HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration

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Part 2
Part 2 Configuring VAX P.S.I. and VAX P.S.I. Access for OpenVMS VAX Systems
Chapter 4
4 Configuring VAX P.S.I. and VAX P.S.I. Access
     4.1     Steps in Configuring VAX P.S.I.
     4.2     Planning Your VAX P.S.I. Configuration
         4.2.1         Configuring Access, Native, and Multihost Systems
         4.2.2         The VAX P.S.I. Configuration Program
         4.2.3         Sections in the VAX P.S.I. Configuration Program
     4.3     Recording the Information You Need for VAX P.S.I. Configuration
     4.4     Running the VAX P.S.I. Configuration Program
         4.4.1         Starting the VAX P.S.I. Configuration Program
         4.4.2         Using the VAX P.S.I. Configuration Program
                Entering Information
                Moving Within a Section
         4.4.3         Options Menu
         4.4.4         Creating NCL Script
         4.4.5         Exiting the Program
         4.4.6         Requirement to Complete VAX P.S.I. Configuration
         4.4.7         Getting Help
                Getting Help on a Specific Field or Menu Choice
                Getting General Help
                Getting Help on the Program
     4.5     Testing VAX P.S.I.
         4.5.1         Preparing to Run the CTP
         4.5.2         Running the CTP
                Running the CTP Interactively
                Running the CTP as a Network Object
     4.6     Changing Your VAX P.S.I. Configuration
     4.7     Creating a New VAX P.S.I. Configuration
Part 3
Part 3 Installing and Configuring X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems
Chapter 5
5 Planning to Install X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha
     5.1     Product Description
     5.2     Required Hardware
     5.3     Required Software
     5.4     Kit Location
     5.5     Time Required to Install
Chapter 6
6 Preparing to Install X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha
     6.1     Inspecting the Distribution Kit
     6.2     Logging In to a Privileged Account
     6.3     Accessing the Online Release Notes
     6.4     Determining Process Account Quotas
     6.5     Determining Disk Space
Chapter 7
7 Installing X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha
     7.1     Registering the X.25 Software License
     7.2     Installing X.25 Using the DCL Interface
     7.3     Files Installed on Your System
     7.4     X.25 Installation and De-Installation Sample
         7.4.1         X.25 Installation Example
         7.4.2         X.25 De-Installation Example
Chapter 8
8 X.25 Post-Installation and Configuration Tasks
     8.1     Configuring X.25
     8.2     Restart DECnet-Plus
     8.3     Rebooting the System
     8.4     De-installing X.25
     8.5     Sample X.25 Configuration
Part 4
Part 4 Installing OSI Applications for OpenVMS Systems
Chapter 9
9 Planning for the Installation
     9.1     Product Descriptions
     9.2     Required Hardware
     9.3     Required Software
     9.4     Kit Location
     9.5     Time Required to Install
Chapter 10
10 Preparing to Install the OSI Applications
     10.1     Inspecting the Distribution Kit
     10.2     Logging In to a Privileged Account
     10.3     Accessing the Online Release Notes
     10.4     Memory Requirements
         10.4.1         Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN
     10.5     Process Quotas
     10.6     Determining Disk Space
     10.7     Notifying Users
Chapter 11
11 Installing the OSI Applications
     11.1     Prerequisite Steps
     11.2     Register the OSI Applications Software License
     11.3     Starting the Installation of the OSI Applications
     11.4     Installing the OSI Applications
     11.5     Starting Up and Shutting Down OSI Applications
     11.6     The OSAK Installation Verification Procedure
     11.7     Running the OSIF$CONFIGURE.COM Procedure
     11.8     The FTAM Installation Verification Procedure
         11.8.1         Preparing for the FTAM IVP
         11.8.2         Running the FTAM IVP
     11.9     The VT Installation Verification Procedure
     11.10     De-installing OSI Applications
     11.11     Files Installed on Your System
     11.12     Sample OSI Application Installations
         11.12.1         Sample OSAK Installation
         11.12.2         Sample Virtual Terminal Installation
         11.12.3         Sample FTAM Installation
     11.13     Sample OSI Application De-installations
         11.13.1         Sample Virtual Terminal De-installation
         11.13.2         Sample FTAM De-installation
         11.13.3         Sample OSAK De-installation
Chapter 12
12 Configuring the OSI Applications
     12.1     FTAM and Virtual Terminal Terminology
     12.2     About the OSI Application Entity Database
     12.3     Getting Started Configuring Initiating and Responding Entities
         12.3.1         Setting Up Responding Entities
         12.3.2         Setting Up Initiating Entities
         12.3.3         Example: Performing An FTAM File Copy
         12.3.4         Example: Performing A Virtual Terminal Login
     12.4     About Responding Entities
     12.5     Configuring Addresses for Remote FTAM and VT Applications
         12.5.1         Adding Address Format Entries
         12.5.2         Adding Distinguished Name Format Entries
         12.5.3         Adding Pattern Format Entries
     12.6     Registering Responders To X.500 Directory

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