This page shows installing the latest free NetWare Client (v5.11) on MacOS 8.5 under SheepShaver.
Things you'll need to follow along:
Installing MacOS in the emulator is out of scope for this document as nothing unusual is required.
The important settings for SheepShaver is using TAP for the ethernet interface:
We're starting off with a clean install of MacOS 8.5 in SheepShaver.
I've previously installed NetWare for Macinotsh
on my NetWare server and installed MacOS Client support
so the client installer is sitting on my server and I can just use AppleShare to access it:
Guest is fine for accessing the client installer.
The installer lives on the SYS volume
VNW411.SYS on the desktop in Novell red!
Then run the NW Client Installer!
Click install!
Click yes.
Files are copied...
Install complete! Nice and easy. Click restart.
A bunch of new extensions!
Install complete! Notice the dead tree icon in the menu bar next to the clock?
This client has some compatiblity issues with MacOS 8. In particular the NetWare Print Chooser tends to crash the system. Luckily Novell released a patch! You canvas grab Update 6a from the Mac Client page.
I'm using the disk image version which I've mounted in SheepShaver.
Run MCLUPD6A.sea and click continue
Pick somewhere to extract to
The archive extracts
And done! Sadly thats as automated as the process gets.
From here we're copying files. The process should be pretty obvious
from the folder names but MCLUPD6a.TXT probably has instructions.
Open the Control Panels folder in the System folder and drag the new version of MacIPX over.
You'll get a warning when you do this. Its only complaining because the existing
versions have a timestamp of when you installed the client - the patches version
of MacIPX is newer so just overwrite. You'll have to do this for each
lot of new files.
Open the AppleShare folder in the System folder and drag the new version of NetWare UAM over.
If asked choose to replace.
Open the Extensions folder in the System folder and drag the new versions of the four extensions
over. If asked choose to replace.
Drag the NetWare Control Strip over to the Control Strip Modules folder in the System Folder. Only
do this if the Control Strip is installed and enabled.
Lastly, copy the new version of NetWare Print Chooser over to the NetWare Client Utilities folder
on the Macintosh HD.
Once you're done, reboot.
NetWare Client menu
Login screen
More options
Logging in...
The tree is alive!
This is what the Configure menu option gives you
Select a directory tree
This is what that remote button does.
Browse for a context.
More options
Tree info
Server info
MacIPX Control Panel icon
MacIPX Control Panel
IPX Advanced Options
NetWare Client Utilities
Look at all the utilities!
NetWare Directory Browser
Double-click a volume to mount it
If you double-click a server you get a list of mountable volumes
At this point I stopped and installed Update 6a as the NetWare Print Chooser would crash MacOS. As a result of installing the update on the rest of the screenshots you'll see a netware icon in the control strip down the bottom of the screen
Double clicking on a printer gives you this.
NetWare Print Options
Double clicking a print queue gives you much the same thing.
For convenience you can save a shortcut to an NDS object.
And this is what a saved shortcut to a volume looks like
When you double-click it it mounts the volume! That way you don't have to go
digging in the NDS browser whenever you need something.
Info for a mounted volume
The control strip module gives mostly the same options as the tree menu
The netware client doesn't use the chooser at all - apparently this is one
of the improvements added in later versions but those aren't available for free
(or at all these days).
And thats the NetWare client on MacOS 8.5!
I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).