Missing NetWare Patches, Clients, etc
I've been unable to locate the following Patches/Clients for NetWare and its layered products. If you've got any of the following in your archives I'd be glad to hear
from you so they can be added to the archive here!
- NetWare NFS Gateway v1.2 (for NetWare 3.1x/3.2)
- nfsgw.exe - referenced by a 16 October 1997 update to TID 2912064, fixes severe incompatibilities with
- Any patch that stops NFS Gateway from ABENDing the server if the Windows NT client happens to come anywhere near it (perhaps nfsgw.exe?)
- NetWare NFS 1.2
- NFS111.ZIP - Patch for NFSSERV and LOCKD for NFS 1.2. Should be 70461 bytes in size.
- NetWare NFS Services v2.1
- NFS201.exe
- NFS200.exe
- NFS198.exe
- NFS197.exe
- Novell Application Launcher / ZENworks
- NAL v2.0 - setupsnp.exe dated sometime around April 1997
- ZENworks Starter Pack 1.0 (NAL v2.5) - zspe_1.exe, zspe_2.exe, zspe_3.exe
- ZENworks Starter Pack 1.01 (NAL v2.6) - wnt45e.exe, zw9530e.exe
- ZENworks Starter Pack 1.1 (NAL v2.7)
- NetWare Client for OS/2
- Client Kits
- 1.0 - the client for OS/2 1.0. The manual has been found, but the client itself has not.
Possibly only bundled with certain versions of NetWare between September 1988 and January 1989
- 2.0 - this was included with NetWare 3.11, but was there ever a downloadable package for it? Likely not
- Patches
- REL102.ZIP - the copy that exists on the internet has been modified by the author of a shareware CD-ROM
- Definitive information about the release and distribution of the 1.0 and 1.1 clients. Were they freely redistributable like most later versions? Or available for sale only like the 2.0 client?
- NSD002.ZIP - Update for client v1.3. Should be dated sometime around 16 July 1991.
- NSD201.EXE - Update for client v2.0. Should be dated sometime around October 1992.
- R201ST.EXE - Update for client v2.01. Referenced by TID 15833 (source for the client versions table above) but I can find no other mentions of it on the NSEpro or support connection CDs I've got access to. Not one mention of it on the google groups usenet archive. Perhaps its a typo in the TID?
- R211FT.EXE - Update for client v2.11 from around March 1995
- R211FT.EXE - Update for client v2.11 from around August 1995. Same filename, different contents.
- OS2C2.EXE - Update for client v2.11.
- NetWare DOS Requester (VLM)
- Client Kits - its possible some of these were never made available as a stand-alone free download but were instead only bundled with
another product (NetWare, DR-DOS, etc) or sold in a box with a manual.
- 1.00
- 1.01 - Need WSWIN1.EXE from around 22 April 1993 only. Size should be around 789,951 bytes. I've found the other bits (WSDOS1.EXE and WSDRV1.EXE)
- 1.03 - Possibly this was never released as anything but an update to 1.02 (vlm103.zip)
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.20
- Patches
- vlm103.zip - Upgrades 1.0x to 1.03. Was available on ftp.novell.com at least as early as 8 October 1993.
- vlmup2.exe - An older version of the vlmup2.exe that can already be found on this page. Should be a self-extracting DOS archive containing a readme file (vlmup2.txt) dated around 16 June 1994. Have only been able to locate a zip version of this which was likely created from the exe.
- nwdll1.exe - Should be a self-extracting DOS archive containing a readme file (nwdll1.txt) dated around October 1994. Have only been able to locate a zip version of this which has been modified to include an advertisment (ADVERT.EMS) for a shareware CD-ROM
- vlmup1.exe - Should be a self-extracting DOS archive containing a readme file (vlmup1.txt) dated around October 1994. Have only been able to locate a zip version of this which has been modified to include an advertisment (ADVERT.EMS) for a shareware CD-ROM
- windr1.exe - Should be a self-extracting DOS archive containing a readme file (windr1.txt) dated around October 1994. No copies of this turn up on google as on 20-MAR-2021.
- Client32 for DOS/Windows 3.1x
- Client Kits
- 2.70 - Supposedly released on 31 January 1999 and included with NetWare 5. Version 2.71 came out less than a month later so if a downloadable version ever existed it likely wasn't up on novell.com for long.
- 2.6 - filename should be dw26en.exe released on 27 October 1998.
- Client32 for Windows 95/98
- Client Kits
- 3.03 - possibly only included in the ZENworks 1.11 beta kit?
- 3.0
- Anything older than 2.1 (betas likely)
- Patches - none of these are super important (there are newer cumulative updates that supersede all of them) but it would be nice to find them for completeness.
- 95321pt1.exe - Patch 1 for v3.21
- 95321pt2.exe - Patch 2 for v3.21
- 9532pt1.exe - Patch 1 for v3.2
- 9532pt2.exe - Patch 2 for v3.2
- 9531pt1.exe - Post SP2 Update 1 for v3.1
- w95it2a.exe - Interim release update for v2.12
- Client for Windows NT
- Client Kits
- Version 4.7 - either wnt47e.exe or wnt47e2.exe
- Version 5.41
- Version 4.11
- 1994-10 pre-release - NT-X86.ZIP, NT-MIPS.ZIP and NT-ALPHA.ZIP
- 1994-03-03 pre-release - NWNTI.EXE, NWNTM.EXE and NWNTA.EXE (if downloaded from CompuServe) or NTINTEL.EXE, NTMIPS.EXE and NTALPHA.EXE (if downloaded from ftp.novell.com)
- 1993-06-29 pre-release - nwnt.exe
- 1993-04-26 pre-release
- 1993-03-03 pre-release
- Patches
- 4.91psp5_ir1.zip - Post-SP5 IR1 patch for v4.91
- 4.91psp5_ir2.zip - Post-SP5 IR2 patch for v4.91
- 48sp1.exe - update 1 for v4.8
- 48sp2.exe - update 2 for v4.8
- nt47pt1.exe - update 1 for v4.7
- NTC5.EXE - update for v3.5b
- NTRFT2.EXE - update for v3.5
- NTC4.EXE - latest update for v3.5?
- NetWare DOS Shell (NETX)
- DOSUP2.ZIP - Shell 3.20?
- DSWIND2.ZIP - might just be another name for DSWIND.ZIP (Shell v3.01 Rev. D)
- SHL302.ZIP - v3.02 client kit?
- Client Kit for v3.21
- Client Kit for v3.10
Disclaimer & Comments
I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).