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Installing Client32 v2.71 for Windows 3.1 (in a VM) - zxnet


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Installing Client32 v2.71 on Windows 3.1

This page covers installing and exploring the final released NetWare client for Windows 3.1. I expect it will be basically identical to on Windows 3.11.



Things you'll need to follow along you'll need a VM with:

Creating the VM and installing DOS and Windows are out of scope for this document as nothing special is required.


We're starting from a clean install of MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1 with a CD-ROM driver setup.

I downloaded v2.71 (dw271e.exe) from here and used the VirtualBox virtual CD-ROM feature to get it into Windows 3.11. On real hardware you'd make floppy disks or perhaps floppy-boot the VLM client and copy the Client32 installer onto the machine over the network.

I've created a new directory, client on C drive

And copied dw271e.exe over into it.

First step is to run dw271e.exe. Type y and hit enter.

And the install files are extracted!

For some reason this version doesn't include a windows-based installer like the previous releases. The DOS-based isntaller (install.exe) won't work from inside windows.

So we must exit windows.

Change into the client directory and run install.exe

More terms and conditions! Hit enter to continue.

The default is all you need for connecting via IPX. Press F10 to continue.

Press F10 to continue - we don't need any of this stuff.

There is a 32bit LAN driver for the AMD PCNet VirtualBox is emulating so choose that option.

This one should work.

Scroll down to the Slot parameter and press Enter.

For Virtual Box the correct Slot number is 2 so type that and press enter.

All done here, press F10 to continue.

Defaults should be fine. Press F10.

Files are copied...

And we're done! Reboot the computer.

Success! I'm attached to my NetWare 4.11 server over IPX.

A nice low-colour splash screen.

And this is what we get!

The Login screen! It doesn't work for some reason though - can't see my NDS tree (might need to apply some patches to my server)

Logging in and out from DOS fixes it - now it can see my NDS tree. Adding the PREFERRED TREE setting to net.cfg also fixes this problem.

Login script runs

And network drives are mapped! Windows 3.1 is obviously aware of networks (it asks which one you're using during setup) even if it has no networking support built-in.

More Screenshots

File properties in FileManager have a NetWare button

Which gives you NetWare details.

The NetWork Connections item in the Disk menu opens NetWare User Tools

And this is NetWare User Tools: The Drive Connections tab. You can map additional network drives here.

Drive info

Drive type

Printer Connections tab: where you map printers to LPT ports.

LPT Settings

NetWare Connections tab. You can login to additional servers from here.

NetWare Info...

Send message

Receive message!

Settings: UserTools

Settings: NetWare

Settings: Startup. Here you can make the login screen appear automatically when you start windows if you're not already logged in.

Settings: Login

And thats Client32 on Windows 3.1. Basically identical to on Windows 3.11 - the only visible difference is that Windows 3.1 doesn't have a toolbar in File Manager. Nothing surprising really.

Disclaimer & Comments

I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).