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Downloading software from the Web

When you log onto the Internet and receive information, you think of it as coming down to you; this is called downloading information.  (When you send something, such as e-mail, from your computer it goes up onto the network; this is called uploading information.)

One of the nicest things about the Internet:  you can download software, pictures, and sounds straight from the network onto your hard disk. You simply click a button, and software programs come to you!

This usually happens in a matter of minutes. Messages will open on your screen asking your preferences and guiding you through the installation process. Downloading is a one-time deal; after that, you have the program right there on your computer. (You can make sure you can find downloaded files again later by assigning them to folders on your hard disk.) See Making sure downloaded files are easy to find later to learn how.

You can also get new programs or upgrades to programs you already have.  You can also get critical updates for Microsoft® Windows® 98 that fix security problems or other new releases and upgrades from Windows Update.


hard disk: The place inside your computer where information is stored.


What is the Internet?

Surfing, browsing, and finding your way

*Downloading software from the Web

Enjoying audio and video on the Web

Online shopping and security

Protecting your kids

Automatic updates and offline viewing