I was reading in the DU 4.x manual that there is a new command in the CDE
that is called dxshutdown (shutdown manager). I have not yet installed DU
4.0 and I was wondering if the behavior of dxshutdown is the same as the
'shutdown' command in 3.x, i.e.: kills process all around without running
the transition scripts.
Also, does the performance manager comes free with Du 4.0 ? Is it better
than the 'monitor' and 'top' utility, or does it incur too much overhead ?
Guy E Dallaire, SysAdmin, DBA
Le Directeur General des Elections du Quebec, QC, Canada
Phone: (418) 646-8618
Fax: (418) 644-9624
** "Honni soit qui disco pense"
Received on Tue May 13 1997 - 21:37:46 NZST