HP OpenVMS I/O User’s Reference Manual: OpenVMS Version 8.4

HP Part Number: BA554-90018

Published: June 2010

Table of Contents

1 Intended Audience
2 Document Structure
3 Device Driver Support for OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers 64-Bit Addressing
4 Related Documents
5 Reader's Comments
6 How to Order Additional Documentation
7 Conventions
1 ACP-QIO Interface
1.1 ACP Functions and Encoding
1.2 File Information Block
1.3 ACP Subfunctions
1.3.1 Directory Lookup
1.3.2 Access
1.3.3 Extend
1.3.4 Truncate
1.3.5 Read/Write Attributes
1.4 ACP-QIO Record Attributes Area
1.5 ACP-QIO Attributes Statistics Block
1.6 Major Functions
1.6.1 Create File
1.6.2 Access File
1.6.3 Deaccess File
1.6.4 Modify File
1.6.5 Delete File
1.6.6 Movefile Subfunction
1.6.7 Mount
1.6.8 ACP Control
1.7 I/O Status Block
2 Disk Drivers
2.1 Driver Features
2.1.1 Data Check
2.1.2 Effects of a Failure During an I/O Write Operation
2.1.3 Error Recovery
2.1.4 SCSI Disk Class Driver
2.1.5 Audio Extensions to the SCSI Disk Class Driver
2.2 Disk Driver Device Information
2.3 Disk Function Codes
2.3.1 Read
2.3.2 Write
2.3.3 Sense Mode
2.3.4 Set Density
2.3.5 Search
2.3.6 Pack Acknowledge
2.3.7 Unload
2.3.8 Available
2.3.9 Seek
2.3.10 Write Check
2.3.11 Audio Extensions
2.4 I/O Status Block
2.5 Disk Driver Programming Example
3 Magnetic Tape Drivers
3.1 HP Magnetic Tape Controllers and Drives
3.2 Magnetic Tape Driver Device Information
3.3 Magnetic Tape Function Codes
3.3.1 Read
3.3.2 Write
3.3.3 Rewind
3.3.4 Skip File
3.3.5 Skip Record
3.3.6 Write End-of-File
3.3.7 Rewind Offline
3.3.8 Unload
3.3.9 Sense Tape Mode
3.3.10 Set Mode
3.3.11 Multiple Tape Density Support
3.3.12 Data Security Erase
3.3.13 Modify
3.3.14 Pack Acknowledge
3.3.15 Available
3.3.16 Flush
3.4 I/O Status Block
3.5 Magnetic Tape Drive Programming Examples
4 Mailbox Driver
4.1 Mailbox Operations
4.1.1 Creating Mailboxes
4.1.2 Deleting Mailboxes
4.1.3 Mailbox Protection
4.1.4 Mailbox Message Format
4.2 Mailbox Driver Device Information
4.3 Mailbox Function Codes
4.3.1 Read
4.3.2 Write
4.3.3 Write End-of-File Message
4.3.4 Set Attention AST
4.3.5 Wait for Writer/Reader
4.3.6 Set Protection
4.3.7 Get Mailbox Information
4.4 I/O Status Block
4.5 Mailbox Driver Programming Examples
5 Terminal Driver
5.1 Terminal Driver Features
5.1.1 Input Processing
5.1.2 Output Processing
5.1.3 Dialup Support
5.1.4 Terminal/Mailbox Interaction
5.1.5 Autobaud Detection
5.1.6 Out-of-Band Control Character Handling
5.2 Terminal Driver Device Information
5.2.1 Terminal Characteristics Categories
5.3 Terminal Function Codes
5.3.1 Read
5.3.2 Write
5.3.3 Set Mode
5.3.4 LAT Port Driver QIO Interface
5.4 I/O Status Block
5.5 Terminal Driver Programming Examples
6 Pseudoterminal Driver
6.1 Pseudoterminal Operations
6.1.1 Creating a Pseudoterminal
6.1.2 Canceling a Request
6.1.3 Deleting a Pseudoterminal
6.2 Pseudoterminal Driver Features
6.3 Pseudoterminal Driver Device Information
6.4 I/O Buffers
6.5 Pseudoterminal Functions
6.5.1 Reading Data
6.5.2 Writing Data
6.5.3 Using Write with Echo
6.5.4 Flow Control
6.5.5 Event Notification
6.6 Pseudoterminal Driver Programming Example
6.6.1 Design Overview
7 Shadow-Set Virtual Unit Driver
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Configurations
7.2.1 Supported Hardware
7.2.2 Compatible Disk Drives and Volumes
7.3 Driver Functions
7.3.1 Read and Write Functions
7.4 Error Processing
8 Using the OpenVMS Generic SCSI Class Driver
8.1 Overview of SCSI
8.2 OpenVMS SCSI Class/Port Architecture
8.3 Overview of the OpenVMS Generic SCSI Class Driver
8.4 Accessing the OpenVMS Generic SCSI Class Driver
8.5 SCSI Port Features Under Application Control
8.5.1 Setting the Data Transfer Mode
8.5.2 Enabling Disconnection and Reselection
8.5.3 Disabling Command Retry
8.5.4 Setting Command Timeouts
8.6 Configuring a Device Using the Generic Class Driver
8.7 Assigning a Channel to GKDRIVER
8.8 Issuing a $QIO Request to the Generic Class Driver
8.9 Generic SCSI Class Driver Device Information
8.10 Call a Generic SCSI Class Driver
9 Local Area Network (LAN) Device Drivers
9.1 Local Area Network (LAN) Terminology
9.2 Supported LAN Devices
9.3 Supported Industry Standards
9.4 LAN I/O Architecture
9.4.1 LAN Data Structures
9.4.2 Hardware Configuration
9.4.3 Software Modules
9.4.4 Application APIs
9.4.5 LAN Addressing
9.4.6 LAN Frame Formats
9.4.7 Packet Padding
9.4.8 Protocol Type and PID Sharing
9.5 LAN Devices
9.5.1 Driver-Specific Internal Counters
9.5.2 Device-Specific Functions
9.5.3 Ethernet LAN Devices
9.5.4 FDDI LAN Devices
9.5.5 Token Ring LAN Devices
9.5.6 ATM LAN Devices
9.6 LAN Device Information
9.7 LAN Function Codes
9.7.1 Read
9.7.2 Write
9.7.3 Set Mode and Set Characteristics
9.7.4 Shutdown Controller
9.7.5 Enable Attention AST
9.7.6 IO$M_SET_MAC Functional Modifier to IO$M_SETMODE
9.7.7 IO$M_UPDATE_MAP Functional Modifier to IO$_SETMODE
9.7.8 IO$M_ROUTE Functional Modifier to IO$_SETMODE
9.7.9 Sense Mode and Sense Characteristics
9.7.10 IO$M_SENSE_MAC Functional Modifier to IO$_SENSEMODE
9.7.11 IO$M_SHOW_MAP Functional Modifier to IO$_SENSEMODE
9.7.12 IO$M_SHOW_ROUTE Functional Modifier to IO$_SENSEMODE
9.7.13 I/O Status Block
9.8 Application Programming Notes
9.8.1 Promiscuous Mode
9.8.2 Local Area Network Programming Examples
10 Optional Features for Improving I/O Performance
10.1 Fast I/O
10.1.1 Fast I/O Benefits
10.1.2 Using Buffer Objects
10.1.3 Differences Between Fast I/O Services and $QIO
10.1.4 Using Fast I/O Services
10.1.5 Additional Information
10.2 Fast Path (Alpha and Integrity servers Only)
10.2.1 Using Fast Path Features
10.2.2 Managing Fast Path
10.2.3 Fast Path Restrictions
10.2.4 Special Considerations for Fast Path on Multi-RAD Systems
A I/O Function Codes
A.1 ACP-QIO Interface Driver
A.2 Disk Drivers
A.3 Magnetic Tape Drivers
A.4 Mailbox Driver
A.5 Terminal Driver
A.6 Local Area Network Device Drivers
A.7 Fast I/O Function Codes and Modifiers
A.8 Fast Path Function Code and Modifiers
B IO$_DIAGNOSE Function for SCSI Class Drivers
C DEC Multinational Character Set and Terminal Escape Sequences/Modes
C.1 DEC Multinational Character Set
C.2 Terminal Sequences and Modes
D Control Connection Routines
D.1 PTD$CANCEL — Cancel Queued Request
D.1.1 Format
D.1.2 Returns
D.1.3 Arguments
D.1.4 Return Values
D.2 PTD$CREATE — Create a Pseudoterminal
D.2.1 Format
D.2.2 Returns
D.2.3 Arguments
D.2.4 Description
D.2.5 Return Values
D.3 PTD$DELETE — Delete a Pseudoterminal
D.3.1 Format
D.3.2 Returns
D.3.3 Argument
D.3.4 Description
D.3.5 Return Values
D.4 PTD$READ — Read Data from Pseudoterminal
D.4.1 Format
D.4.2 Returns
D.4.3 Arguments
D.4.4 Description
D.4.5 Return Values
D.5 PTD$READW — Read Data from Pseudoterminal and Wait
D.5.1 Format
D.6 PTD$SET_EVENT_NOTIFICATION — Enable or Disable Terminal Event Notification ASTs
D.6.1 Format
D.6.2 Returns
D.6.3 Arguments
D.6.4 Description
D.6.5 Return Values
D.7 PTD$WRITE — Write Data to Pseudoterminal
D.7.1 Format
D.7.2 Returns
D.7.3 Arguments
D.7.4 Description
D.7.5 Return Values
E Programming USB Generic Drivers
E.1 USB Device Structure
E.2 Driver Model
E.3 Supported $QIO Functions
E.4 Cancel I/O
E.5 Error Handling
E.6 Example
E.7 USB Device Configuration
E.8 Permanent Devices and Tentative Devices

List of Figures

1-1 ACP Device- or Function-Dependent Arguments
1-2 ACP Device/Function Argument Descriptor Format
1-3 Typical Short FIB
1-4 Attribute Control Block Format
1-5 ACP-QIO Record Attributes Area
1-6 ACP-QIO Attributes Statistics Block
1-7 Quota File Transfer Block
1-8 IOSB Contents — ACP-QIO Functions
2-1 Starting Physical Address
2-2 Physical Cylinder Number Format
2-3 Audio Control Block (AUCB)
2-4 Output Channel Selection and Volume Settings for CD-ROM Ports as Used by the SET_VOLUME Function
2-5 IOSB Contents
2-6 IOSB Contents for the Sense Mode Function
3-1 IO$_SKIPFILE Argument
3-2 IO$_SKIPRECORD Argument
3-3 Sense Mode P1 Buffer
3-4 Set Mode Characteristics Buffer for IO$_SETMODE
3-5 Set Mode Characteristics Buffer for IO$_SETCHAR
3-6 IOSB Contents
4-1 Multiple Mailbox Channels
4-2 $QIO READ STREAM Operation
4-3 Read Mailbox
4-4 Write Mailbox
4-5 Write Attention AST (Read Unsolicited Data)
4-6 Read Attention AST
4-7 Protection Mask
4-8 IOSB Contents — Read Function
4-9 IOSB Contents— Write Function
4-10 IOSB Contents— Set Protection Function
4-11 IOSB Contents — Get Mailbox Information Function
5-1 Modem Control: Two-Way Simultaneous Operation
5-2 Terminal Mailbox Message Format
5-3 Short and Long Forms of Terminator Mask Quadwords
5-4 Itemlist Read Descriptor
5-5 P4 Carriage Control Specifier
5-6 Write Function Carriage Control (Prefix and Postfix Coding)
5-7 Set Mode and Set Characteristics Buffers
5-8 Set Mode P1 Block
5-9 Relationship of Out-of-Band Function with Control Characters
5-10 Example SETMODE Itemlist
5-11 Sense Mode Characteristics Buffer
5-12 Sense Mode Characteristics Buffer (type-ahead)
5-13 Sense Mode P1 Block
5-14 IOSB Contents—Read Function
5-15 IOSB Contents—Itemlist Read Function
5-16 IOSB Contents—Write Function
5-17 IOSB Contents—Set Mode, Set Characteristics, Sense Mode, and Sense Characteristics Functions
5-18 IOSB Contents—LAT Port Driver Function
6-1 Buffer Layout
8-1 OpenVMS SCSI Class/Port Interface
8-2 Generic SCSI Class Driver Flow
9-1 LAN Frame Formats
9-2 Ethernet Frame with Ethernet Header
9-3 Ethernet Frame with IEEE 802.3 Header
9-4 FDDI Frame Format
9-5 Token Ring Frame Format
9-6 LAN Emulation Data Frame Format with IEEE 802.3/Ethernet Header
9-7 Class I Service 802.2 Header
9-8 DSAP and SSAP Format
9-9 802 Extended Header
9-10 Emulated LAN Topology
9-11 DVI$_DEVDEPEND Returns
9-12 Read Function P5 Buffer
9-13 Write Function P5 Buffer
9-14 P2 Extended Characteristics Buffer
9-15 Format of IO$M_UPDATE_MAP Setmode P2 Buffer
9-16 Format of the IO$M_ROUTE P2 Buffer
9-17 Sense Mode P1 Characteristics Buffer
9-18 Sense Mode Attribute Buffer
9-19 Format of IO$M_SHOW_MAP P2 Buffer
9-20 Format of IO$M_SHOW_ROUTE P2 Buffer
9-21 IOSB Contents
B-1 OpenVMS SCSI-2 Diagnose Buffer (S2DGB) 32-Bit Layout
B-2 OpenVMS SCSI-2 Diagnose Buffer (S2DGB) 64-Bit Layout
D-1 Device Characteristics Buffer

List of Tables

1-1 Contents of the FIB
1-2 FIB Fields (Lookup Control)
1-3 FIB Fields (Access Control)
1-4 FIB Fields (Extend Control)
1-5 FIB Fields (Truncate Control)
1-6 Attribute Control Block Fields
1-7 ACP-QIO Attributes
1-8 File Characteristics Bits
1-9 ACP Record Attributes Values
1-10 Contents of the Statistics Block
1-11 IO$_CREATE and the FIB
1-12 IO$_ACCESS and the File Information Block
1-13 FIB Fields (Movefile)
1-14 IO$_ACPCONTROL and the FIB
1-15 Magnetic Tape Operations and the FIB
1-16 Disk Quota Functions (Enable/Disable)
1-17 Disk Quota Functions (Individual Entries)
2-1 Disk I/O Functions
2-2 SCSI Disk Class Driver Audio Commands
2-3 Contents of AUCB
2-4 Status Codes Returned to the IOSB and AUCB by the SCSI Disk Class Driver
3-1 Magnetic Tape Device-Independent Characteristics
3-2 Device-Dependent Information for Tape Devices
3-3 Device-Dependent Information for Tape Devices
3-4 Magnetic Tape I/O Functions
3-5 Set Mode and Set Characteristics Magnetic Tape Characteristics
3-6 Extended Device Characteristics for Tape Devices
4-1 Mailbox Characteristics
5-1 Terminal Control Characters
5-2 Control and Data Signals
5-3 Terminal Device-Independent Characteristics
5-4 Terminal Characteristics
5-5 Extended Terminal Characteristics
5-6 Read QIO Function Modifiers for the Terminal Driver
5-7 Item Codes for Terminal Driver Itemlist Read Operations
5-8 Write QIO Function Modifiers for the Terminal Driver
5-9 FORTRAN Write Function Carriage Control
5-10 Write Function Carriage Control (P4 byte 0 = 0)
5-11 Broadcast Requester IDs
5-12 LAT$C_ENT_NODE Item Codes
5-13 LAT$C_ENT_SERVICE Item Codes
5-14 LAT$C_ENT_LINK Item Codes
5-15 LAT$C_ENT_PORT Item Codes
5-16 LAT$C_ENT_NODE Item Codes
5-17 Node Service Subblock Item Codes
5-18 Node Counters Item Codes
5-19 Node Counters Item Codes
5-20 Protocol Error Item Codes
5-21 LAT$C_ENT_SERVICE Item Codes
5-22 Service Node Subblock Item Codes
5-23 Service Counters Subblock Item Codes
5-24 LAT$C_ENT_LINK Item Codes
5-25 Link Counters Item Codes
5-26 Additional Link Counters Item Codes
5-27 LAT$C_ENT_PORT Item Codes
5-28 LAT SENSEMODE Queue Entries
5-29 IO$M_LT_CONNECT Request Status
5-30 Byte IOSB+5 Status Information
5-31 LAT Rejection Codes
7-1 Functions of the Shadow Set Virtual Unit Driver
9-1 Supported OpenVMS Integrity server Systems LAN Devices, Part 1
9-2 Supported OpenVMS Integrity server Systems LAN Devices, Part 2
9-3 LAN Software Module
9-4 Address Mappings of Token Ring Drivers
9-5 DEMNA Characteristics
9-6  SGEC/TGEC Characteristics
9-7 LANCE Characteristics
9-8 LEMAC Characteristics
9-9 3C589 Characteristics
9-10 Tulip Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Characteristics
9-11 Tulip Hardware Media Selection
9-12 Intel 82559 Fast Ethernet Characteristics
9-13 82559 Hardware Media Selection
9-14 DEGPA Devices
9-15 Broadcom 5700 Characteristics
9-16 5700 Hardware Media Selection
9-17 Intel 82540 Characteristics
9-18 DEMFA FDDI Characteristics
9-19 DEFZA FDDI Characteristics
9-20 PDQ FDDI Characteristics
9-21 TMS380 Token Ring Characteristics
9-22 OTTO ATM Characteristics
9-23 FORE ATM Characteristics
9-24 Components of LAN Emulation over an ATM Network
9-25 Ethernet Controller Device Characteristics
9-26 Ethernet Controller Unit and Line Status
9-27 Error Summary Bits
9-28 LAN I/O Functions
9-29 Maximum User Data Sizes for Ethernet, FDDI, and Token Ring
9-30 Maximum User Data Sizes for LAN Emulation over ATM
9-31 Maximum Message Sizes for Ethernet, FDDI, and Token Ring
9-32 Maximum Message Sizes for LAN Emulation over ATM
9-33 P2 Attributes
9-34 Set Mode Parameters for Packet Formats
9-35 Parameters of IO$M_SET_MAC for Ethernet
9-36 Parameters of IO$M_SET_MAC for FDDI
9-37 Parameters of IO$M_SET_MAC for Token Ring
9-38 Parameters of IO$M_SET_MAC for ATM
9-39 Parameters of IO$M_SENSE_MAC
9-40 State of the Entry
9-41 Rules for Promiscuous Mode Operation
10-1 Supported Ports for Each Version of OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers
10-2 FAST_PATH_PORTS Bit Masks
B-1 S2DGB$L_FLAGS Bit Fields
C-1 DEC Multinational Character Set
C-2 Sequences and Modes
D-1 Control Connection Routines
D-2 Symbolic Names Defined by $PTDDEF Macro
E-1 Format of the Device Descriptor
E-2 Format of the Interface Descriptor