HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration

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Part 5
Part 5 Appendixes
Appendix A
Appendix A Configuring Asynchronous Connections
     A.1     Asynchronous DECnet Connections
         A.1.1         Establishing a Static Asynchronous Connection
             A.1.1.1             Terminating a Static Asynchronous Connection
             A.1.1.2             Reasons for Failure of Static Asynchronous Connections
         A.1.2         Establishing a Dynamic Asynchronous Connection
             A.1.2.1             Setting Up Dynamic Asynchronous Connections
             A.1.2.2             Switching on Dynamic Asynchronous Connections
             A.1.2.3             Managing Dynamic Asynchronous Resources
             A.1.2.4             Terminating a Dynamic Asynchronous Connection
             A.1.2.5             Reasons for Failure of Dynamic Asynchronous Connections
Appendix B
Appendix B Configuring Transports
     B.1     Overview
     B.2     Manually Configuring NSP
         B.2.1         Transmit and Receive Window
     B.3     Manually Configuring the OSI Transport Service
         B.3.1         Transmit and Receive Window
         B.3.2         Configuring the Connection-Oriented Network Service
             B.3.2.1             Establishing Outbound Connections Using CONS
             B.3.2.2             Establishing Inbound Connections Using CONS
             B.3.2.3             Manually Configuring Support for CONS
         B.3.3         Manually Configuring the Connectionless-Mode Network Service
             B.3.3.1             Establishing Outbound Connections Using CLNS
             B.3.3.2             Establishing Inbound Connections Using CLNS
             B.3.3.3             Steps for Configuring CLNS
             B.3.3.4             Providing Communications Between OSI Transport Systems and VOTS Systems Using CLNS
     B.4     Manually Configuring OSI Transport Network Applications
         B.4.1         Customizing End Selector for OSI Transport
         B.4.2         Enabling Use of CLNS Error Reports
     B.5     Using DECnet over TCP/IP (RFC 1859) and OSI over TCP/IP (RFC 1006)
         B.5.1         Configuring RFC 1006 and/or RFC 1859
         B.5.2         Creating Additional OSI Transport Templates for RFC 1006 and RFC 1859
         B.5.3         Disabling DECnet-Plus over TCP/IP
4-1 Installation and Configuration Flowchart
7-1 Installation and Configuration Flowchart
A-1 Dynamic Switching of Asynchronous DDCMP Lines
3-1 Choosing Your Configuration Option
3-2 Time Zone Rules
3-3 Object Type Numbers
4-1 VAX P.S.I. Configurations and License Requirements
4-2 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Sections Required for Access, Native and Multihost Systems
4-3 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Lines and DTEs (Native and Multihost Systems Only)
4-4 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: PVCs (Native and Multihost Systems Only)
4-5 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Groups (Native and Multihost Systems Only)
4-6 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: LLC2 (Native and Multihost Systems Only)
4-7 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Remote DTE Classes (Access Systems Only)
4-8 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: X.29 and P.S.I. Mail Support (All Systems)
4-9 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Gateway Client Nodes (Multihost Systems Only)
4-10 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Applications (All Systems)
4-11 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Declaring a Network Process (All Systems)
4-12 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Filters---for Applications and Network Processes (All Systems) and gateway clients (Multihost Systems Only)
4-13 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Templates (All Systems)
4-14 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Incoming Security for Applications (All Systems)
4-15 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Outgoing Security for Local Processes (All Systems)
4-16 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Incoming Security for Network Processes (All Systems)
4-17 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Incoming Security for Gateway Clients (Multihost Systems Only)
4-18 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Outgoing Security for Client Systems (Multihost Systems Only)
6-1 Process Quotas for the Installing Account
10-1 Required Global Pages, Global Pagelets and Sections
10-2 Process Quotas for the Installing Account
10-3 OSAK$SERVER_V3 Process Account Quotas
10-4 Account Quotas for Processes that use OSAK Software
10-5 Minimum Disk Space Requirements
12-1 Default Addresses
12-2 X.500 Configuration Checklist
12-3 Address Format Worksheet
B-1 Additional Routing Circuit Characteristics for CLNS

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