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Automatic updates and offline viewing

When you have a subscription to a newspaper or a magazine, you don't have to look out for the latest issue - it comes to you. Microsoft® Internet Explorer lets you treat your favorite Web sites the same way.

Notifying you of updates
Once you subscribe to a Favorite site, you can request to be notified when the site has updated. It's easy way to stay current.  Internet Explorer checks the sites you select according to any schedule you establish (daily, weekly, or whatever period of time you set) and tells you when that site has been updated. You can choose to be notified either with a red "gleam" appearing next to the icon in the Favorites menu or with an e-mail message.

Downloading updated pages automatically
You can also choose to have the new updated page automatically downloaded to your hard disk. Internet Explorer can download updated Web pages or entire sites while you do other work on your computer, or even while you sleep. You can then look at the updated pages offline (while not connected to the Internet) at your convenience, and if you're on the road, you can carry the pages around in a laptop and forget about finding a connection to the Web.

Working offline is easy. In the browser, click the File menu, and then click Work Offline.  Viewing Web pages offline saves you time because when you view the page, the updated version is already saved to your hard disk. You don't have to wait for graphics to load.

If you pay for an Internet connection based on the amount of time you're connected, working offline will also save you money. You pay for the time it takes to download; your offline viewing is free for however long you choose to do it.

Microsoft Outlook® Express also has a Work Offline command.  With it you can read e-mail or newsgroup messages offline and compose new messages to send later when you reconnect to the Internet.


hard disk: The place inside your computer where information is stored.


What is the Internet?

Surfing, browsing, and finding your way

Downloading software from the Web

Enjoying audio and video on the Web

Online shopping and security

Protecting your kids

*Automatic updates and offline viewing