HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECwindows Extensions to Motif

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    changing highlighting
    clearing a selection in compound string text widget
    copying in compound string text widget
    deleting in compound string text widget
    determining editing state
    displaying in compound string text widget #1
    displaying in compound string text widget #2
    enabling redisplay in compound string text widget
    highlighting as primary selection in compound string text widget
    inserting text into compound string text widget
    moving insertion cursor
    obtaining ownership status of primary selection
    pasting clipboard data in compound string text widget
    preventing redisplay in compound string text widget
    removing in compound string text widget
    replacing in compound string text widget
    retrieving character position #1
    retrieving character position #2
    retrieving first character position
    retrieving in compound string text widget #1
    retrieving in compound string text widget #2
    retrieving insertion cursor position
    retrieving last character position
    retrieving maximum length of
    retrieving number of visible lines
    retrieving position of
    See also Compound string text widget #1
    See also Compound string text widget #2
    setting Add Mode
    setting editing state
    setting insertion cursor position
    setting maximum length
    setting position of first character
Toolkit routines
        specifying revert value
Translation table
UIL extensions
UIL tables
UNIX operating system
    compiler command flags
        Motif UIL
    files provided for UIL support #1
    files provided for UIL support #2
    invoking Motif UIL compiler
    UIL table

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