between VAX and Alpha systems
    endian (big and little)
    endian order of native formats
    exceptional values #1
    exceptional values #2
    formats used in memory
    handling of certain exponentiation expressions
    handling of minus zero (IEEE)
    handling of single-precision constants
    IBM big endian formats
        big endian formats (conversion)
        controlling exceptions (/IEEE_MODE)
        denormalized values
        native little endian formats
        reporting exceptional values
        rounding modes
        selecting memory format (/FLOAT)
        S_float #1
        S_float #2
        T_float #1
        T_float #2
        X_float #1
        X_float #2
    in memory and on disk
    math library used #1
    math library used #2
    methods of specifying nonnative formats
    minus zero use (IEEE)
    NaN values
    nonnative formats
    normal and denormalized values of native formats
    qualifiers controlling size of DOUBLE PRECISION declarations
    qualifiers related to accuracy #1
    qualifiers related to accuracy #2
    qualifiers related to accuracy #3
    qualifiers related to accuracy #4
    qualifiers related to accuracy #5
    qualifiers related to accuracy #6
    qualifiers related to accuracy #7
    qualifiers related to accuracy #8
    qualifiers related to exceptions
    ranges #1
    ranges #2
    ranges #3
    reporting exceptional values
    reporting exceptions more precisely
    reporting underflow messages #1
    reporting underflow messages #2
    representation of native IEEE and VAX formats
    representation of VAX H_float format
    representation of zero
    rounding modes (IEEE)
    selecting memory format
    selecting optimal
    setting default length (/DOUBLE_SIZE)
    setting default length (/REAL_SIZE)
    shared memory granularity
    underflow run-time checking
    values for constants
    VAX D_float format #1
    VAX D_float format #2
    VAX D_float format #3
    VAX D_float format #4
    VAX F_float format #1
    VAX F_float format #2
    VAX F_float format #3
    VAX F_float format #4
    VAX little endian formats
    zero values
Flushing data
    output record buffering
FMT specifier
    See also LRM
    prefix for condition symbols
        for run-time errors
FOR$CONVERT.ext logical name
    use with nonnative numeric data
FOR$CONVERTnnn logical name
    use with nonnative numeric data
FOR$CONVERT_ext logical name
FOR file type
    prefix for condition symbols
        for run-time errors #1
        for run-time errors #2
FOR$RAB function #1
FOR$RAB function #2
    Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems compatibility
    when to declare EXTERNAL
FORALL statement
    array optimizations
    See also LRM
$FORDEF library module
    in FORSYSDEF #1
    in FORSYSDEF #2
$FORIOSDEF library module
    in FORSYSDEF #1
    in FORSYSDEF #2
FORM specifier #1
FORM specifier #2
FORM specifier #3
    See also LRM
Format descriptors
    See LRM
Format groups
    nesting limits
FORMAT statement
    and implied-DO loop collapsing
    See also LRM
Formatted data
    and DO loop collapsing
    and variable format expressions
    Compaq Fortran 77 differences
    effect on run-time performance
    I/O statements for
Formatted I/O statements
    Compaq Fortran 77 differences
    controlling format mismatch handling
    controlling format truncation handling
    See also LRM
FORnnn logical name #1
FORnnn logical name #2
    $CHFDEF library module #1
    $CHFDEF library module #2
    condition symbol values
    example of including a module
    $FABDEF library module
    $FORDEF library module #1
    $FORDEF library module #2
    $FORIOSDEF library module #1
    $FORIOSDEF library module #2
    $LIBDEF library module
    library search order #1
    library search order #2
    list of library modules
    $MTHDEF library module
    $NAMDEF library module
    overview of library module contents
    $RABDEF library module
    $SSDEF library module
    symbol naming conventions
        PARAMETER declarations
    use with RMS services #1
    use with RMS services #2
    HP Fortran implementation of
        PSECT use and attributes
Fortran 90
        and RECL units for unformatted files
        checking (/STANDARD)
Fortran 90/95
    condition symbols
        See FORSYSDEF
    logical names
        See Logical names
    reusing source file code
    See also FORTRAN command; Compatibility; LRM
    source file contents
    source form
        file type
        /ASSUME=DUMMY_ALIASES qualifier #1
        /ASSUME=DUMMY_ALIASES qualifier #2
        See also LRM
        See LRM; appropriate statement name
Fortran 95
        and RECL units for unformatted files
        checking (/STANDARD)
FORTRAN command
    abbreviating qualifier names and keywords
    alignment qualifiers #1
    alignment qualifiers #2
    and other software components
    C language main program
    comma or plus signs between file names
    command qualifiers for efficient run-time performance
    consistent use of qualifiers for multiple compilations
    controlling arithmetic exception handling
    controlling arithmetic exception reporting #1
    controlling arithmetic exception reporting #2
    creating module files
    CXML library for efficient run-time performance
    debugging qualifiers
    directories searched for module and include files #1
    directories searched for module and include files #2
    directories searched for text library files
    effect of compiler directives on qualifiers #1
    effect of compiler directives on qualifiers #2
    effect of file type on source form
    effect of OPTIONS statement on qualifiers
        application with modules
        compiling multiple files
        for debugging
        module subprogram
        multiple source files #1
        multiple source files #2
        naming object files
        preventing object file creation
        request listing file
        requesting additional checking
        requesting additional optimizations
        requesting Fortran Standard conformance checking
        single file
        source checking only
        using module files #1
        using module files #2
    file type search order
    for efficient run-time performance
    for translated shared images
    format of
    functional groups of qualifiers
    multiple source files
        effect on optimizations
    one or multiple object files per command line #1
    one or multiple object files per command line #2
    See also Compiler options
        directory for module files
        include files
        input files
        library files #1
        library files #2
        library files #3
        library files #4
        listing of include file #1
        listing of include file #2
        listing of include file #3
        multiple keywords for a qualifier
        object files
        output files
        source form
    summary of qualifiers
        include files
        module files #1
        module files #2
        multiple FORTRAN commands
Fortran Data Manipulation Language
    See Data Manipulation Language (DML)
    /F77 qualifier (FORTRAN)
FPSR (floating-point status register)
/FULL qualifier (LINK) #1
/FULL qualifier (LINK) #2
FUNCTION statement
    See also LRM
    C language
    declaration statements
    %DESCR, %LOC, %REF, and %VAL
        C language #1
        C language #2
        C language #3
        interface block in module
        with module
        with system service
    explicit interface
    output listing information
    return values #1
    return values #2
        changing default passing mechanisms
        passing rules #1
        passing rules #2
        passing with HP Fortran
        with C
        with Compaq Fortran 77
    See also LRM; Intrinsic procedures
    setting return values
    using function reference to call system services
F_float data
    See Floating-point data types

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