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  Updated: 26 September 1997
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Information for users of non-English versions of Windows NT

There are issues regarding the compatibility of some ActiveX components on non-English versions of Windows NT. Getting these components to work correctly depends on whether you're going to install FX!32 V1.1 or have already installed FX!32 V1.1.

When installing FX!32 v1.1

FX!32 V1.1-b0148-002 does not install some ActiveX components on non-English versions of Windows NT. To get the functionality of these components you must perform these three steps:

  1. Install Alpha Native Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2 (or later) for your local language. Service Packs are available from Microsoft at
  2. Install Alpha Native Microsoft Internet Explorer V3.01 (or later) for your local language. You don't have to configure or use Internet Explorer, just install it. Internet Explorer is also available from Microsoft at
  3. Install FX!32 V1.1-b0148-002.

When FX!32 v1.1 is already installed

A problem exists for users who previously installed FX!32 V1.1-b0148-001 on non-English versions of Windows NT 4.0. There is no problem for users who installed FX!32 on English versions of NT 4.0 or for any users with earlier versions of NT.

To determine the build number of your installation of FX!32, go to the FX!32 manager and pull down the Help menu. Then click on 'About FX!32 Manager'.

FX!32 V1.1-b0148-001 includes English versions of BETA Alpha native ActiveX components. This is discussed in detail in the file README.TXT.

Installing English versions of ActiveX components on non-English Windows NT can introduce problems that were discovered shortly after FX!32 V1.1 shipped. A new variant of FX!32 V1.1, identified as V1.1-b0148-002, is now available which only installs ActiveX components on English versions of Windows NT.

If you have a non-English version of Windows NT and you have installed V1.1-b0148-001, you can add ActiveX components by following these three steps:

  1. Install Alpha Native Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2 (or later) for your local language. Service Packs are available from Microsoft at
  2. Install Alpha Native Microsoft Internet Explorer V3.01 (or later) for your local language. You don't have to configure or use Internet Explorer, just install it. Internet Explorer is also available from Microsoft at
  3. Install FX!32 V1.1-b0148-002.

These steps will correct the problem and install all ActiveX components available for your local language.

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