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NetWare NFS 2.x - zxnet


Client Software
Server Patches & Notes
Add-On Server Products
Novell DR-DOS Patches
Y2K Support

All versions Y2K ready, no patch required (ref)

End of Support
System Requirements

5MB free space on SYS: (18MB to install online documentation)


NetWare NFS 2.x

This page covers version 2.1 of the NFS add-on (including the NFS Gateway) for NetWare 4.1x/4.2. For NetWare 3.x version of this product, see NFS 1.x/NFS Gateway 1.x. Eventually this page may cover other 2.x versions of the NFS Services product.

At least four versions of this product were sold: v2.1, 2.12, 2.3 and 2.4 with no free upgrades from one version to the next. Upgrading from v2.1 to 2.12 originally cost US$400 (ref).

NFS Services v2.1

This is the first version of NetWare NFS Services for NetWare 4.x and was called the "NetWare 4 Edition". It claims to support NetWare 4.1x though patches are required to work on NetWare 4.11.

Given NetWare 4.11 contains components of a later version of NFS Services (Unix printing and the FTP server) and later support packs include patches for later versions of NFS Services I've decided to confine this product to NetWare 4.10.

Compared to NetWare 3 editions

Compared to the previous version (NFS Gateway 1.2 for NetWare 3.1x), NFS Gateway 2.1 actually works! It returns full directory listings to Client32 (DOS/Win31/Win9x) and it doesn't ABEND the server when a Windows NT client connects!

It does still have one significant downside though: no long filename support. NFS Gateway always converts long filenames into the DOS namespace and has no ability to expose long filenames to OS/2, Windows 9x or NT clients. Apparently you've got to buy NFS Services v2.3 to get that feature!

The other parts of the product (FTP Server, NFS Server, XConsole) are all pretty similar to their NetWare 3 counterparts. There were no significant issues I encountered with those on NetWare 3 and the NetWare 4 versions seem fine too.


The product comes on six floppy disks about half of which is online documentation which you'll want to install as hard copies of only the Concepts Guide and Installation Guide are provided - the rest are online only.

To see what the process of installing, configuring and patching NFS Services 2.1 looks like I've taken screenshots of the process: Installing NFS Services v2.1 on NetWare 4.10



These are all the patches for NFS Services v2.1 that have been located so far. They appear to be cumulative so you should be fine to only install NFS203.EXE.

Date Download Readme Notes
1997-12-30 nfs203.exe NFS203.TXT Most recent update - you only need to apply this one
1997-06-04 nfs202.exe NFS202.TXT
NFS201 missing
NFS200 missing
1996-10-15 nfs199.exe NFS199.TXT Required for all NetWare 4.11 users
NFS198 missing
NFS197 missing
1996-03-13 FTP198.EXE FTP198.TXT Patch for the FTP Server
1995-11-02 NFSSFT.EXE NFSSFT.TXT Lets NFS 2.1 run onn SFT III servers

Disclaimer & Comments

I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestsions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).